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Thankfully I have the day off tomorrow, so I'll be free to play Sm4sh a good chunk of the day tomorrow....right after doing some shopping/amiibo hunting in the morning

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I wish I had people around my area to play with... But gamers here seem so hard to find. It's like they only show up when something like GameStop's open Smash 3DS tournament happens.

What city do you live in?

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What city do you live in?

Fayetteville, NC. Not a very gamer-heavy place at all. Even the line for that GameStop tournament wasn't extremely long. I still got there a bit too late, but many people had come from outside the city to try joining it. Some three hours away. GameStops and such are never very crowded either (except for things like that tournament or Amiibo).

Sure, Amiibo sold out fast here, but scalpers exist. They're not necessarily gamers. -_-

Edited by Anacybele
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I'll play with you a little later, Taco. I've not played in a few days myself, and I kinda need to. :P Plus I can get Ike vs Ike with you. lol

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Done period. With other people, that is. I'm just not capable of being good at this game. At least compared to people here. It's too embarrassing how much I suck. I can't read my opponent and my opponent can read me flawlessly, no matter who it is.

I don't understand why I can't be good at it either, I used to pick up fighting games fairly easily.

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Ike is just a hard character to use period. Plus maining Ike I'm going to know about his moves, spacing, and cooldowns better making it easier to predict him. Having the GC controller also made a difference for me at least.

Also you don't have to win alot to have fun with the game. Even on here when I go up against guys like Knife or Tsunami I get creamed but its still fun to play. Its just a game.

Edited by LordTaco42
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Ike is just a hard character to use period. Plus maining Ike I'm going to know about his moves, spacing, and cooldowns better making it easier to predict him. Having the GC controller also made a difference for me at least.

Also you don't have to win alot to have fun with the game. Even on here when I go up against guys like Knife or Tsunami I get creamed but its still fun to play. Its just a game.

He shouldn't be real hard for me to use though. I'm even worse with fast characters because I just can't keep up with their speed. So Ike should theoretically be easier for me to pick up. And I just can't drop a character I really like as much as him...

Really? I think I did better against Tsu the last time I played him than I did against you just now... Knife though, yeah, he creams me too. He's one of the best on this site.

Maybe I'm still overreacting for like the thousandth time though. Why don't we do a three way since Draco wants to play now? I've been told that playing three or four player matches can also help one get better.

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I only play 3DS though. Hope that's alright.

ahaha 3way

Sure, Taco. My friend is joining, though, so I can't play at the moment. Is later alright?

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Oh, well then, I guess I can't play. I don't play Smash 3DS. I have it, but I don't want to play it anymore since I like the Wii U version a lot more. Not to mention I'd be a lot worse than I already am since the 3DS lacks a second analogue stick, which I use in the Wii U version for tilts.

I hate that the two versions can't communicate outside of bringing Mii Fighters back and forth and junk.

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Also you don't have to win alot to have fun with the game. Even on here when I go up against guys like Knife or Tsunami I get creamed but its still fun to play. Its just a game.

Although I do not like losing, I'm okay with losing as a team.

I always feel more tense, and more competitive when playing For Glory 1 v. 1. It always makes me more "passionate" for playing. But whenever I'm playing teams on the Wii U version (either with my brother or friends, I don't like playing teams with strangers) it makes me feel better about losing.

I'd play teams for fun, but 1 v. 1 for glory. Even losing multiple times, being "creamed", I'm okay with, as long as I'm with someone. It gives me someone to blame for losing XD (but they know I'm joking, so that's good).

Edited by Carter
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Yeah that's fine I went ahead and added you. Also Ana I added your FC on 3ds if you wanna hop on there.

I...said I don't play Smash 3DS anymore. It's right above this post. xP

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