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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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Yeah it's pretty much a new player thing, new players do things people don't like and/or are easy for scum to make look bad, so they get run up a lot. Either you get better and it stops or you don't and you become Marth. #shotsfired

Edited by Paperblade
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Yeah it's pretty much a new player thing, new players do things people don't like and/or are easy for scum to make look bad, so they get run up a lot. Either you get better and it stops or you don't and you become Marth. #shotsfired

or you become psych and play with that

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marth's role was obvtown, he only lived that long because he was doing nothing so mafia/wolf didn't kill him

He was (and he did) the same thing in Masquerade, and it still didn't stop people from wanting to lynch him.

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He was (and he did) the same thing in Masquerade, and it still didn't stop people from wanting to lynch him.

yeah but I wasn't a player in masquerade there to yell at people
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@Paperblade: How often do you even play nowadays, though? For some reason, it feels like you don't join games all that often.

Edited by Sangyul
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Yeah it's pretty much a new player thing, new players do things people don't like and/or are easy for scum to make look bad, so they get run up a lot. Either you get better and it stops or you don't and you become Marth. #shotsfired

Hey now its been a really long time since I got lynched D1/D2

Or you know, lynched (I don't feel like counting ITTD because people just wanted my playerslot dead for Randa's actions but ;-;)

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The logic!

Basically like a good number of months ago, SHIN decided he wanted to host a game. Using his main gimmick (being British), he decided to craft a game! With the aid of his fellow Brit SB, the game came forward.

Most of the roles were set from the beginning, although Barry Scott was originally planned to be a Vig. "Bang and the dirt is gone!". The idea of Prince William was pretty central, an ITP who got stronger if he could figure out who his family were. Jailkeeper was in so having a cop wasn't horrible. Most of the town roles are fairly minor, I wanted to see people actually make deductions.

The players

BBM - Played reasonably well, his train of thought was decent despite his critics. In fact, people thought he was so good that he needed to be dead!

bladescape - Despite his early inactivity, his reads were pretty decent later on, having flagged up 2 out of the 3 remaining anti-towns on D2. His action didn't go as he planned but it didn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

Boron - She got a lot of flak early on for her role, and a few of the cases on her early on were a little suspect. Despite a few somewhat emotional responses, Boron managed to help push the game forward. During N2, both scum and the ITP thought about killing her, although Shinori went for bladescape in the end, leaving j00 to murder Boron.

Cam - Probably the most confusing player in the game. His attitude made it difficult for other players to trust him, and he did things in a round about way. Whilst it could have been considered slightly antagonistic, he managed to avoid being both lynched or considered for a nightkill target. A little apathetic at times, but that's Cam.

Darros - A christmas miracle that he actually survived the game, I'm used to seeing him lynched D1. This was actually a really good game for him. His reads were logical, although he played things pretty safe. Not exactly a driving force, but generally a good player for Britain! In my initial set up, he was actually going to be the Jailer, but I decided to be kind.

FFM - Could have done with being a tad more active to be honest. There was some stuff during D1, but it dropped off after that. Threatening to sub out never bodes well with the other players, that kind of attitude isn't compatible with mafia.

j00/kirsche - j00 actually managed to lie low for a fair while. There were ums and ah's about j00 but nothing really came of it. kirsche was slightly unfortunate with his jailkeeping, eclipse would have read him as town if he'd targetted someone else.

Junko/Baldrick - Keep at it Junko, you're getting the hang of things! Your play when you were around wasn't terrible, I think it's stuff you'll pick up with practice. Try to see things in context of the game around them. Baldrick did pretty decently, he worked well with Prims to push the game forward and was pretty accurate with his reads.

Kay - In all honesty, I'm pretty disappointed. I can appreciate that RL happens, but don't sign up for a game and make like three posts, especially when you have a powerful role.

eclipse - The cop everyone wanted! She was onto Shinori and definitely had figured out who the SK was. Funny how the cop scan would have returned as innocent, dat Godfather power. Still, I'm pretty impressed.

Makaze - Mafia is a team game. As part of town, you shouldn't be causing needless confusion and act the way you did. In all honesty, I'm surprised town didn't get sick of you. You have the ability to play mafia, you just need to work on the attitude.

Paper - Exist more, you could have probably tried to fight off your lynch.

Poly - Who are you again?

Eli - Thanks for subbing in. You brought stuff forward, looked at what had already happened and come to some decent conclusions... so decent in fact that you died!

Prims - Pretty much townled for the majority of the game. I had initially stuck you with Junko so you could give him some guidance. You kinda spent a lot of time on Cam, be in all honesty, it made sense.

Psych - Again, being more proactive could have probably helped you avoid the lynch. You were fairly passive for much of the game, even when it came to your own lynch!

Shinori - Scum's main problem was motivation, your first day was good but then you kinda flopped. It was only by the time your lynch came around when your activity picked up and by then you were kinda screwed.

Walrein - Your first and only content post wasn't horrible. Again, if you don't think you can commit, I'd avoid signing up for a game.

Eury - Other than being a little too focused on the SK, you did pretty well. I don't really have much else to say


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Everyone in pic format, no less. ;/

Still, thanks, even if I think I sorta misplayed in the end (probably should've scanned Eury).

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I kind of think if I had been more active I would have just gotten lynched faster, since I had forgotten how to play scum basically and had to REALLY try to force out misreads

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Everyone in pic format, no less. ;/

Still, thanks, even if I think I sorta misplayed in the end (probably should've scanned Eury).

I'm at a loss as to which is supposed to be me, if any.

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i only figured out 15/19 (if there's a 20th i didn't even see it)

not really certain what user is represented by "angry bird quiche"

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