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I apologize for misunderstanding and making this thread go off-topic. I'm autistic so I get a bit upset when people talk about it in a negative light.

Don't worry, I get upset at that too. And if you misunderstand something, that's okay, that happens to me a lot. Misinterpretation seems to be an Asperger's thing as well, actually.

Radiance: But I'm not. I'm more used to her than I was yesterday, but I'm not as used to her as the rest of you seem to be... I'm not denying that she's great, she seems to be a great character. Her range works for me since I use Ike so much (another rangey guy). It's just some other things about her that I'm finding complicated (like her side B), it seems.

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I'd like if Corrin's Side B automatically attacked when using it on the ground. I know you can just press an attack button again after doing the hop but I feel as if the exact same thing could be achieved with a short hop and the timing to actually get it to embed itself when using it on the ground is still pretty precise. You need to not quite mash it but still do it pretty much immediately. At least that's what I'm finding. Still messing around with both characters. tl;dr Side B on the ground is just a little hop and it feels underwhelming.

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Haha, I admit I was trying to stir your ire by going Falco there. Got what I deserved, pfffft.

EDIT: Sorry to bail Ana, my friend wants to play with me

Edited by Dotty
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The direct said it had a tipper...

I don't remember it saying this at all.

Why did you quit early, Dotty? I know I'm not very fun to play against because I suck, but... And I didn't let that third person join because I want 1 vs 1 right now. You can't learn anything from 3 or 4 player matches...

And Jotari, I read trophies. But I haven't read Corrin's yet.

Edited by Anacybele
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Oh, you must've made that edit after I posted, my mistake.

But I think I'm onto something now. I'm looking more closely at my opponents' movements, or at least I'm trying to, in order to read them better. It's actually helped somewhat so far. I just need to work more at this.

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Sorry, but I got tired of seeing the Corrin win screen and constantly being attacked and not being given a chance to do anything. Also, it'd be nice if you didn't attack me while I'm taunting. A player is completely defenseless when they taunt.

Looks like "looking more closely" only works against CPUs. Should've known better, they're not human players... I'm not playing Smash anymore, there's just no way for me to not be a terrible, boring opponent.

Edited by Anacybele
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I feel like I've gone very much out of my way to avoid attacking you while you taunt. The only time I can recall hitting you was while I was already charging Dragon Fang Shot, which isn't exactly cancellable.

Remember, if there's a problem, you can always tell me on this thread between matches. I'd switch characters if you ask.

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I have to leave my PC when I play though. My Wii U is in a completely separate room. I can't exactly chat between matches.

Besides I've already said I'm giving up Smash. Might as well sell my copies too. Nobody will buy Brawl, I'm guessing, so it'll sadly have to be thrown out. I know I've said before that I would give up Smash, but this time I mean it and am not changing my mind. I'm sorry.

Edited by Anacybele
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I have to leave my PC when I play though. My Wii U is in a completely separate room. I can't exactly chat between matches.

Besides I've already said I'm giving up Smash. Might as well sell my copies too. Nobody will buy Brawl, I'm guessing, so it'll sadly have to be thrown out. I know I've said before that I would give up Smash, but this time I mean it and am not changing my mind. I'm sorry.

All right, it was nice playing with you and I hope you find a game you like better~ ,:)

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All right, it was nice playing with you and I hope you find a game you like better~ ,:)

I already have other games I can play without losing all the time, that's no issue. But you're probably only trying to make me feel better. I'd have been bored out of my mind beating the same person over and over by two or three stocks. I'd want more of a challenge. Sure, sometimes losing a really close match is kind of frustrating too, but it's better than getting two or three stocked.

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I already have other games I can play without losing all the time, that's no issue. But you're probably only trying to make me feel better. I'd have been bored out of my mind beating the same person over and over by two or three stocks. I'd want more of a challenge. Sure, sometimes losing a really close match is kind of frustrating too, but it's better than getting two or three stocked.

Nah, you see, I like fighting people better than me as much as possible so that I can hopefully get better too. I like fighting people worse than me to offer the same thing to them, a challenge to tackle. Of course, playing against someone of a similar skill is really nice as a straight up exciting match, but I enjoy all three of these situations, because I just love playing Sm4sh (exception: bad lag).

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What Jotari said. I wasn't equating autism to stupidity, I was trying to point out two issues. In fact, people with my form of it tend to be pretty intelligent (look at Einstein. He's thought to have had Asperger's). They just lack some other brainly functions. I probably lack the ones that could help me be good at Smash Bros. games. I'm not understanding things that others are picking up right away. That's how I can tell.

The problem of not being smart enough is that I can't find any way to actually understand them. Whatever methods work for those people don't work for me. I feel like I probably have to open a notebook, take notes on videos or something, and study it like I'm some school kid. But that's silly to do just for a video game...

it's not that people with autism lack the brain functions it's more so that they have a completely different way of thinking and interpreting things that other people due to how their brain develops i know from personal experience.

also on a lighter note GGs everyone.

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