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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 Signups


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Then RNG has struck again. Oh well.

Considering the time at which the original postw as edited I guess Paperblade simply hasn't read your reply yet. After all there are still more names listed than allowed players.

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Considering the time at which the original postw as edited I guess Paperblade simply hasn't read your reply yet. After all there are still more names listed than allowed players.

. Yep I was simply a minute late. Things just happen I suppose.
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you should rope in rein and hydra him with me so maybe both of us flaking out will add together to be almost acceptable activity levels

or you would flake out twice as much :^)
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I somehow got the feeling the point of the hydra was not to teach someone who's new how to play.................

[16/08/2014 6:26:54 PM] 【Prims】 I: because, you know, hydras are essentially a power role
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