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Where are YOU when you're on SF?

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My house, which makes sense because all of my classes are currently online.

Edited by Refa
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During school it'll be in my room. Not during school it'll be in the living room of my parent's house.

Mostly I'm in Mafia when I'm on SF. I used to be active in sprites back in the day, and have been trying to actually finish an entry for the comps before the deadline for several weeks. I have yet to succeed a that.

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Lappy in my room or kitchen when I'm in Indiana or lappy in Integrity's room when I'm in Ohio though atm I'm in the guest room because I just woke up and am waking up Edited by Freohr Datia
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In my room at my computer or at work on my phone. Mostly the latter these days :<

I typically hang out around FFtF, Other Games, and the Spriting boardss, with occasional visits to all of the Fre Emblem boards with the exceptions of Awakening and the DS boards. ~o3o~

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On the shitter with my phone

That's me but with my laptop ;)

Oh yeah I'm also everywhere in SF; From Serious Discussion to FFtF (like rite now) to ROM Hacking.

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Home on my laptop.

90% of the time at the New Content page, waiting for topics I follow to update (includes my time looking at those topics). 8-9% is occasional looks at the main forum page to see new topics, and 2-1% is looking at FftF and/or Serious Discussion (only look at SD to see if there are any interesting discussions going on that I can read). 1 or so% leeway for stuff like messing around with profile stuff or thinking about making a new topic and then chickening out in fear of negative remarks.

Edited by Konnor97
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pretty bad, i'd say. not feplanet bad, but they're on the decline. they're at about a post a week, far as i can tell. but then again, how much more can you say about the gba games after 10 years?

Thst's because everyone moved to feu
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