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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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Elieson (7): BBM, eclipse, SB/Kay, Refa, Poly, Jalmont, Reinfleche
eclipse (5): Quote, Weapons, Psych, Belisarius, Elieson

Not voting (5): Bearclaw, Eurykins, FFM, Iris, Shinori

9 hammers.

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"Look, guys, can't we talk about this and maybe lynch someone else? Like Refa, fuck that guy"

But no one listened, so Elieson was lynched.

Dear Elieson,

friendship is bussing

You are SB, Mafia Super Busser.

Note the acronym. You have a tendency to bus all your teammates when scum. You also have a tendency to lose as scum. There's probably no correlation there. You had the honor of being SF's representative at the Mafia Game of Champions, where you made like 5 posts over the course of a 72 hour ten thousand or so posts Day 1, were promptly vigged, and then we all laughed as the town got swept. You're pretty mad about that, so you figure now is as good a time as any to murder everyone else.

Your good friend, Refa, is <REDACTED>, and he trusts you enough to talk to you here at <REDACTED>.

Additionally, at night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Taking a bus route near USER." You will drive your bus near USER's house. Refa will have put another on that bus, and all actions targeting USER and the target chosen by your partner will target the other instead of who they were intended to.

In addition, since you like to bus your teammates and are such a nice guy, you will appear as innocent to any and all investigations.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win if all threats to the mafia are eliminated.

Looks like Elieson has a bad case of rekt

It is now Night 2. Night 2 ends in 24 hours at 3PM PDT (GMT-7) on August 31.

Edited by Paperblade
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Yesterday was a good day for the town, so no one is too worried when BBM turns up dead.

Dear BBM,

[spoiler=tips for making a good setup]1) Always include Insomniac

You are Prims, Town Bastard Mod.

Every time you host a game it is a hilarious trainwreck. Maybe this wouldn't be the case if you weren't a dick who included stupid shitty gimmick roles like Town Janitor and Insomniac in every setup, and instead included good balanced roles like Cop and Watcher and Bulletproof Miller Vigilante.

At day, you may respond to your role PM with "Day X - Give USER a stupid shitty gimmick role." USER will receive a role PM with a stupid gimmick. And by that I mean they will become an Insomniac the following night, but will appear to be a Janitor to all investigation.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats are eliminated.

But you're a bit more concerned when Rein is found dead as well.

Dear Rein,

And I wanna keep providing my objective analyses of the situations, so I don't wanna die yet

You are Proto, Town Reporter.

As a man of action, you do not believe in subjective fluff like things people say. You only care about what they do. This has lead to you getting lynched more often than not, which is pretty unfortunate. You also like bad setups (and not the Prims type of bad setups, which are still terrible but not quite this terrible), which is a strike against you.

At night, you may respond to your Role PM with "Night X - Just the facts, USER." You will get a copy of USER's results, with all the subjective fluff removed. That is, just the facts. From USER.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats are eliminated.

Looks like last night was a good night for the mafia.

It is now Day 3. Day 3 ends in a bit over 72 hours at 4PM PDT on September 3.

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Ok so based on like the last hour of d2 I don't think eclipse is scum

Anyone who roleblocks me tonight I will kill irl

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Since both of the kills were obviously town, I guess the second kill came from an SK (in which case they either idled N1 like a chump or got blocked somehow; doesn't really make sense with cult though unless cult isn't real), Mafia (most likely possibility IMO), or Town (why).

Also eclipse is probably town from associative reads, too lazy to get more at the moment though.

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