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Serenesforest's member appreciation thread- Hattu

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Jyo is pretty cool from what little time I've spent talking to him.

Apropos nothing I have no idea what his avatar on Twitter is.

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Well fudge, I've been calling him Sever Lan for years.

I knew it was an I --uh, an i-- for quite awhile, but I was never sure whether to pronounce it "Seh-ver-ee-an," or "Suh-vayr-ee-ihn," which is how I pronounce Severian's name from Book of the New Sun. -___-

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Yes, but don't tell anyone.

I knew about it for a lot of years now. B:

On the subject of NinjaMonkey

he hates valkyries

I love valkyries

our MOJOS conflict, man

can't trust someone who can't GROOVE with me, y'know?

putting it gently.

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