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Serenesforest's member appreciation thread- Hattu

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A solid nine out of ten. Yet another person who I think is largely beloved by the community.

ugh i hate when i decide to do an effortless sentence with no capitals and then decide it's out of place/looks dumb and have to go back and put capitals back into the sentence ;.;

i sometimes forget proper casing because i write in all caps irl and all lowercase on the internet.

i don't know shin at all. but i'm optimistic about people, so i'll say he's a decent fella.

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Spectacular hagottoitbeforeanyoneelsedid. But seriously, she's a really cool person and very fun to talk too, although I haven't really talked to her recently because SCHOOL thanks Obama. I could probably be more articulate but I don't think there's anything more that needs to be said?

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Simply superb. The only character we use in common in our main parties in FFXII is Fran, and the only character neither of us use is Ashe (to my knowledge, she uses Fran, Balthier and Penelo, and I use Fran, Vaan and Basch). Actually I think Ashe is the best developed character in FFXII, but w/e. Also, as she and some other people know, I associate her with skitty/delkatty fsr.

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Simply superb. The only character we use in common in our main parties in FFXII is Fran, and the only character neither of us use is Ashe (to my knowledge, she uses Fran, Balthier and Penelo, and I use Fran, Vaan and Basch). Actually I think Ashe is the best developed character in FFXII, but w/e. Also, as she and some other people know, I associate her with skitty/delkatty fsr.

damn you actually did remember my ffxii party


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so fly

so fab

so bodacious


Now in five, totally amazing flavors including Hot Cheetos, Cookies & Cream, Cambell's Tomato Soup, Salted Caramel, and Rocky Road.

Seriously, she's a rad lady. Always so reasonable and level-headed. I cherish every Saturday (and every off day that I happen to come across her on VARIOUS CHITCHAT APPLICATIONS) that I get to talk with her. I certainly do respecta the specta.

Edited by Esme
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Man, you're the only person I know who uses Vaan.

I used knives and shields on him so he could block lots of stuff. I think I kept him with a weaker knife for a long period because it gave him so much evade. I think eventually I gave him something else though? The Masamune was on Basch though. I have no idea who I gave the tournesol to.

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Rae's super cool (doctor) and she's also adorable (just like her voice!! =O) and she can be pretty nice and open-minded and reasonable~ She has super gr9 taste in clothes! She's one of the few people in this forum who is very outgoing and confident in herself too~ And she just wants to be happy and people make her happy so she's happy and I love happy~ She's also witty and smart and fun!!

Specta is amazing ^o^

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Rae's super cool (doctor) and she's also adorable (just like her voice!! =O) and she can be pretty nice and open-minded and reasonable~ She has super gr9 taste in clothes! She's one of the few people in this forum who is very outgoing and confident in herself too~ And she just wants to be happy and people make her happy so she's happy and I love happy~ She's also witty and smart and fun!!

Specta is amazing ^o^

I skimmed this before reading the whole thing and somehow extracted the phrase "She just wants people to wear clothing!"

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