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Serenesforest's member appreciation thread- Hattu

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tbf he's a huge dick some (a lot of the) times but that doesn't stop me from loving him like a brother - or perhaps more deeply....




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I enjoy reading his criticisms of people's writings sometimes.

He's definitely... creative with them.

Also this

a lot

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He's very entertaining around the forums (in a good way) and I enjoy reading his criticisms of people's writings sometimes.

He's definitely... creative with them.

let's be fair i haven't done one in like two years

i'm flattered by these answers, lads, and genuinely appreciate people giving honest answers

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Oh and since I made my last post without reading all the posts in the thread...I used to find Parrhesia's frequent anger kind of annoying, but then it grew on me a lot, even though I still don't have that high a tendency to be angry about the same things. He's a great member and a valuable irc person.

tbh there was a point at which the anger grew to the point at which i was basically a gimmick poster at times lol

i can't blame anyone for disliking that as long as they realise things have changed~

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It's not like I talk much with Furet, but from what I've seen he is a person that will tell you what he thinks exactly the way that he thinks it,

sometimes he may sound harsh but it's not that he has ill intentions...

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Parrhesia is needlessly antagonistic some of the time, spot-on much of the time, and entertaining all of the time.
Quick-witted and sharp-tongued. If he's ever afraid to speak his mind, he does a good job of hiding it.

Definitely grew on me.
(Also what SeverIan said)

Jedi is a pretty cool dude, generally pretty chill, and is p sensitive and ~always means well.

Integrity is also pretty cool, although he can be blunt and/or abrasive at times, he is visible about like, doing and saying things, instead of being super passive like ~lots of people~

another member that grew on me

(people not mentioned I don't talk to enough / aren't visible enough to have an opinion on)

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Parrhesia huh

I don't know much about him sadly, but his posts are highly humorous, which is already something

Also, regarding nominations






Just afew ideas for the next users, they're all cool

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From what i have seen, Parrhesia is a highly entertaining dude
that and Australians are always cool in my book

Also, regarding nominations

I second all of these nominations
they're all really rad dudes

Edited by Sockmaster
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I haven't payed as much attention to the other nominations on that list because I hadn't made any of them before but Dusk has been nominated like 3+ times by now and he still hasn't come up ;u; Poor Dusk~ He's waiting so patiently too!
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I haven't payed as much attention to the other nominations on that list because I hadn't made any of them before but Dusk has been nominated like 3+ times by now and he still hasn't come up ;u; Poor Dusk~ He's waiting so patiently too!

I actually completely forgot you nominated me all those days ago. Oops~

Oh, right, I've commented. Parrhesia.... Entertaining bloke, whose comments sometimes reflect how I think about a certain situation. I don't know what else to say, really. Would probably share a pint with, even if it's just to hear his stories

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