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Serenesforest's member appreciation thread- Hattu

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Hk is a pretty rad dude. Intelligent and just has this pleasant aura to be around

That and he has an eye for quotes

and I gotta support a brother from Massachusetts

Edited by Sockmaster
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My boy Hero-King!

Intelligent, considerate, and a good laugh to be around. Great person

I forgot to add that he is also a person I would share multiple pints with. If he's into that sort of thing :v

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He writes pretty fun little (well, maybe not really what I could call "little") narratives and they are entertaining reads~ Like that stuff he wrote for Purgatory. He also tries to be incredibly rational and unbiased all the time which is pretty great imo. He designs nice signatures!
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HUGE SWOLE ALPHA JOCKS are naturally charismatic

we are

Hero King... I feel as though I know them only by reputation. Fortunately, it's a good reputation.

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It's official. I don't know them at all.

The user you are thinking of is KingMarth64. Also, since I am posting here during this nomination I wanna say that I don't really know hero king, but I have nothing against him and am totally fine with him.

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