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Never go back to old forums...


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I was feeling nostalgic, so I decided to go back to one of the forums I used to spend a lot of time on back in the day, a now mostly-inactive Golden Sun / Fire Emblem forum called "The Roc's Nest." It was the forum section of the Aerie of the Roc, a GS fansite with lots of useful information about the games. I remembered posting a couple (really terrible) fanifcs there (well I was only 10), and some nonsense topics that I vaguely recalled. I was scrolling through the list of all the topics I'd made, and cringed. I remembered making a lot of them. Some of them really showed off the fact that I was ten. A good majority of the topics I'd started were closed, but that's probably because they were "how do u make an avater", "i need help in chapter 13 ephraim i'm desperate" "i need fe sprites plz com here" I clicked on some of them just for a good laugh and found my stomach turning inside out as I read the poor grammar my ten year old self could type out. What really got me was the responses to some of my posts. They just seemed kind of mean (justified, of course, because I was a flippin' idiot back them), but the worst part was that I just didn't listen to them.

Them: "Stop spamming the fanfiction section, there's no need to have three topics open at one time, plus one asking people if they like your writing. Also, don't double post; if you have something more to say, use the edit tool."

Me: "Here's chapter two."

Me: "Here's chapter three."

Me: "Here's chapter four."

I facepalmed so many times while reading this. So word of advice: don't go back and revisit old forums you posted on when you were young. Just thought I'd share this funny little anecdote.

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So what you're saying is, is "Hey guys I posted on a forum lol and it was embarassing so here's the details if you want to have something to mock me for until literally the end of time"?

Pretty much, yeah. I mean, I'm mocking myself, so...

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So what you're saying is, is "Hey guys I posted on a forum lol and it was embarassing so here's the details if you want to have something to mock me for until literally the end of time"?

Your avi is like perfect right now.

Also, I actually sort of enjoy going down memory lane and reading what i wrote way back when. This is really the only forum i have been seriously active for (ever since Nsider died) so its not too difficult for me to see or even remember how dumb i was back then. Although, I'm not entirely sure if the forums still has archives from 2008 since it has gone through a few updates and such.

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Also, I actually sort of enjoy going down memory lane and reading what i wrote way back when. This is really the only forum i have been seriously active for (ever since Nsider died) so its not too difficult for me to see or even remember how dumb i was back then. Although, I'm not entirely sure if the forums still has archives from 2008 since it has gone through a few updates and such.

It's really interesting to see how I'd grown and matured. I remember once I posted a really kinda shitty story on GaiaOnline forums, and somebody posted an honest and constructive criticism, something like "It lacks depth or any sort of a plot whatsoever."And so, of course, being like 12, I snapped at him and called him an idiot and the dude was like, "Whoa, just take it easy, man." and then within minutes I had realized that I was at fault, that he was just trying to help, and then apologized. Being a kid, who was always a little immature for his age, and being able to recognize that I'd done something stupid and apologize for it sincerely was a big milestone for me. lol

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Sometimes, I'm glad I didn't have internet growing up. Who knows how insufferable I was back then.

Im glad the internet didnt even really exist by the time i was young, stupid, and very impressionable.

Anyway, topic...

Most of my old forums are literally dead. Like they dont even exist anymore. This one....this one right here..*sniff* Its never a good feeling to see an old stomping ground die like that when there are no hard feelings. One of my first forums, rpgdreamers, died some time ago. It seems the site ceased to exist as well. I posted at Gamewinners.com hella fucken days ago. Im not sure im still in their database since it looks like those forums (still exist, shockingly enough, but appear rather inactive) got upgraded a lot since then. But Gamewinners was my very first mod gig. I modded the Legend of Dragoon board and even a Kingdom Hearts board. (the latter was because no one else would take that job. I barely even played that game lol)

My first EVER forum ceased to exist about 12 years ago. It was a forum dedicated to the band, Alice In Chains. After the death of the lead singer of that band (in 2002), it was shut down a few months later. Understandably. There was this one German guy...he was my very first online nemesis....ill never forget that bastage...

A very similar occurrence happened with the official Type O Negative forum. After Peter Steele's death, the forums pretty much ground to a halt. The band members (Josh Silver and Johnny Kelly) stopped posting too. That was really sad.

Starting in about 2002, i have managed to retain at least one online friend from 97% of the forums ive ever posted at and still keep in touch with. I have them on facebook and stuff. The guy i still talk to from rpgdreamers was also a member of the Ultimate Metal forums. (pretty sure he was the one who referred me to UM) I even still keep in touch with two people from that one Castlevania forum. (i kinda miss that place...) My forum history spans 13 years and is very colorful.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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I had a few forums of my own when I was younger. I used to make them a LOT. None were ever particularly active. I had a Code Lyoko one called Code Lyoko Factor that had about 15 member, which wasn't bad. I had a Yu-Gi-Oh! GX one that was pretty good, for a small board. Then there was this one Fire Emblem one that actually got pretty popular. I think we had over 100 members, and I had promoted 2 or 3 other members I trusted to admins, which was a mistake, because for some reason (I still don't know why), they demoted me to member, locked me out of the admin cp, eventually blocked me, and took over the site for themselves. I think I eventually found a way back in and I ended up deleting the site.

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My first forum was Wars of Dragons (a spanish FE site), and I was declared "great example of stupidity" due to how much of a n00b I was.

I'm the first and only person in that forum to have gotten rid of such a mention, though, due to having improved as an user. I still post there.

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the real magic is that over the years, you don't see yourself becoming intelligent and educated, just less and less dumb. it's beautiful. it lets me know that as a person, i am getting better, one day at a time! months from now, when i'm bored, i'll look at this post for gags and it'll be great.

looking at old, authentic "me's" is one of my favorite "well, i'm bored" activities.

also: alice in chains is 10/10. staley's death was a tragedy upon the world of music.

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My first big forum is one that doesn't exist anymore..

I miss Myffnet so much.. Least I kept in contact with my friends on it

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I have nostalgia blasts quite a bit, it's kinda funny haha

sadly the first forum I remember going on about 10 years ago no longer exists :( it was where I first discussed FE and met some of the coolest people I can remember

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I look at my newbie self and laugh. I've been on so many forums... If they were still around today, I would probably have a record of my entire progression through posts.

I was... Deplorable.

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I didn't really go to forums much when I was ten, but I did get banned from Fanfiction.net twice for making fanfics to bash other people on the site I didn't like. I got banned from the Animal Crossing forum on a now-dead site called Gametalk when I was 13-14 due to having a "you can't tell me what to do" attitude towards their rules against talking about Time Travel (changing the date&time on the Gamecube clock) and Universal Codes (codes you could tell to Tom Nook to get rare items for free).

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I didn't really go to forums much when I was ten, but I did get banned from Fanfiction.net twice for making fanfics to bash other people on the site I didn't like. I got banned from the Animal Crossing forum on a now-dead site called Gametalk when I was 13-14 due to having a "you can't tell me what to do" attitude towards their rules against talking about Time Travel (changing the date&time on the Gamecube clock) and Universal Codes (codes you could tell to Tom Nook to get rare items for free).


I mean, those rules are sincerely stupid.

I don't know a player nowadays who hasn't time traveled, at least not in New Leaf.

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My first forum was this place called AOM Heaven; dedicated to Age of Mythology. I can't quite remember why I discovered it; I think I was looking for mods/scenarios to play and I stumbled upon it.

I wasn't too terrible a member; actually ended up on the "official" review team for a brief stint. How, I don't really know, because when I go to look at those reviews now they're filled with typos and generally unnecessarily positive.

The site's still around, and I imagine it's gotten a brief surge of activity from AOM's release on Steam, which I really need to get sometime.

In any case, I find it pretty humorous to look at 11-12 year old me taking his baby steps on the internet. :XD:

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Hm, the first forum I ever posted on was a general video game forum. I searched for it recently, but it doesn't seem to exist anymore, sadly. I remember it being very inactive though, and it used some archaic topic system. (You couldn't bump topics, they were always chronological, and they were deleted after a certain time regardless of activity)

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