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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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Guh i guess it's good enough

I literally can't argue #8 because i don't know what was going through Mits' head (and it's only a gamble to say that, any time scum says someone is scummy and doesn't vote them, that person is a buddy).

Re #7, fmpov bear and I are in-part protection roles. If i claimed 0 shot, then I'd likely not get hooked. Claiming 0shot would mean that if I'm culted, that I'd eventually have to prove my role and that would be difficult if cult vanillizes their recruits. The point was to try to draw negative actions away from myself (and to not even mention Bear, on the chance that he would get targetted for reasons too).It's not like either of us are looking incredibly town right now, but considering I had one of the only active-ish roleclaims yesterphase, I'd sooner actually use my role to contribute than stick a sign to my head that says something like "HEY SCUM I'M DRIVER SO COME AND HOOK ME"

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I forgot she was even playing

I forgot you were playing

anybody voting me should probably out a read on bearclaw, the other Co-driver, too.

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I admit I've been kind of tunneling on Elie today but it's because I've only had time to post here and there and haven't had time to ISO other people.

This also hurts, deep man

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Guh i guess it's good enough

I literally can't argue #8 because i don't know what was going through Mits' head (and it's only a gamble to say that, any time scum says someone is scummy and doesn't vote them, that person is a buddy).

Re #7, fmpov bear and I are in-part protection roles. If i claimed 0 shot, then I'd likely not get hooked. Claiming 0shot would mean that if I'm culted, that I'd eventually have to prove my role and that would be difficult if cult vanillizes their recruits. The point was to try to draw negative actions away from myself (and to not even mention Bear, on the chance that he would get targetted for reasons too).It's not like either of us are looking incredibly town right now, but considering I had one of the only active-ish roleclaims yesterphase, I'd sooner actually use my role to contribute than stick a sign to my head that says something like "HEY SCUM I'M DRIVER SO COME AND HOOK ME"

You're not scummy because she said you were scummy and didn't vote you. You're scummy because she didn't vote you when you were a viable counterwagon at the end of the first day, which makes no sense for her to do if you were town.

I forgot you were playing

anybody voting me should probably out a read on bearclaw, the other Co-driver, too.

bearclaw - Refa, Co-Dependent Hitler Worshipper - Still Alive Day 2

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I'm townreading Refa/SB/Via for varying reasons

Rein is confirmed town obvs

Not sure what to make of Psych, but I'm slightly leaning town on him just in case

If Elie is scum, Bear is probably scum as well, if Elie's town then Bear's confirmed too

Kinda leaning towards scum on BBM off pure gut, but I need to reread him to see if that's just me being paranoid

Didn't read the others enough to get significant reads on them. Kind of have a super slight gut scum read on Beli, but I'd need to reread him further much as I do BBM

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wait Kay's hydraing with SB? and the hydra's not Manix/Via or Eury/Shinori flavour? holy hell this is weirding me out

also if Elie is scum I'll feel a bit better about BBM too because he's been on Elie all day

I don't think I'd be pushing him as a full townread though because it could just be a superbus for towncred especially since Mitsuki got shot

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Four more people need to vote Elieson. Would not mind an extension but I don't think there are even enough people on to ask for that lol.

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Actually I lied, I just want this phase to end. Probably better to get an extension than NL, though.

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By asking one of the hosts.

[7:30:58 AM] Kaoz: can I post that they're not getting an extension if anyone asks?

[7:31:09 AM] Brad: yeah

Not that I don't believe you, but that's still something a host should say.

We need to do something a no lynch here is terrible. Are we going to stay on Sara and hope enough people come by (I'll vote her if that's the case)? Are we going to lynch a non voter? Are we going to lynch someone else? We need to agree on this if we want something done.

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okay that's my bad i missed the page with rein's results and where it was discussed that iris got hooked ignore that then

rereading sara. closely, i will say that i do have to agree with a lot of what bbm is saying; i just can't get my head around why sara. decided to lie about their role. it just seems like an all risk no gain play. i guess sara. was trying to get town cred with codriver? that's the part i just don't understand which makes me hesitant on that lynch

on the other hand, i looked back at Mitsuki's post and i want to call attention to this one which i think really feels like bs

"Elie's latest posts make me think he's town. I don't think scum would be trying so hard when it's so clear they're going to be lynched, much less Elie "

first off the reasoning here is weak because for one , the lynch wasn't clearly going to be sara.. and then it follows that if it's close, of course the mafia will try and get the other person to be lynched! to me in hindsight this feels like reasoning to get off the sara. bandwagon and get on the marth one.

people want to lynch eclipse because he thinks sara. is mafia for lying? i think that's a legitimate stance to have and one that for the most part makes sense as a hard policy - it's just i prefer looking at context of lies which made me believe that because there's nothing to gain from the lie, mafia wouldn't unnecessarily risk death to lie for no reason. it's here i think we would want some more discussion from the codriver but that's probably too late to happen

i still think sara.'s lie just doesn't make any sense from a mafia standpoint and right now that's what is holding me back from thinking they is mafia

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bearclaw (the Co-Driver) should definitely be giving his actual thoughts on Elieson. He like says he doesn't want Elieson lynched but he doesn't even have a read on him? Plus who wouldn't want to literally bus SB amirite.

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