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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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I can't cop anymore, so all killing me would do is confirm my reports >.>

Less interested in Shinori after his responses because it feels more like his town play rather than the kind of stuff he does as last maf standing like in British (and being CL is probably pretty similar.)

I'm down with an FFM lynch, the reasons from earlier still stand and he hasn't come back and done anything about them.

I'd suspect Beli over Jalmont as last scum, but if I'm apparently still able to be scum, Shinori should hook me tonight if FFM does flip CL? Being cleared is way more fun than being in the 1v1 (gdi SMT) but if we don't lynch CL Shinori should probably just try and block the kills. Beli's pushing today has rubbed me the wrong way, it feels like he's just going with the flow and trying to push a lynch on anyone who he can get. Also, none of the flipped scum have ever mentioned him past Boron prodding him D1, which is kind of suspect.


If FFM flips CL:

Shinori hooks me for another clear

If FFM flips town/cultist:

Jalmont checks Refa

Shinori hooks Beli


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;/ at the above. I think we're all out of cops now?

My motivation for this game is gone, just as happy to lynch FFM because of role discrepancies, agree that Shinori's recent posts read townie, Jalmont's post where he votes FFM reads a little over defensive, almost seeming offended that I didn't like his WoMC target.

Jalmont shouldn't waste his cop on us and cop someone iffy like Refa or Psych.

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I thought we assumed that was impossible due to FFM having a proven track result+being redundant with Mitsuki's role?

He could be some kind of backup, I guess? In that case Shinori would hook Refa?

Wait, I'm dumb. And braindead. I don't think he's a backup though because no flavorcop has flipped yet (unless he's like backup + rolecop)?

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Jalmont shouldn't waste his cop on us and cop someone iffy like Refa or Psych.

FMPOV it's the same but I wouldn't mind being cleared.

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Also regarding my previous queries about cult's wincon, all Paperblade told me was that they were a threat to town. Thanks, Paperblade!

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Beli's pushing today has rubbed me the wrong way, it feels like he's just going with the flow and trying to push a lynch on anyone who he can get.

Or it's because these are both people I have previously and independently suspected and voted but whatever you can ignore that if it's convenient for you. If I (or anyone for that matter) were mafia would I have wanted to push Shinori to actually respond to the topic for a change to try and clear or implicate him as cult? I would say no but that's for you to decide.

BTW I have no night actions, I only have day actions. Do whatever you want in that situation because you won't get any results or prevent any actions.

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it's too bad SB/kirshe are one slot considering i feel SB is leaning good while kirshe is bad, seriously dude you ask me the same question two days in a row then call it "overdefensive" because i pointed that out? alright dude

disagree with belisarius going with the flow, i get the opposite read of him being decisive, going after his targets regardless of whether that is the "flow" thing to do

i'll prolly check refa tonight then

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FFM seemed totally apathetic as the noose was tied around his neck. In fact, you can't be sure if he ever cared.

Dear FFM,

Maybe if this game doesn't get 6 pages per day and I don't stay all day out. I like Mafia, I just hate the game's absurd pace and ammount of info.

You are Rapier, Town IRL Scum.

You have a bad habit of signing up for games then deciding hey fuck this mafia thing sub me out kthx host. It is unfortunate because you really aren't that bad, it's just Vergil would disapprove of your lack of motivation.

You have a bunch of old, unused roles lying around your house. However, you lose interest pretty quickly, so you can only use each once.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Rolecop USER", which learns what the target's role does, "Night X - Slowcop USER", which gets the target's entire role PM, but is delayed a night in which you cannot use any other ability, or "Night X - Track USER", which learns who USER targeted that night.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats are eliminated.

It is now Night 5. Night 5 ends in 24 hours at 4:15 PDT (GMT-7), September 9th.

Head's up that I might be late for tomorrow's update

Edited by Paperblade
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