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I don't see why you would bother posting in this thread unless you wanted a hug.

that sounds dangerously like common logic, euklyd. i'm a former humanities student dammit

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There's been chat threads for years. Among the worst of these were the empire threads - and I can't say that I wasn't a part of them. Since I was. It wasn't, to my recollection, quite as filled with anime bullshit as the HHH seems to be. There were, however, un- or at least semi-ironic statsheets. So it evens out. Either way it was largely a vector for factionalism and forum drama, which are as it happens my favourite things, it's just a shame about the tone of the whole affair.

I could be wrong about specifics, but I believe that the empires decided at one point to make an FE hack. These attempts became the hilariously bad first draft of Dream of Five. And in fact Dream of Five would have been awful forever until the mad cunt who owned the forum shut it down because ???. That forced some changes. Because we lost a lot of shit. But the changes were basically all positive, so there's that. That is also the reason it took fucking forever until people finally removed the character-names-are-forum-people, and it's also the reason why some of the lore is or at least was patchy as fuck. Basically Dream of Five is a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth until most of the cooks leave and the rest are quietly shuffled out and then suddenly it becomes competent. Anyway - don't take this as an attack on Do5, which I stand by as having become something pretty good, that people other than myself (since I no longer have anything to do with it - which is for the better, as Do5 suffered from me going through the Teenager Has Just Read ASOIAF Phase and I unironically tried to have a boss called Naithyn) can and should be proud of.

The most notable part of the forum drama was Randomly Predictable/Fayt Zelpher. Tiny newbies among you might know of him. It's plausible you've heard something that wasn't bad about him. This is a lie. Fayt was remarkably dogshit even before I realised it, holding such charming traits as antitheism, edgy opinions, and probably being a libertarian. He was also a corpulent neckbeard. He was, in fact, FEFan.png. Where he differed from the mark is through sexually harrassing more or less the entire female population of FFTF via PMs. Repeatedly. He was never banned from this, but left voluntarily - as a result, whenever you see his posts, you will see literally the worst-drawn Lute it is possible to have. It is the Platonic form of a shit drawing. There is literally nothing good to say about Fayt Zelpher.

Another charming person involved with forum drama was Crash Gordon 69 but I shall leave that story to someone who knew more about the godawful horsefucker

However, there is one note to take from the imperial era. When it all boiled down, many people involved with it - I won't name specific names - but we basically all became upstanding forum citizens such as myself. Time will harden you into a better person. And while I might mock you for the time being for your opaque, confusing and very anime chat thread, ultimately I can't blame you. You're making the same decisions - not mistakes, decisions (except for constantly changing avatars and names - that was a mistake and y'all should stop) - that I made at that point, and ultimately a core of people I met through it are people I still keep in touch with today.

that got deeper than i'd expected

i might bring up some real history tomorrow if youse cunts're lucky

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pretty sure im still in a constant loop of my "teenager who has just ____ ____" phase except ____ ____ is playing really shitty japanese video games that shouldnt inspire anybody

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