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Why are green units so useless?


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No matter what chapter it is, they're always low leveled, poor stats, weapons with weight higher than their con, and usually die in two hits. And they always seem to be Knights. Most people like to use them for meat shields but I want to protect them from danger. And when I do they bum rush some enemy and die.

Edited by Ace Gamer
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Green armies lead by Skrimir or Tibarn rip their way through anything in both PoR and RD. Yellow units in the latter are pretty powerful too. It's just that they are very unreliable since they move before the enemy phase and do absolutely nothing to keep their bishops save.

Also, remember Alvis appearance in the Prologue of FE4? Areone in the final chapter? Or Lucia's and Geoffrey's teams in PoR? Paola and Catria in Gaiden? Or that badass Rausten Knight in FE8 who laughs at the blade of a daring thief just to die from it's poison after a few turns? Okay, forget that last one.

Edited by BrightBow
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best green units came in fe5 chapter 14

Oh yeah, can't forget those. They were a nice change of pace and a good reason to pay attention to the script.

However, the most amazing NPCs have to be the ones in Sennet's team from Tear Ring Saga. They even get their own unique weapons like the Leda Lance. He really makes you feel like Runan wasn't all that important on the grand scale of things. I wish they were all recruitable so that I could fight against them in muliplayer mode.

Team Lionheart and Loffaru also come to mind. And the mages in the Wind Temple turned out to be surprisingly competent. At least when compared to their leader.

Edited by BrightBow
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I'm sure Pent can explain why green units suck so much

Hue~ Pent is best green unit. To the point where hes a detriment if you want that sweet loot and gaiden chapter.

Don't forget 3-13 Archer

Hes yeller. But not yellow bellied!!!

Certain green units just arent programmed to have good AI so you have to really work to get the benefits of saving them. (thus making the chapter/game more difficult) If all greens had good AI, we could just sit back and let them smush everything. :V

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Hue~ Pent is best green unit. To the point where hes a detriment if you want that sweet loot and gaiden chapter.

Hes yeller. But not yellow bellied!!!

Certain green units just arent programmed to have good AI so you have to really work to get the benefits of saving them. (thus making the chapter/game more difficult) If all greens had good AI, we could just sit back and let them smush everything. :V

The Ostian knights aren't smushing their maps without a good +10 to all stats. Still, a survival-minded AI would make a few chapter objectives easier.

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I've always considered the GBA green units as meat shields (I know i'm horrible) but I always thought it was meant to show how much of an amazing tactician with the green units going head first into enemy fire and all. But Fe10 green units didn't seem so bad to me. They usually ripped through the first waves of enemies and my group cleaned up the rest. But honestly I just think its to make you realize how idiotic these armies are without you.

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TBH I never found 3-13 Archer to be helpful. If everyone else and I are thinking of the same archer, he died as soon as the Laguz reinforcements arrived and never did anything to help.

and yes green units are bad. ESPECIALLY in RD, Fiona's team in chapter 1-6 are ESPECIALLY bad, with all of the heavy items that are heavier than their strength, and dying in 1 hit... god they're terrible. If the speed negated from the heavy items wasn't bad enough, they also lost speed AND skill from rescuing the even WEAKER green units.

Edited by Draco
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Green units tend to be incompetent since there is usually a reward for managing to keep them alive.

When there isn't a reward included, they tend to suck significantly less (Eldigan, Alvis, Sety, Pent, Black Knight, etc. etc.). The notion that green units are incompetent to make the player feel better about themselves is way unjustified.

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I remember being really surprised in that one chapter in Thracia where you're given control of generics that would otherwise be green units. One might view them as fodder but I was really motivated to keep them alive even if there was no reward for it because they were essentially green units you could play as.

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In all honesty, out of the FE games I've played, the number of times I've seen an NPC unit who was actually capable of pulling his weight on the battlefield is one I can count on one hand (Burger King, Pent).

Edited by Levant Caprice
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