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Conspiracy Mafia - End of Days


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well, if Cam could only shoot once, a one shot Illuminati is also possible, no? (the credit for this theory goes to BBM)

my theory was once every two nights, you get to recruit once

and my added theory on the above theory of BBM's is that if the person recruited dies, Illuminati may recruit again (which is what I think is the scenario atm)

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I'm not really willing to claim at this point, I don't think it'll actually help very much and all it does is give scum information. Again, my dearest apologies for my inactivity, I super-duper promise actual content this evening!

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Honestly, I don't think Shin would show up just to say he can't do anything as scum. ##greatreads

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obligatory Shin stop bonking Boron

I don't think that there's a fulltime cult, but I haven't 100% ruled out the possibility of a cult with only one recruit (other than the Via one) to match the 1-kill SK.

Prims, you stepped around me saying that you make the most sense as buddies with Vhaltz without actually saying who you think is buddies with Vhaltz. If you think it's Vhaltz + Proto/Shin then is it really that big a deal if the one of Proto/Shin that's clear claims now?

Regardless I think that we're just going over the same stuff over and over at this point. Not sure it's going to progress more without Vhaltz flipping.

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Sorry, the last ten days of Ramadan are keeping me really busy here.

Vhaltz telling Poly to target him was pretty clever and the resulting interactions have convinced me that Vhaltz+Poly are not in the same scumteam. Scum!Poly + Town!Vhaltz seems incredibly unlikely as well. This leaves me with Town!Poly + Town!Vhaltz or Town!Poly + Scum!Vhaltz. So to my eyes, Poly is kinda cleared (though I still think his ability does more than just detect Millers) unless there are more third parties.

I'm still wary of Prims but his points on Vhaltz are very good, and I particularly agree that Vhaltz's reactions towards Poly, for both this phase and last phase, are really scummy. The circumstances of Vhaltz's claim and the rolespec behind it are enough reasons for me to ##Vote: Vhaltz

Prims still looks worse than Refa to me, but I'll rethink my stance on Prims if Vhaltz flips scum. While Shin definitely needs to exist more, I find Vhaltz/Refa to be a more realistic scumteam. I'm also seriously entertaining the possibility of a Mafia Infiltrator, not just because of the suspicious flavor in Xinnidy's role PM, but also because I think three cleared Masons is a little too much in a game of this scale.

I'm also unsure if I should claim, because at this point, it shouldn't be hard to narrow down the remaining roles on the remaining unclaimed players.

Requesting votals, because Refa apparently didn't persuade me tonight.

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obligatory Shin stop bonking Boron

Hey, I don't tell you all whether to bonk or not OK, I'm actually going to post now, nobody hammer before I've done it.

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I really can't do anything right now because I'm in the middle of a three-day mangacon, I have no time and no energy left

I feel like Refa/Prims or Proto/Prims is the most likely scumteam off of gut on how the wagon on me formed but I'll give some final reads tomorrow.

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Real post time! Man, I bet scum paid as much attention last night as I am now.

Refa's really been confusing me, he seems all over the place compared to usual - even compared to the early game. I don't know why I keep saying this but I have a BUTTREAD on it. Also, you're probably a tomato.

In all honesty, I can kinda see the case on Vhaltz. His interactions with Weapons were more halfhearted than Xin's or Kay's and I'm not terribly convinced by that claim - it seems too weird to really make sense. There's also the fact he's made no attempt to make a case today. I can appreciate that he hasn't been around much, but he's literally been defending himself the entire phase. Surely there would be someone you suspect?

I am intending to vote Vhaltz. However, if I do it's hammer and Vhaltz did say he would be back.

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I don't buy the reasons for Prims' sudden switch because the weight of the cases don't even compare, saying that my interactions with Weapons were worse than Poly's because they're "subtle" is just a way to twist "not interacting" into somehow scummy. Like his only points in this regard is how Mitsuki said she found him suspicious right at D2 start which is recycled from what BBM said D2 and I already explained here, and how I didn't answer to some random question weapons made which wasn't even a question as much as it was a remark, answering "does Vhaltz post this much as scum?" with "yes" is a waste of space and the question had already been answered by other people. context goes out the window and the wording is specifically there to make things sound worse than they actually are

as it stands I'm pretty certain Prims is scum because coasted through all of D2/D3 on a Poly tunnel only to selectively effort now when lynch options for scum are running out (note that none of Refa/BBM/me were interested in Poly lynch so his lynch this phase would've been entirely impossible)

sorry guys I really need to sleep

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Prims, you stepped around me saying that you make the most sense as buddies with Vhaltz without actually saying who you think is buddies with Vhaltz. If you think it's Vhaltz + Proto/Shin then is it really that big a deal if the one of Proto/Shin that's clear claims now?

Optimal play is optimal play. Also saying I think it's the non-trustworthy one of Proto/Shin is not sidestepping.

dont really care to respond to vhaltz when hes going to die anyway, get wrecked

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Honestly what are we even waiting for before hammer? Claims from Shin/Proto definitely aren't it. I'm very confused why BBM would want them to claim since if the scumteam is Vhaltz and I like he seems to think it is then it outright benefits scum to know who the protective role is.

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is it just me, or is it weird that Vhaltz did not make a case on Shin, the easiest guy to go after at the moment?

and also,

"does Vhaltz post this much as scum?" with "yes"

did Vhaltz just claim scum?

I still would prefer if Shin and Proto claimed and atm, wondering if Prims wants to hide the claim of one of those two

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How many times do I have to repeat this?

However if Poly or Refa is scum, which isn't -totally- impossible, not having the doc claim means they have to either guess which one the doc is, hope to outguess the doc, or make a weird kill and limit their mislynch options, which could potentially out them.

However if Poly or Refa is scum, which isn't -totally- impossible, not having the doc claim means they have to either guess which one the doc is, hope to outguess the doc, or make a weird kill and limit their mislynch options, which could potentially out them.

However if Poly or Refa is scum, which isn't -totally- impossible, not having the doc claim means they have to either guess which one the doc is, hope to outguess the doc, or make a weird kill and limit their mislynch options, which could potentially out them.

However if Poly or Refa is scum, which isn't -totally- impossible, not having the doc claim means they have to either guess which one the doc is, hope to outguess the doc, or make a weird kill and limit their mislynch options, which could potentially out them.

However if Poly or Refa is scum, which isn't -totally- impossible, not having the doc claim means they have to either guess which one the doc is, hope to outguess the doc, or make a weird kill and limit their mislynch options, which could potentially out them.

However if Poly or Refa is scum, which isn't -totally- impossible, not having the doc claim means they have to either guess which one the doc is, hope to outguess the doc, or make a weird kill and limit their mislynch options, which could potentially out them.

However if Poly or Refa is scum, which isn't -totally- impossible, not having the doc claim means they have to either guess which one the doc is, hope to outguess the doc, or make a weird kill and limit their mislynch options, which could potentially out them.

However if Poly or Refa is scum, which isn't -totally- impossible, not having the doc claim means they have to either guess which one the doc is, hope to outguess the doc, or make a weird kill and limit their mislynch options, which could potentially out them.

However if Poly or Refa is scum, which isn't -totally- impossible, not having the doc claim means they have to either guess which one the doc is, hope to outguess the doc, or make a weird kill and limit their mislynch options, which could potentially out them.

However if Poly or Refa is scum, which isn't -totally- impossible, not having the doc claim means they have to either guess which one the doc is, hope to outguess the doc, or make a weird kill and limit their mislynch options, which could potentially out them.

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I'm still not claiming, outing my role would do nothing but benefit scum!

##Vote: Vhaltz

I'm really not seeing the last ditch attempt of a case, the points are there but it's grasping for straws. I'm still warey of Blitz's desire for claims, I'm struggling to see how it'd help town at all.

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Vhaltz and Mitsuki, you are an Innocent Person Hider.

You’ve never been the bravest person out there; you were afraid of the dark until you were twelve years old for god’s sake. Honestly, this whole conspiracy thing terrifies you, so much that you joined up with two others in order to ensure your safety. You’re not fond of killing, but if your life is on the line, you’ll do it.

Despite being in the mafia, you’re still scared shitless of everything. During the night, you may ##Hide behind another player, causing all actions that target you to target them instead. This does not count as a redirect. If the player you are hiding behind dies, you will die as well.


You are aligned with the Innocent People... or are you? You win when all threats are eliminated. Or maybe that's what they want you to think…

It looks like there's still one bad guy left... Or... is there?

It is now Evil Night. Evil Night ends in 24 hours at 9PM PDT (GMT-7).

Edited by Paperblade
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After a good "night"'s rest, the survivors re-converged in the town square. After a quick headcount, they concluded that BBM is missing, and went to search for him. You pass through the graveyard along the way, looking at everyone who lost their lives along the way. Apparently that's nobody, because all the graves are empty. They have to be zombies, right? That's the only explanation for what could've happened!

Eventually, you find BBM's corpse floating down the river, and retreive his role pm, wondering how long it will be before he is reanimated as well...

BBM, you are an Innocent Person Mason.

You have two brothers, one older and one younger. The younger one is an annoying shit at times, and your elder brother is a massive dick, but you didnt think that they could be up to something until yesterday. You found them whispering to each other, then stopped and ran away when they saw you, so maybe they arent so harmless after all?


You are aligned with the "Innocent People"... or are you? You win when all threats are eliminated. Or maybe that's what they want you to think...

Wait, BBM was town? How could Manix be wrong?

It is now Day of the Dead. Day of the Dead ends in 72 hours at midnight GMT+0 on 24/07/14.

Edited by Smug Brit
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