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Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U Tournament Hub (Please see post #1644)

Ema Skye

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Wow, four landslide victories in a row. I think we should seriously enforce the whole "win 1st in a tournament, get banned from entering the next one" thing I was talking about in response to the bonus leaderboaed points system PJSalt brought up just to give other people a chance at 1st place.

Edited by Kiseki
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Congratulations to PKL and the runners-up.

Despite the hosting/logistical difficulties, this tournament went better than expected, and even finished on time, so congratulations to everyone else as well :V

There are lessons to be learned for future tournaments, but overall this went very well.

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there's also a possibility that Starbound/doofina doesn't come back for a while, so the OP won't be able to be updated for some time, along with other stuff he made like the tournament calender stuff and such. I'm not sure if there is another tournament planned for next weekend, but it'd probably be safe to open signups for it now?

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Lesson learnt; PKL uses ddos on his matches to force opponents to input moved slowly/incorrectly. Hes legit haxzor

100% srs good games to everyone i matched with. Sorry that I was such a disappoinentto to you Horace. I froze pretty hard when facing your FAWCOLN and it Just threw me off entirely.

Also my friendcode doc has tourney information backed up within it fwiw.

Edited by Sara.
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Ggs to every single opponent I had in the tournament, specially Shulk and Jedi, dayum, awesome matches and close ones!

The next tournament is the Original 12 iirc, I might not join because I'm a scrub that doesn't main the Original 12 SHOT. For the time being, I'll focus on improving and avoid silly mistakes I usually do during matches.

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Wow, four landslide victories in a row. I think we should seriously enforce the whole "win 1st in a tournament, get banned from entering the next one" thing I was talking about in response to the bonus leaderboaed points system PJSalt brought up just to give other people a chance at 1st place.

Don't hate, get better. Or aim for 2nd place. Let the man kick ass if he wants, he's not unbeatable.

Don't care enough about some fictional points to care though.

Edited by Knife
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The Original 12 Tournament
~Start: October 24th 12:00 AM
~R1 must end by 11:59 PM PST Oct 25th
~R2 must end by 11:59 PM PST Oct 26th
~Semifinals and Finals must be completed by 11:59 PM PST Oct 27th

~No Items
~3 stock, 7 minutes, best 2/3 matches
~single elimination
~no custom equipment
~custom movesets allowed
~movesets/characters can be changed between matches
~+5 (rounds 1, 2, and semifinals) +10 (finals) on leaderboards
~12 participants (this is not '1 for each character,' you have free choice over your character in the original 12)
~tell me by Oct 16th if you are not participating/must drop out
~I miiiiiight not be able to edit the challonge and all, so if someone could offer themselves as a back up just in case, that'd be cool
~Your FCs:

Also, on second thought about the FCs: seeing as they are all mostly here, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/125w2p_guvgl83RMhYzJSmn44UBrZzvINIprV4xUYLoM/edit#gid=652483313

just make sure they're there. If not ill bother Elie or someone to put it in

Stages: Can be Omega or Normal form.

Paper Mario
Jungle Japes
Gerudo Valley
Yoshi's Island
Dream Land
Prism Tower
Mushroomy Kingdom
Mute City
Unova Pokemon League

Characters: Original 12 only.

Donkey Kong
Captain Falcon


thx for reminding me euk btw

Edited by Kisara
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~Smash Ball only

~4 stock, 5 minutes


EDIT: If this is the way you want it to be, okay, just seems really odd. 5 minutes isn't nearly enough for four stocks in this game, though.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I'll sign up seeing as I main Luigi. That is, if I don't have to have a Challonge account.

EDIT: Also, why's Mario not in that character list? lol

Edited by Anacybele
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^ he's there, if you click the spoiler, its just formatted oddly, same with the paper mario stage.

not joining though, not a fan of smash balls since some character on the list (namely DK) have final smashes that are almost worse than not having a final smash compared to someone like Fox who just gets a free kill (or 2)

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I like Smash Balls in friendlies; my friends and I often played Brawl with just Smash Balls, and sometimes Pokeballs and assist trophies, as well. In a tournament? Not really sure how I feel about it. Seems like an odd thing to add, especially in an original 12 tournament considering Smash Balls didn't exist in Smash 64. It is better than most items, considering the random factor of where and when it spawns doesn't apply as much, but the imbalance of them makes it questionable at best.

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