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Can you beat CPUs Ana? Generally playing the game and experiencing what characters do in situations is what leads to the experience to know how to predict and avoid things. If you're never winning then you could just be fighting people that are too far out of your league and need someone a bit more intermediate to combat. Computer players can be pretty good to train against because they're technically very good in many regards but also quite predictable in many others.

Yeah, of course I can beat CPUs. I'm not THAT bad. And everyone says they're not good to practice on, and I can see why. They're not nearly as good as human players. Even at the highest level. I can beat them just fine. I'd only have trouble if said CPU was a character I don't have a lot of experience against. So I suppose in that case I WOULD battle them, but still.

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adapting is nearly everything in smash or any other fighting game. you're probably really bad at it now, but if you try to think about nearly everything you and the other person are doing while you play, you'll get better.

not killing yourself is important but that can be fixed by playing around with your character(s) and seeing what they can and can't do. going into training mode for a minute to see how far you can do a forward aerial off stage or anything else won't hurt.

i'm available to play in an hour or so if anyone wishes to.

Edited by Comet
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I'd recommend watching some of Imp's games from the current Smash tournament. She plays Ike and it's probably something that you could learn from watching.

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adapting is nearly everything in smash or any other fighting game. you're probably really bad at it now, but if you try to think about nearly everything you and the other person are doing while you play, you'll get better.

not killing yourself is important but that can be fixed by playing around with your character(s) and seeing what they can and can't do. going into training mode for a minute to see how far you can do a forward aerial off stage or anything else won't hurt.

i'm available to play in an hour or so if anyone wishes to.

yeah okay

but it's insanely rude for you to call her really bad even if I don't agree with her on anything

I've noticed this a lot towards other people, not myself, and it bothers me when people call out a ton of things in the name of "improvement"

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yeah okay

but it's insanely rude for you to call her really bad even if I don't agree with her on anything

I've noticed this a lot towards other people, not myself, and it bothers me when people call out a ton of things in the name of "improvement"

It depends if they want to improve or not. It is natural to say our opinions if they want to be heard. Bad probably is not a word to use because it can hurt, unless your me because idc if they call me that. If no one does not want to improve then let them be. Edited by Radiance
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No, Comet might be right, I might be really bad. Besides, he could've easily said something worse, like "lol you suck!"

And thanks Shin, though Ike isn't the only character I use. I main Luigi as well and I also use Mii Swordfighter, Toon Link, and Robin. And as I said before, I want to pick up Dark Pit sometime cause I couldn't resist his awesomeness in KI. :P Though Ike is the one I suicide the most with, so it should be helpful anyway.

Edited by Anacybele
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When I was trying to level up my Ike, I was able to do so by watching top Ikes. A few include Ryo, Ryuga, San, SM, and Rango. They play him well and I learned a bit from studying them. Even got some help from San over wifi.

Also CPUs are kind of exploitable and can be beaten by most tactics a regular player wouldn't fall for.

I only use them for practicing tight inputs.

Generally, take notes and advice from others around you, and remember. Winning is usually achieved by using all your tools from that character. Watch habits as well as mix ups for every situation. If your opponent catches on, don't repeat that action so they don't punish you hard.

All I have to say.

Edited by DreadFighter
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Yeah I think most of everyone would rather play against real people but if you're just getting you ass kicked, aren't learning anything and aren't having fun then something in the formula needs to be modified.

Getting your ass kicked in smash is one of the best ways to learn, I try to train with people better than me. Usually they have helpful things to say so I can improve and I have.

For instance, in the small area i'm in, I'm one of the better smashers, so when people played vs me, I'd regularly win, but I'd always give encouragement and improvement advice and they did, then I went to Spokane and learned from the better players there as well, there are quite a number there better than me.

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If I ever play with anyone, I'm open to giving criticism via PM if you request. I've already done it with a few people here. Most of the time its small fixes that can be overcome by changing one or two things about your playstyle and neutral game. The neutral game is actually harder than the combo game. Anyone can do dthrow upair, but do you really know how to get in a position to pull off those combos often and still exert pressure while remaining unpredictable?

Edited by Knife
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I'll play in a little bit if I can get the TV (playing Paper Mario TTYD atm). And Knife, those are good questions, I never really thought about them before. You're totally right, if you can do combos, it doesn't matter if you can't get yourself in a good position to do them. Thanks for pointing that out. :o

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Okay, my matches with Radiance are way too laggy for some reason, so anyone else?

I miss the Brawl days. I had no bad lag there for the most part. I have it a lot in this game. How could Nintendo's servers get WORSE?

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