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Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U Tournament Hub (Please see post #1644)

Ema Skye

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Yeah, is the tournament supposed to be 12 people for thematic reasons? That's fine if it is, but if not, just looking at the bracket right now makes it clear that 16 makes more sense for a standard tournament.

And as stated before, it's your [Kisara] tournament, so things can be how you want them to be, we just want to make sure you know the gist of things.

@Captain Duck: I haven't even fought against you once yet, lol. (And the one who beat you also beat me)

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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...Wait, what the fuck? Why am I not on the tournament list? I was the FIRST PERSON to say they wanted to sign up! And Kiseki said he could get FCs off that spreadsheet and mine is on it. So why was I excluded? I honestly feel discriminated against.

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Why am I not on the tournament list? I was the FIRST PERSON to say they wanted to sign up!

Me, Sara, and Jedi signed up before you asked. As much as I hate to say this, you will eventually have to get a Challonge account, whether you like it or not.

And I thought this would be put into effect:

I think we should seriously enforce the whole "win 1st in a tournament, get banned from entering the next one" thing I was talking about in response to the bonus leaderboaed points system PJSalt brought up just to give other people a chance at 1st place.

I'm not in a hurry to make this reality yet, so it can wait for now.

EDIT: Wait, I never said anything about getting FCs from that spreadsheet.

Edited by Kiseki
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...Wait, what the fuck? Why am I not on the tournament list? I was the FIRST PERSON to say they wanted to sign up! And Kiseki said he could get FCs off that spreadsheet and mine is on it. So why was I excluded? I honestly feel discriminated against.

Did you sign up, or just say you wanted to sign up?
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Sorry about that Ana, (I explained myself in Skype, right)?

Ana and someone else wanted to join plus 16 players makes things much more even, so it has been upped to 16 players.


I will probably start the tournament Thursday for some buffer, but only enforce deadlines Friday onwards

Edited by Kisara
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Oh my gosh guys I am so sorry for this weekend. ;_;

My laptop died Friday night. Took it into the repair shop this morning and I'll hopefully hear back about it by the end of the week. Right now I'm using a computer at school.

Major thanks to Horace and Euk for managing this behemoth without me. You both seriously rock.

no problem; it's good to see you back

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Good to see 16 players made it, quite easily too.

Here's an idea. We managed to hold one 32-person tourney over the course of a weekend and a bit, so what's stopping us from running 2 16-person tourneys over one weekend and have it so that people can only join one tourney per weekend?

In the event that one of the two tournaments doesn't get filled before a certain day and time (say, Friday midday East Coast time?), the tournament could then accept people who are competing in the other tournament.

This would stop people from disappointment in missing out on joining a tournament. Considering our Skype chat alone has 43 members, I think this is a viable idea.

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it can get kinda confusing, and it requires two hosts, but if there is interest, there's no harm in doing so I guess. The main deal is actual interest. I know a lot of people in the skype chat don't want to play in tournaments, but at the same time, there are others not in the chat that do play in them so meh.

even if the second tournament only gets like 12 people or something they could still do a 12 man tourney if they wanted

Edited by General Horace
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it can get kinda confusing, and it requires two hosts, but if there is interest, there's no harm in doing so I guess. The main deal is actual interest. I know a lot of people in the skype chat don't want to play in tournaments, but at the same time, there are others not in the chat that do play in them so meh.

even if the second tournament only gets like 12 people or something they could still do a 12 man tourney if they wanted

True about the 2 hosts, but I'm sure there's more than enough capable people here to do that job.

As for confusion, I don't think it would be any more confusing than having 32 people scramble to fight each other in one tournament. Not including the loser's round. But if we don't fill both tournaments with different people and some people manage to enter both, then I understand why it may get a little confusing. But not problematic, in my opinion.

Edited by Raven
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I like the idea.

also imo they'd be even more reason to have a thread for each tournament j/s :V

it can get kinda confusing, and it requires two hosts, but if there is interest, there's no harm in doing so I guess. The main deal is actual interest. I know a lot of people in the skype chat don't want to play in tournaments, but at the same time, there are others not in the chat that do play in them so meh.

even if the second tournament only gets like 12 people or something they could still do a 12 man tourney if they wanted

you could also just have two parallel instances of the same tournament, so people aren't forced to pick between two tourneys they really want to do

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My apologies, Kiseki, I mistook you for Kisara. I'm SO sorry. >_<

I'm also real sorry for how I acted on Skype, Kisara. I really misunderstood the situation. I won't jump to conclusions like that again.

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Well, unless someone else desperately wants to enter, I'll be more than happy to take Metal's place. Can't do anything on the Challonge page right now, though

Edited by Dusk Hunt Dodge
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Original 12 Tournament has been started.

Deadlines will need to be met Saturday (Round 1 must end by saturday night, R2 must end by sunday night, and semifinals and finals by Monday; I'm giving that much time as a failsafe, in case it doesn't end by sunday).

On that note, is Iggy around?

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haha that's funny you're going to crush me

Anyway, I can fight sometime after school/practice tomorrow so around ~7:30 EST

If that's PM that's good, if AM then you'll have to wait for about 7 hours, lol. I'll be sleeping!

Or we can do it tonight.

Anyone have a link to the bracket?

EDIT: And the finalized ruleset as well? I know it underwent a few changes, would like to see it for confirmation.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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