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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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Here, sorry; I was writing a script for XenForo last night and this morning.

Looks like I didn't miss much other than people giving eclipse a free pass for no apparent reason.

I'm not really feeling the FFM wagon and you don't need a hammer with only an hour or so left... Good luck.

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@j00 the wagon seemed to lose momentum, I thought that was because people were alright with the claim.

I'm also going to be absent for the first 12 hours of D4. 24 if I can't be bothered to read on Sunday night.

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All of you finally get sick of FFM's ramblings about various things that probably aren't important. As it turns out, he'd been writing pretentious paper about how scum didn't even exist! Unthinkable! You all give him the beating he deserves, finally teaching Mr Dawkins that being a know-it-all doesn't make you any friends.

Dear FFM,

You are Richard Dawkins.

'A delusion is something that people believe in despite a total lack of evidence.'

You're a famous biologist, ethologist... lots of ologies! You strongly oppose the idea of any religion, shooting down any claim they make with the notion of their lack of evidence and the power of science. You might actually be right, but you're not very nice about it!

You are a British Voyeur. At night you can reply to your Role PM with "PLAYERNAME, there is a logical explanation." You will then find out what kind of actions PLAYERNAME was targetted with. Unfortunately, you're so busy finding out what happened, you forget to actually learn who did it.

Post restriction: You must cut down any arguments you don't like with factual data, dismissing any "feelings" people have.

You are allied with Britain, you win when all threats are eliminated.

It is now Night 3! The phase will end on 21/6 22:00GMT+0, 23 hours for time reasons or when all actions are in!

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told ya

but did you listen? noooooo

That kind of stuff isn't exactly welcome, please refrain from posting like that. Post-game will be loads of fun!

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tbh if neither Shinori nor eclipse provides more content the next phase, I'm okay with lynching either of them, unless someone other than Baldrick picks up on whatever crumb he thinks Shinori left.

I do agree that Baldrick's been jumping around a lot, but I don't think he's scum. Cam, you were scumreading that slot for a long time, what is your current opinion on him?

Currently reading the Makaze/Eury interactions again

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"I do say, you chaps are mighty efficient! It's not even ten and you are all readied up!"

After being rudely awaken, you all head outside to find that nobody has been killed! How mysterious? The fact that nobody is missing would usually be a good sign, but in times like these it's rather unnerving!

Didn't announce D2 because tired and lazy. Announcer isn't the most valuable role anyway so why upet the natural order of things?

About the first announcement: As for D4, it seems unlikely that Eury is mafia going by associative reads.

We know by the numbers that at least one of the people voting for FFM is very likely to be scum. Both ITP and mafia have incentive to create a lynch on town much as town have incentive to lynch mafia.

Baldrick and Cam are still looking strongly town from associative reads and good town content.

Likewise, Prims has posted nearly all pro-town content; if he is scum, he has been shooting himself in the foot.

That leaves Darros, j00 and Shinori.

j00 is null. A little lacking in the scumhunting department but no anti-town moves so far and the case on Psych was not lazy. Needs to scumhunt more.

Darros has made a few scum reading moves like their weird defensiveness in RVS and going back on statements against ITP meta reads being possible.

Shinori has barely contributed anything the entire game and weakly sheeped on both the Paperblade and Psych votes. Also getting a bad feeling from the question, "Should I just hammer?". Asking this doesn't make sense unless trying to win favor with town by doing what they want; it's implicit sheeping whether he hammers or not.

Good luck again today. Have a nice night.

It is now Day 4! There are 72 and bit hours remaining in this phase! With 10 alive, it takes 4 to lynch and 6 to hammer! Phase ends on 24/6 22:00GMT+0

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1. I didn't make that announcement, and I am quite insulted that I'm not mentioned as any sort of read.

2. I was redirected last night.

3. Given the nature of the redirect, as well as something else that happened on D3 (which I'm surprised only ONE person caught). . .

##Vote: Prims

Go read FFTA Mafia and the last Choral Mafia (V, I think it was), whoever made that announcement. I want responses to what I posted - once I have your collective attention, I'll go into more detail. I'll be back later.

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I am getting suspicious that j00 is just scum with a consistent bus game. I thought her voting history was solid but looking through it, her votes on scum are mostly afterthoughts.

D1: j00 mentions how Paper / Psych are lurking but never really calls them out, she just lets them off the hook until they do more stuff. Paper vote is consolidation. Awkward how she goes from "Doesn't Paper just post one-liners D1 all the time?" to "yeah I've heard Paper sucks at scum so OK".

D2: Content is alright but at the time she switches to Psych she acts like she suspects Darros more and the vote happens once Psych is a common target, which means her vote wasn't particularly crucial in his lynch and is less telling.

D3: j00 votes FFM and seemingly stops caring for the rest of the day. Like if you look at her ISO it's as if she set up a FFM vote using insomniac, made it, then just let town do whatever without seriously scumhunting because she knew town wasn't going to lynch her that day.

Also this game has the "Announcer/Insomniac Problem".

##Vote: j00

I don't know what eclipse is talking about regarding the redirect, but I'm not sure how she'd have night results to work with that would allow her to pretend she thinks I'm scum if she were mafia.

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Funny how I'm giving flak by our announcer when I said I would have much preffered to lynch Makaze and thus didn't really want to lynch FFM.

Still thinking I'm gonna prefer a makaze lynch so I'm gonna put my vote there for now.

@Eclipse: Did you target cam? He's claimed nexus.

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As for other players:

People Who Will Never Get Lynched Tier: Prims, Baldrick

Not Mafia Unless They're Incredibly Ballsy Tier: Cam, Makaze, Darros

pretty sure this is lazy town shinori but please do something Tier: Shinori

??? roles ??? Tier: eclipse

All Words No Scumhunting Tier: Eurykins

May bend on people in the second tier if a convincing case is posted but can not imagine lynching them over j00 or Eury.

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tbh: Assuming she didn't just target cam, eclipse should just fully claim if she's going to do the whole "I have role information but I'm not going to explain it" song and dance, because afaik nothing happened last night that should have incriminated me.

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I came back to tell Baldrick that I saw his D3 post, and would respond to it when I had more time.

AND THEN I GET A PM STATING THAT THERE'S BEEN A HOST ERROR. Looks like there was a name mix-up, which invalidates my vote. :facepalm:


No, I didn't target Cam. However, the thing I said about D3 still applies (and once again, no one mentioned it).

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I just realized that this might be worse than I thought. . .and I'm going to be REALLY PISSED if this host error forces me to sub out.

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I'm not willing to lynch Eury today, the fact that she spends so much effort on walls arguing with what she's certain is ITP makes me believe she's town. If she's scum she still won't know Makaze's alignment, thus if she's wrong it'll stand out a lot more since ITP-hunting is already a lot more shaky than maf-hunting. She would be better off building a scum-case on others.

About Makaze, aside from rolefishing and stuff my main issue with him is how detached from the other players he feel - not hammering and saying "good luck" makes it feel like he's on the sidelines. He also seems to ignore the fact that announcers give you the opportunity to voice your scumreads if you get NK'd.

I think he or Darros is the ITP, Darros is likely not scum either because of the Psych vote, but he hasn't done much scumhunting.

Still null on Shinori, I don't think eclipse would fake a mess up like that, and if she was scum I agree with Prims that it'd be hard to bullshit a scum result on someone else.

I don't like how Prims throws out that I might be scum just as he votes FFM, and then conveniently votes me when FFM flips town. My Paperblade vote was weak, which I admitted myself, but my reasons for voting Psych were valid (his vote on Cam seemed like a desperate attempt to have the other wagon rolling) and I was there at the phase end when Baldrick tried to convince me and Makaze to switch to Cam.

If I was his buddy, it'd be easy for me to be "convinced" enough to switch to Cam, since as we saw, after Psych flipped most suspicion on Cam disappeared. If anything, if I wanted to be a good busser, I'd jump earlier on the Paper wagon, since by the Psych lynch there was only two scum left and it'd be a considerably worse idea to bus your only remaining teammate than your first. If I was scum, I'd have to be suicidal to bus Psych like that because the little town cred to gain isn't enough to make up for the fact that you turn into a functional SK early in the game.

You're also not obvtown since you got huge amounts of town cred because of the Paper wagon, but haven't been very noteworthy outside of D1.

You also seem more defensive than usual, as the Darros suspicion seems to have been brought up mainly by him being suspicious of you, and I don't like how you voiced yourself about eclipse claiming - if there's no reason she should have results about you, she still haven't got a reason to immediately claim. You were also the one who suggested FFM to claim and asked him if he saw anything other than the kill on Boron, and then waffled right when lynching him.

I agree that Baldrick is probably not scum due to the mix up though.

I agree my D3 was lame, but FFM was my highest scumread, he dropped his never-explained read on Cam and just sheeped everyone in saying Eury was bad, and little other than Makaze/Eury slapfights was happening that phase, and I still don't think any of them are mafia.

This might look like an OMGUS, but aside from D1 Prims has had okay scumhunting, but he's defensive, the point about me bussing Psych is weak because I'd only gain a little town cred in exchange for my last scumbuddy, and he's been fishing for claims.

##Vote: Prims

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