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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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I also forgot to mention this earlier too but Weapons calling for a LAL on Eli and then saying he wasn't scum anyway is kind of weird.

Actually this is a good point, would like Weapons to explain that.

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Also that explains why I missed it. I guess my only real issue with you is your lack of scumreads at the beginning of the game, which isn't really that strong of a point. *sigh*

I'll probably respond to your case later.


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it's kind of how weapons plays and how I'm used to him playing

your responses still don't have me convinced but whatever :v it feels like you keep trying to divert our attention to other, little things, plus something you said to Refa which I need to dig out really struck me as 100% scum

also PoE because I don't have many genuine scumreads left


I'm serious please don't rb me again

n1 rb was fine but the double roleblock just really really frustrates me

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Also what bothers me about Beli is it's hard to get a read on them because their playstyle is so different (at least to what I'm used to); they keep voting people for really minor things and dismissing it as "this is just how I play" and I don't know how to make of that. Really wish we could get opinions from them on some of the bigger pictures. Do you really think Shinori is scum after Mitsuki's flip? Why is Shinori scum for roleblocking me??

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Mitsuki outing Elie is a nulltell because Rein said in the post where he claimed a guilty on her that he received all the info that she did. She'd be able to guess from that that Rein also received all that info (and he did).

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Also what bothers me about Beli is it's hard to get a read on them because their playstyle is so different (at least to what I'm used to); they keep voting people for really minor things and dismissing it as "this is just how I play" and I don't know how to make of that. Really wish we could get opinions from them on some of the bigger pictures. Do you really think Shinori is scum after Mitsuki's flip? Why is Shinori scum for roleblocking me??

That really is how he plays as town. The only reason he's a null read for me is because he's never rolled scum to my knowledge, so I have no idea of what to expect on that front. Would like answers to those last two queries though.

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The basic gist of it is that I thought BBM's case on Marthipan was good and all of the other claims seemed more townie to me.

Don't see why you'd think I'm being honest if you think I'm scum but now I'm probably just twisting things to fit my reads.

I guess? The turnaround just seemed really quick to me though and I thought you had other people you were scumreading who you could've gone after instead? I don't think we're ever gonna agree on this though so meh.

There were other people around to read the pregame so if you were lying they would probably say.

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Mitsuki outing Elie is a nulltell because Rein said in the post where he claimed a guilty on her that he received all the info that she did. She'd be able to guess from that that Rein also received all that info (and he did).

I don't think Elie is town because of that. I just don't think the reason people are bothered with him (which mainly seems to be him lying about his claim) are well founded because I feel like as scum, he'd out bearclaw so that noone would be like "what if Elieson is scum fakeclaiming" and handled the situation differently (like noone would think he's scummy for claiming Co-Driver without the dumb shots thing).

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I guess? The turnaround just seemed really quick to me though and I thought you had other people you were scumreading who you could've gone after instead? I don't think we're ever gonna agree on this though so meh.

Several people called my Boron case awful (these were the most active people at deadline) and noone wanted to lynch Eurykins.

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I just wanted to use that acronym cause I haven't seen it in years. Note the extra ?'s.

I want to believe, believe that Levity is town, but idk her playstyle has been really...hovery as of recent and late yesterday. Like, she's not really going in-depth on stuff and moved her vote kind of liberally. I think others are scummier, though, and I want to believe.

Something about Elie is that he said he was nullish on bear yesterday and suddenly today he's deftown? Talking myself more into an Elie lynch, but again ARE WE LYNCHING ELIE AS CULT OR SCUM?

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believe I am town bc I am town, my motivation for this game has just been waning

I was gonna PROVE MYSELF today but no shinori had to fuck it up so I'm just kinda going by my gut today because I am... too lazy to make really solid cases today sry

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Refa, do you try to get away with small/various size things as scum?

My last scumgame was Tyne-Ware, so I couldn't really tell you. Ask someone else!

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I feel like people are waffling a lot for no reason and I don't really get why

I kind of forget my read on boron, but I like eclipse and lean town on her, though bizz is leaning more scum if I didn't think she'd be cult over scum

I feel like refa might be cult or at least is going to end up cult but right now I'm okay with an elieson lynch ##vote elieson

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Something about Elie is that he said he was nullish on bear yesterday and suddenly today he's deftown? Talking myself more into an Elie lynch, but again ARE WE LYNCHING ELIE AS CULT OR SCUM?

I think his interactions still work as scum, so yeah.

Psych, do you think Refa culted every other player in the game last night? :V

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I think his interactions still work as scum, so yeah.

Psych, do you think Refa culted every other player in the game last night? :V





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Ugh I was rereading and apparently my scumreads are ugh and bleh

Shinori hooking Quote was still pretty pointless fmpov it was entirely on "Levi's happy; she must be cult but maybe not idk I'll hook her anyway". I'd like something more from him on this.

Somethin else that's been on my mind; why did FFM scan Eury? Also, why exactly did you vote Boron yesterday? You only had one line, and it didn't seem /that/ committed to it.

Psych why are you voting me (just for consolidation or what?)

BBM what's wrong with driving actions that we thought would hit a townread to Psych, the Cultproofclaim?

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Why did you need permission from bear to claim? It's not like you're masons or anything so how do you know that he's trustworthy anyway? You didn't have to claim your neighbour so even then you could've just driven stuff away from yourself if you thought you were that big of a nightkill target. The culting is kind of a null point, and not claiming your neighbour accomplished that anyway???

D1 I assumed he was trustworthy. I need to work with him to coordinate actions regardless, so I'm going to have a certain level of trust towards him, and based on Rein's report, it looks like Bear didn't lie about his action in terms of us coordinating anything. And I didn't think I was a nightkill target, but why should I out information needlessly?

You keep calling me and bear scum. Are you convinced that we're scum co-drivers? Night report not only proves that I'm not a standard driver, but also that anyone who targetted Psych/Refa got switched, which Bear and I targeted.

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@Elie- I don't think I ever said there was anything suspicious about your driver target. But you can't exactly pick suspicious targets, so...

@Refa- my Elie case is about his bad case on me yesterday and his Mitsuki interactions, which look pretty bad to me too, not because of his role. I don't really see why scum would have more reason to out their neighbour than town- it doesn't really bolster the credence of the claim by all that much (the flavour with Refa/SB being neighbour co-drivers made enough sense to me to accept that). If anything, it denies town info that scum already knows.

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##Vote Shinori

With the crunch coming up, I'd rather go with this than myself obviously, and Refa is so probably-town.

BBM take off your tunnelgoggles m8

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