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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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Also just realized that scum!jalmont wouldn't be BSing it because he was still right about Iris and other people previously. Like he CAN still be scum, but if he is, then that's just a part of his role. I guess if he found the actual CL, he could be BSing about Psych (so he could NK the CL), but it just seems like a stretch.

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Scum don't seem to have an outright inspect, so I can see them having a cult check as a built in fake, yeah. I think Jalmont makes the most sense for scum out of everyone who's left, but the question is if he's telling the truth or not about it and if he's pushing for kingmaker.

Alternatively he could be a really ballsy CL with scum!Beli but I'm less sure on that one.

How long do we have left again?

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I checked psych because no one told me otherwise and I felt that at this point and out of everyone he was who I thought could be cl just due to his claim and sketchy behavior as of late

On my phone at the airport atm but I'll do my best to keep posting if I have any more thoughts /answer questions for me

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I reread Psych and I'm more confident in this now. What I didn't realize the first time was how he was delayed in claiming he was cultproof, rather than outing it in his first post (or right after if he forgot it) which is how you're meant to play roles like informed and numbers, so I kind of feel like he just claimed it for towncred after he decided it was a good idea. I don't think his Iris interactions are unreasonable for CL either, she was lynchproof and there was no sign of a vigilante anywhere (I didn't think there was one until Eury got shot) and I'm fairly sure that the Iris lynch wouldn't have gone through (I would've hard defended her) unless Jalmont's report came out, so I don't think it's particularly telling. The fact that Psych came back to say "if you vote me, town will lose!" makes me leery of him too, since it's pretty much fearmongering and not actually giving a reason to abstain from the lynch.

I'd be down with hammering whenever I guess, if people are okay with it I don't feel like the result will change.

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Since everyone wants Psych lynched, I'm going to hammer. I didn't want to make any sudden decisions and I know we still have 24 hours left, but this is really stressing me out and making it hard to concentrate on doing my homework. I agree with what SB said, and apologies to town if this is a mislynch (fuck Refa).

##Vote: Psych

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"What are you talking about? I hate cults, you all know this. I could never-"

"Shut up and get in the noose!"

Psych was lynched.

Dear Psych,

I'm still sick. ;/

The cult's best move was not trying to recruit me, so good job guys. :P:

You are eclipse, Town Griefer.

More and more, I wonder if you actually enjoy mafia or just like making innocent neutrals suffer. Cults, wolves, and whatever the fuck Haze was in SFMM3, you hate them all.

You are aware that there is an evil cult in this game. You would also never be a part of such a stupid anti-fun game mechanic, and thus if you were to be recruited, you will kill yourself instead. That'll show them.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats are eliminated.

Wait shi-

It is now Night 7. Night 7 ends in 24 hours.

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No gods, no kings. Only men.

jalmont has been slain.

Dear Protojalmont,

As for the whole "Life is a dick" conversation, I am what I am. I play how I want and I enjoy it and the thing is, I'm good at it too.

You are Life, God of Serenes Forest.

You are the self proclaimed God of SF Mafia, although your flock has grown pretty small as of late, since after you joined the army we kind of stopped playing OC, and lots of the old guard left. However, you've not given up on this hellhole, and you've come back to save our souls. You will purge this holy land of the no-skill NOC menace, once and for all.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - USER, have you heard the good news?" You will explain to USER the good news of OC Mafia. If he is town, he will be convinced that NOC is a lame no-skill game and that the coordination and diplomacy allowed by OC makes for a much better game, and his win condition will change to yours. Unfortunately, most people, having never experienced OC Mafia, will be reluctant and thus this action will take two nights to complete. This action cannot be redirected, and the only reason it will fail is your target being immune to it.

You know there are some players with previous experience that will be more responsive to you, and thus they will only take one night to recruit, that being Haze, Paperblade, Proto, and Rein. However, there are also some heathens who would never play OC, and thus you will never be able to convince them. You know that they are Levity and Prims.

Since you are the de facto leader of this OC village, when you are killed, your acolytes will not know what to do with themselves. In their despair, they will begin to turn on each other. Fortunately, they will regain their composure before any lives are lost, and instead just lose their roles.

Additionally, at night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Just who is PLAYER?" You are a master of diplomacy and a cunning linguist to boot, so with your master detective skills you will determine whether or not PLAYER is in the game (as a fakeclaim or otherwise), and if so, which user he is.

Finally, you know that Blitz is not represented by a role in this game.

You are allied with OC Mafia. You win if all threats are eliminated.

It would seem an acolyte still remains, for the OC Mafia has not been eliminated.

It is now Day 8. Day 8 ends in 72 hours on Wednesday, September 17th at 5PM PDT (GMY-7).

With 3 players alive, it's 2 to lynch.

Edited by Paperblade
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"I can't win anymore... who cares? If I help you, you'll at least let me go, right?"

Refa assisted SB and kirsche in pinning down Belisarius, who howled for his god to save him as the life left him.

Dear Belisarius,

bored but confirming anyways

You are scorri, Town Crazy Cat Lady.

Mrow. You spend most of your time in IRC posting pictures of cats. You also get bored easily and shrug often, and have the enviable position of being one of the few people on SF who is better at being a maflord than a townlord. You miss Helios, your one true waifu. I dont know what else to write, *shrug* /bored

At day, you may respond to your role PM with "Giving USER this PICTURE." PICTURE must be an image of a cat. USER will receive this image instantly as soon as a host sees it. You can use this ability any number of times each day, but you can never reuse a picture.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats are eliminated.You are allied with OC Mafia. You win if all threats are eliminated.

SB, as agreed, spared Refa, who then fled to the hills, never to be seen again until the next mafia game.

Dear Refa,

I can quit playing mafia any time I want


You are BBM, Town Mafia Addict.

You have the dubious honor of being Literally Hitler. And you're not addicted to mafia. Really. Just because you sign up for every game doesn't mean you have a problem. Maybe other people should sign up first so you don't have to! Really! Honest!

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - I can quit whenever I want, USER!" USER will be so convinced by your arguments that if they kill you, they will not bother to check to see if you are dead. As a result, they will fail to kill you. You can try to convince as many people as you want of your non-addiction each night, but you will not know who killed you if you do. You also cannot target the same player two nights in a row.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats are eliminated.

Which left just the sole survivor(s) standing. kirsche and SB, now alone, proceeded to live out their life as they always wanted: Living together in a totally not gay relationship.

Dear Kaykirsche and SB,

Does reading people based on meta make me scum?

"more likely than not Kaoz will find a way to get you modkilled before you can negotiate anything"

...is what you wanted to say, right?

You are Vhaoz, Mafia OTP.

You are two European men in love... with mafia. Kaoz spent several years hanging around the mafia community after "retiring" before his spark was reignited in Healer Mafia by his one true love, Vhaltz. And a match made in heaven it was. Vhaltz writes huge posts and gets nagged by his girlfriend when he stays up too late playing mafia, Kaoz writes no posts and gets nagged by everyone when he doesn't play mafia.

Being heterosexual life partners, you are two players in one slot. As a result, any lynch votes against one of you counts on both of you, and you only get one vote. Additionally, if one of you is lynched, so is the other. For all intents and purposes, you are one player. This is made public knowledge at the start of the game.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Have Kaoz strategize with USER." Kaoz will strategize with USER to maximize the efficiency of his night action, making him immune to all hooks and redirects that night.

Alternatively, at night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Have Vhaltz read up on USER's meta." Vhaltz will research USER's past games and determine the name of USER's role. Note that this only gets the username behind the role, not the role name. For example, your role would return just "Vhaoz" and nothing about "Mafia OTP".

Since you have the bonus of being two users in one spot, you are much harder to kill than usual. If you were to die at night, instead only one of you will die (not really). If this happens, the night action that you used most recently becomes unavailable for the rest of the game.

Finally, you know that Vhaltzuki is a safe claim to use.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win if all threats to the mafia are eliminated.

Congratulations to the Mafia (Elieson, Mitsuki, eclipse, kirsche, and SB) for winning Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4.

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