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Serenesforest's member appreciation thread- Hattu

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Loki is really funny and always has some of the most entertaining gifs or images to accompany her stuff. Also she is good at proving a point while not coming off as aggressive.

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Loki has a head on her shoulders, a good humour about her, and respect for her fellow members. She is also a skilled spriter. One of the highest members in my esteem.

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I'll post aabout the members I missed too.


Jyosua is one of those people who I know is important but never really spoke to. He seems to keep his head during slow server time, which is a relief because I wouldn't.


Ninja Monkey is a member who Hates my favorite Female Lord! >:[ is very serious and I'm convinced he hates me more than Isaac. I'll never understand the Peggie hate though, they're one of the best classes and usually earlier than Wyverns...


Loki... picked a fight with me over Erk once and tbh that's sadly my most vivid memory of her. If we spoke more, I think there is a chance of us getting along... of course, that's probably my over the top idealism talking lol.

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Floki is alright, her opinions are something i agree to, and is quite blunt

a member i respect, she's also quite hi-larious!


Loki is really funny and always has some of the most entertaining gifs or images to accompany her stuff. Also she is good at proving a point while not coming off as aggressive.

Awww gee.

thou hast not observed me in the heat of battle, ser.

Loki has a head on her shoulders, a good humour about her, and respect for her fellow members. She is also a skilled spriter. One of the highest members in my esteem.


Loki's really great

she has better gifs than me

Thou art the best of sports.




she's super cool but sometimes she says stuff that is wrong. alas most people aren't perfect like me


ilu stolypin

Life of the party.

You know it.

She can come off as a little arrogant and self-righteous, but she's OK otherwise. Good fun to converse with.

It happens when you are older than dirt. <3

Pretty cool in my books. May her dreams of becoming a Viking one day come true.

*grabs sword* RAHGHH!!

Awww you guys. You da bess.

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Thor gives this air of someone that should be respected for good reason's

Thor seems like an ok dude

That, and i love the Jotaro avi and sig

Edited by Sockmaster
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everybody marvel

for the first time in his life integrity forgot the oxford comma

I hope soon you'll be excluding it intentionally.

Thor's great art is what comes to mind first. I remember I saw a jojo picture she did where star platinum was smiling, I'm not sure if I have ever seen that happen in the manga or the anime but I thought it was brilliant. She also seems extremely smart, though I don't talk to her very often.

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