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Serenesforest's member appreciation thread- Hattu

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also <3

I hope soon you'll be excluding it intentionally.

Thor's great art is what comes to mind first. I remember I saw a jojo picture she did where star platinum was smiling, I'm not sure if I have ever seen that happen in the manga or the anime but I thought it was brilliant. She also seems extremely smart, though I don't talk to her very often.

He did, when he punched the shark to save runawaygirl/anne. It was really cute
Edited by Thor Odinson
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eh Lumi does things that get annoying. Really fast. Like anyone else.

Like anyone else.

Uh huh~ Ok

I really like Lumi, she makes such great art and it's been fun watching it evolve as well

It's always great seeing stronk independent people as well ^o^ And I think she can be pretty fun~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Are you mistaking me for someone else because I don't remember posting anything negative about Emm

I remember making some ass creed jokes but I happen to like ass creed sooooo

For the record Emm did not fall off a cliff because lightning struck

That was not of my doing

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ok I totally missed the part where we switched from Loki to Thor, I took too long to think up a response for Loki

I remember Thor drawing and writing about children for Flavia and Basilio (I hope I'm remembering correctly) and the whole concept was super great

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yes that was me

lol tonton did you have my bunny saved or something


but no, I just searched "thor assassin bunny" in the fe4 thread

im p sure you called it thorssassin but that didn't get any results???

Also you should totally get to making your thing to allow Internet punching already

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I don't really have anything original to say about either of them
Floki is pretty cool, even when we disagree on some things, is fun and stuff. bonus points for living in the best state!
Lumi is pretty cool, and I'm not sure I've reacted negatively to anything she's ever said which is COOL. also muscles and cool art and stuff.

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Oh, I never knew Thor was a girl until today, that's news. Anyway, she's a cool person, hard not to like her.

I'm going to say this about both Thor and Loki, it's awesome when you guys post in-character.

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