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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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BBM I'm spending most of my available time this phase arguing against you and others, seriously. I. have easily half of discussion this phase aimed at me. I'm handling it howiI wanna handle it, and how I'm able to.

Your vote is already on me. Go find other scumreads please.

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I agree that Shinori's reasoning for hooking Via was shit but I don't want to lynch him on that, and also it's pretty bad that 2/3rd through the day, this is Elie's strongest scumread- he's trying to pass it off as UNDER THE CRUNCH but if you look at his posts today it's actually pretty much the only scumhunting he's done

Additionally, Elie is hard strawmanning my arguments because he keeps asking like "WHAT WAS SO SCUMMY ABOUT THE WAY I CLAIMED MY ROLE" when that's like 1% of my case. He ignores all the stuff that I was voting him for yesterday before the claim, ignores the fact that he called out Mitsuki's rolespec only to dismiss it not long after and then defend her when she was the largest wagon with time winding down to deadline, and ignores the fact that his case on me was not only bad but highly hypocritical and selective- which is probably a sign of the fact that he was trying to look for NEW and ORIGINAL reasons to jump on my wagon when he voted me.

I can see the Eclipse case but I didn't really see any problems with Boron and I think Elie is scummy, so I don't particularly think it's correct.

Actually your first point is legit; it kind of seems similar to Randa in SMT.

Uh...wait. Your second point confuses me. Not the strawmanning (which I can understand why you'd be mad about) but the whole Mitsuki thing. Like...did that actually happen?

Fair enough on the last one, I guess.

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Psych, I can get where you're coming from with your Iris reads, but she's definitely not mafia considering she was roleblocked by Mitsuki.

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If he doesn't respond in a timely manner, I'll place my vote somewhere more deserving; Shinori hooking you just doesn't make sense unless he's so confident about his Meta read that he's willing to take the gamble.

Bbm please.

I'm trying to get information to differentiate between confusion and maybe develop a scumread. Its not too late to apply pressure, right?

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But earlier you made that vote because you thought it was close to deadline. How can you shift the reasoning from deadline panic to a pressure vote?

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Because I dont know where else to put it, and I decided to try to make my vote useful and give it a reason, rather than just make an empty unvote

I think eclipse is scummy for not actually explaining anything against me (omgus but I don'teven care at this point)

I think bBBM is doing that scum thing where he just tunnels on stuff o make people look worse than they are but I'm bias against me so I doubt my read here

I think SB is scum and refuse to vote the claimed HUNTER for the day

I have townreads on many players and nullreads on many players. One of those nullreads is Shinori. Another is Beli. Eury and Proto and scorrideuces are null as well. I'm curious about FFM but I'm awaiting answers already.

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Hi. So I hooked Levy cause it was either her or Elie. And my block blocks for two nights so I was gonna get one one night, and the other another night! Unless different scum reads arrived. Or if something else happened that changed my mind. I ALWAYS BLOCK N1 YO. I'll try to read this thread a bit and possibly do something later.

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i personally feel that Sara. is not mafia. if this person was mafia-buds with mitsuki then i think she wouldn't have outed the fact sara. lied about his or her claim because that puts tremendous amount of pressure on sara. for lying (rightfully so). on the topic of lying on the claim, i think it would be suspicious had sara. had something to gain from the lie. as far as i can tell this person hasn't gained anything from it (ie town cred) so whilst i think it was questionable not to be honest, it's hard for me to see why a mafia would put themselves in a position where they endangers themselves with no obvious benefit

i don't know what sort of player shinori is, but i think that hooking night 1 is not the best play and then outing that this person is a hooker role is questionable for me because i think the more the game goes on and more information is revealed there is a better chance that they hit mafia and stop a kill. right now this person's play does not seem to be "ideal" villager play so for these reasons i think that they are more likely to be mafia at this point

user Iris i think also is mafia because of the post where they decided to vote marth. this user says some contradictory things such as "I really don't like turbo lynches" while then proceeding to join a turbo lynch. this user also would have rather lynched "elite or blitz" while contradicting themselves by saying "except not anymore" referring to blitz. their case on elie also was not strengthened with a real case in the time where they put their original vote with the reason of "bad vibes."

for the reasons i have stated about iris i'm placing my vote on ##vote Iris

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sorry for not doing anything juliette is not conducive to playing mafia games

what no she wasn't

she never claimed that

Mitsuki visited 3 people- Bear to start the visit chain, Blitz to kill, and Iris to roleblock. Unless mafia was going super hard on knowing some role would somehow be able to figure this out Mitsuki roleblocking her teammate doesn't strike me as incredibly likely, and unless we get significant evidence otherwise it's really doubtful Iris is scum. Shinori also trikes me as more likely to be town because of this, though I think his reasoning is a bit shaky, so yeah.

I'm just looking at the Marth switch right now and it seems pretty terrible. Dunno how I feel about Refa after doing this but I'm having a hard time reading him due to sheer volume of content. Bear's vote is especially terrible because he mentioned Marth only saying "I think BBM is sheepworthy" and literally never before that (or after). I don't think Mitsuki would track him as a partner unless she thought Bear or Refa would be targeted or target a lot of people in order to get the most information? I guess it's possible. He's pretty bad regardless. In general he hasn't really done anything so I dunno. There aren't really any votes in this wagon that I feel okay with at all.

eclipse totally did that "wow look at what the person I subbed in for was doing that doesn't make any sense" thing she does as mafia but other than that I wasn't reading Boron as scum, though I can sorta see eclipse's actions being mafia? I dunno I don't have any super strong reads right now really.

Can we get votals? I have no idea what they're like and would like them before I place a vote.

also hi jalmont

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Elieson (2): BBM, eclipse

Shinori (2): Belisarius, Elieson

eclipse (2): Refa, Weapons

Iris (2): Psych, Jalmont

Refa (1): SB/Kay

SB/Kay (1): Quote

Not voting (7): Bearclaw, Eurykins, FFM, Iris, Polydeuces, Reinfleche, Shinori

Day 2 ends in 16 hours and 45 minutes. There are 17 players alive, hammer is 9.

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##Vote: eclipse

I don't mind this lynch

also don't mind shinori lynch just bc I'm super salty eue

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I don't think shinori has even really been reading the game. he hasn't even voted today

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shinori is a girl

You're a girl.

I haven't claimed any of my actual role, Weapons had no reason to give info and the only info on Refa's role out there was who he visited. So yeah that's a lot of rolefishing. I also feel like your Shinori vote is really easy, why is Shinori scum off of the hook alone?

Do you really think Shinori is scum after Mitsuki's flip?

Why is Shinori scum for roleblocking me??

I'm not sure what Mitsuki's flip has to do with it they didn't have any interactions, but yes I voted Shinori after Mitsuki's flip so I think that kinda tells you something.

When a player claims they can prove their role there is no reason not to let them try to. If Shinori is town, why would he want to completely block you from proving your role instead of anyone else? You were literally the only target he should not have hit. If Shinori is mafia, it makes sense to block you for two nights and have his mafia buddies go for a kill on a different player to possibly hit a stronger role.

Hi. So I hooked Levy cause it was either her or Elie. And my block blocks for two nights so I was gonna get one one night, and the other another night! Unless different scum reads arrived. Or if something else happened that changed my mind. I ALWAYS BLOCK N1 YO. I'll try to read this thread a bit and possibly do something later.

Why was it either Levy or Elie? Also, this is literally how Shinori's last three posts read, from Aug 25-30. "I'LL DO SOMETHING LATER." It's been five days man kindly fuck off.

Hey guys, let's lynch eclipse today. Also, Boron was scummy.

I would be down to lynch eclipse, though I prefer Shinori. Boron was kinda weird in the way they defended Iris from my accusation d1 which everyone considered minor. The rest of his posts are actually pretty okay though. I don't like eclipse's read on Elie (two quotes that don't make sense out of context and an "I GOT YA" is funny though).

Psych is scummy cause that Iris vote is just ridiculous and screams "I don't have to pay attention to the game cause I already know everything." I'll excuse jalmont for this because he just subbed in.

Elie is town because she has had nothing but a pretty legitimate defense against all of the votes on her and Mitsuki tried pushing her D1.

I'm starting to think Bear is mafia simply because the only time he showed up was during the Marth turbolynch and that tells us he's active but lurking. He should be active and posting. He also hasn't done his normal lame excuse roulette so that's worrying.

FFM is scummy for dodging my question twice for no reason.

Soooo are we happy now?

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The thing that furstrates me about Shinroi though is I think he just DIDN'T READ THE FUCKING THREAD and therefore didn't know I had a role I could prove and just made a dumb decision based off of his gutread or whatever. because apparently I'm cl.

town havibg a double roleblock makes sense if there's cult. also sorry in advance i've been drinking. but yeah

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The thing that furstrates me about Shinroi though is I think he just DIDN'T READ THE FUCKING THREAD and therefore didn't know I had a role I could prove and just made a dumb decision based off of his gutread or whatever. because apparently I'm cl.

So Shinori is either really stupid or really mafia?

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