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Serenesforest's member appreciation thread- Hattu

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He's an integral part of the website. please don't warn me for that...

He's probably the most active at his moderating duties, moving topics left and right, giving warns away like free mints, but he's a cool guy.

Also has a funny sig. no warns yet, thank you sir

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This is so unfair, he wouldn't let me nominate him


.......even though I asked because I knew he would say no

............. I have no right to complain ;u;


and yeah speaking of it's also so unfair that he was selected the day I was gone all day so now I have to be late about it uguu

Edited by Freohr Datia
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[spoiler=INTEGRITY IS AN AMAZING PERSON]Integrity is an amazing person and he knows this and I know this and he knows I know this but I can always talk about it and of course I'd love to talk about it now as well~

He's so smarticals and he's a very responsible person and very hardworking and keeps himself very organized and has a near 4.0 GPA to show for it. He's basically the top of his class as well ^o^ He really makes me proud and does so much better than I ever did in college and not only can he do all of that work so well he even still finds time for laziness for himself and he still does so great And he has computer smarts too!!

He's fairly slow to warm up to people but when he does, he can be super warm and caring to them and generous too. Most particularly he is so with his family of course (and even that whole family is pretty gr9, it's made me feel a little sad and maybe guilty because my family isn't nearly that close with each other). He can use his smarticals and his patience to really really be there for a friend who needs help and he can be pretty great as a motivator and advice-giver/problem-solver! Goodness knows he's helped me a lot and goodness knows I've watched him help others as well

Aiku's actually so helpful, he even tutors as a job~! And he also is a TA. And even anybody on SF who needs help who knows to come to him does so and he is always willing to help out although he probably at least knows to remember himself as well, if he doesn't have the time or has work of his own he will turn it down so not only is he great at advice-giving, he can help teach as well!!

In exchange for that patience and kindness of his, though, he can also be harsh and blunt and he'll speak his mind against anything he disagrees with and he can be quite passionate about his beliefs as well~ But as I've said before, I don't at all mind bluntness but he does remember to stay a bit tactful sometimes? That or he's probably only really tactful when he wants to be ^o^ He can also, as any regular human, let bias get in the way as well but quite often he can be really reasonable. And as well, he's also reasonable enough to do what not many people can do: he can be convinced that he's wrong about something and he will accept if he's wrong. I feel as if this is impossible for some...

And well, at a point I was praising him for his patience but I think when he sees stuff he finds stupid he loses that patience fairly quickly (although there are all these people insisting he hates them but I swear hate is such a strong emotion that I've never seen him even care enough to feel... annoyance and dislike, sure, but hate? so sorry, he just doesn't care~) Even more, I feel as if some people seem to get the impression that he bothers them just because he doesn't like them. His opinion of you can usually have something to do with it (probably how nice he is about it~), but he's always fair about his judgement (it's just that his viewpoint doesn't agree with everybody else's, I mean why would you expect it to?) He doesn't speak against somebody because he doesn't like them, he speaks against them because he doesn't like what they did. But just because you don't see eye-to-eye, doesn't mean he had no reason to call you out, because in his mind he had plenty enough reason. Even the opposite applies, it doesn't matter how much he likes you if you do or say something he likes he'll say so.

So yes he has bias as anybody, but he's incredibly reasonable about it and is pretty fair. His face is pretty fair

Weee and my Isaac can be so silly and goofy at times~ it's funny because he often doesn't have patience for silly and goofy people. Making dumb puns the best kind of puns, making dumb jokes the best kind of jokes, flirting with everybody (probably most often just his friends, maybe not literally everybody), and making perverted twists on normal everyday phrases~ I can imagine a lot of these being things that turned off others, but I think it's absolutely adorable and I absolutely adore it even though he's basically cheating on me with everybody =O

Aiku is also incredibly OPTIMISTIC =O I feel like that's one of the things that's helped him get so far. He aims high and thanks to his smarts and hard work, he gets high. He even rubs it off on me as well and I always love feeling more optimistic about stuff~! I really appreciate all the positive effects he has on me, really. Well anyway, I hope he can get everything that he could ever want~

He's also stronku and fit because he exercises~!

and uguu his voice is so cute and he even makes lots of cute noises that I can't stop listening to and his hair is so soft and pretty and he's just a pretty person

[spoiler=...]Also BEARD

Edited by Freohr Datia
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And I certainly could keep my word if I enjoy talking about him so much~!

I'm never going to get bored of doing this.

O-oh no how could I, that wasn't supposed to leave the bedroom ;A;

and wow you're actually reading it...

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Ahh, Integ. I've been building up to this for days.

Integ, when I first met you, I looked at your name and thought "Ahh, he must have pride. Be Virtuous. Noble, Honourable, and maybe even downright chivalrous. Hell, he has to be polite, he's named Integrity after all". I pictured a 21 year old American/British college student, likely pursuing a path in chemistry. I also pictured you as the oldest of 3, and living in a college dorm or apartment close by. Even your job was noble. You worked at a book store, reading and learning of history past and civilizations of the present.

I thought you were probably the head honcho around here. Next to the mods, you were the next-in-line, but you were too cool and turned it down because of your "Position doesn't prove power" philosophy.

Remember, that above is what I thought when I first met you.


Now, I assume you wake up and think:


Alright. What's next. Onto Serene's Forest I guess, for...we'll see.

Now, I see you and quiver. Oh crap, "Integrity has entered the chatroom" startles me. I assume you are going to demolish someone for thinking something, because the only reason you enter IPChat is to be beligerant at someone for a specific reason, like something they said or did, like Harpoon and his obvious incomplete draft history, or 13 and his creation of more drafts than there are letters in the New York Times.

You're scary, bro. But that is until I find out you're not coming in to target something stupid that I may or may not have said. Then, you're funny. Even then, you're still providing quality entertaining at prices far below that of Video Hut and Netflix.

You're blunt. Logical. Methodical. Sometimes rude. And you know everything. Every. Fucking. Thing. I remember talking to you about Soren's role in FE9 and FE10. You knew absolutely every detail, as if you have some sort of photographic memory that most people consider a blessing and a curse. I lost the debate simply by joining it. Your debate and persuasion skills, thus, are virtually unmatched.

You probably visit the local mall and convince the holiday Santa imposters to come clean and crush children's hearts by admitting Santa isn't real in public. There are probably small children crying because of your incredible ability to broadcast knowledge amongst the ignorant.


Even those that know, probably shudder in your presence. Even your presence on Serene's Forest. In fact, I'm sure your mouse cursor simply being in the vicinity of the IPChat button causes at least one person on this planet to spontaneously combust, one person to demand money from the elderly, and two others to experience mental breakdowns.


On the other hand, you are smart. You are always lurking, and even when we don't know you are there, you come up out of nowhere and correct us. Even if it's not really revelant, you do. It's like you have a sixth sense for detecting stupidity. Not like it's hard to find, but you perform exceptionally well locating it.

TO be completely honest, until I saw your Voice Meme video, I pictured you looking like


but probably wearing aviator shades like the guys in Super Troopers. Now I know what you look like. It's actually...kind of what I expected, minus the shades (which would've looked dumb on you anyway).

I've never really met someone like you. Now that I know who you are, I must say, your existance alone has given me a new outlook on life. I never look at people to be potentially intelligent anymore. I see a lot more mischief and ignorance, and I definately question knowledge of even the most professional of bullshitters.

Only you could possibly be so gut bustingly funny, and such a pompous jackass, at the same time. Soul wishes he was like you, Horace enjoys following your posts, Life struggles to survive your onslaught of critical hits against him, and your sister just sits in the back seat and laughs as others try to oppose your might. Others wish they could be like you, or be rid of you. But All wish to be on your side, because any side that you aren't on is the losing side (unless it's in a Fire Emblem draft setting, then I'm on Horace's side all the way).

For you, Integrity, I salute you. The ultimate in forum members. The coup de' grace. An unstoppable being who knows not of oppression and defeat. The reason why questions are answered. For you, This.


And now I play the waiting game.

Edited by Sara.
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