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Everyone is Mafia Anonymafia 3.2


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So yes if you haven'tclaimed an alias to me, you probably should.

I'm missing approximately 4 alias-to-name identities, so PoE is a legit thing to me

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There's approximately 12h left in the phase (countdown is at the bottom of the OP, for future reference). Reminder that everybody should send in actions through PM, and that logs showing intent to use certain actions don't double as submitting those as actions.

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So yes if you haven'tclaimed an alias to me, you probably should.

I'm missing approximately 4 alias-to-name identities, so PoE is a legit thing to me

inb4 everyone decides that Elie is a scumbag and takes proper action

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inb4 everyone decides that Elie is a scumbag and takes proper action

As if I actually did anything worthy of punishment

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All actions are in!

Bulletproof Miller Vigilante, the Mafia Vanillizing Naive Cop, lied about his role for the last time.

Johnny Bravo, the Mafia Watcher, hit on too many minors to be left alive by law enforcement.

Ceadeus, the Multivisiting NightJester, was shot by over five people in a single nightphase and won N1.

Dead players:


- Elieson


- Kaoz

That's a shitty amount of deaths for 21p, step it up people, or the not-so-hidden player Mitsuki will murder you all!

N2 starts now, 24 hours to send in actions. Countdown clock will be provided and updated in the OP tomorrow.

Edited by Vhaltz
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Eh I kinda sent results in a rush because Kaoz wanted to go to bed and I wanted to update before he left, if anybody else is missing theirs let me know.

Aliases alive (18/21):

- Backspace

- Caesar

- Can't Stop Believing

- Doofenschmirtz

- Dweeb


- Invidia

- Kirk

- Locobrickz

- Naobyu

- Niche

- No Name Mouse

- O.G.

- Roasted Chicken

- Robina

- Tiger

- TotallyNotCiraxis

- Tragedy

Players alive (18/21):



















Dead Aliases:

- Johnny Bravo

- Bulletproof Miller Vigilante

- Ceadeus

Dead players:


- Elieson

- Kaoz

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...However, Ceadeus only won in an alternate universe in which I had one more sign-up to use that role, in this universe his actual role was:

Mafia Haterizer. Hating people was too mainstream, so he made everybody hate him instead.

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