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Disappointing character endings.


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Yeah. FF tends to have some crazy stuff on it.

I can't see Soren actually accepting that. If somebody came up to him and said "Guess what? You're the rightful king of Daein!" he'd probably ask them if they got dropped on their head when they were little lol.

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I will be honest, I wasrather disappointed with most of the RD endings. I'm not talking about pairings but.. meh. Meg? Meh. Nephenee? Cute but Meh. Ilyana was another disappointing one considering she was my strongest unit with Soren :s

I enjoyed Lethe and Titania's thought. And there were a few good ones but... meh.

Oh, and the streetpass characters on awakening have pretty disappointing endings too. Note that I do enjoy sad endings, Lucina!Alone was my favorite between the children, but... I don't know?

The fact that people were so upset at RD's endings that they had to make headcanons and fanfictions about it is rather sad.

People write fanfictions anyway!

Edited by Rydia
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it really feels like i'm in the minority that was happy with raident dawn's endings.

Nah, I'm perfectly alright with them as well.

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it really feels like i'm in the minority that was happy with raident dawn's endings.

It's the end of a game. To me, that always makes me unsatisfied if I enjoyed it in any manner. Because it ends.

I guess I understand that portion of people who write fanfiction.

It's just I get worked up every time (which I've been trying to pretty much stop now) someone is being annoying, wants their work recognized by canon, AND they don't admit it.

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Every single fanfiction I've read on RD is either OOC, poorly written, or has a self insert which totally kills it for me.

I would give them some props, but I have to experience good writing to feel like giving it.

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A lot of fanfic writers are bad, honestly. You'll find a bunch of bad fics for every game and every fandom. Seriously.

If you want a good fic that's based on RD, well, all I can say is that most people say mine is good, although rather wordy. Blame my co-author and his wordy style. lol Although, it doesn't actually take a lot from RD given that it takes place on a new continent with a mostly new cast of characters. Ike did leave Tellius, after all, and I wanted to explore where he could've gone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Every single fanfiction I've read on RD is either OOC, poorly written, or has a self insert which totally kills it for me.

I would give them some props, but I have to experience good writing to feel like giving it.

Queen of Sorrow disagrees so much with this. It's technically what would happen if Lucia had died and Elincia became a magnificent bastard.

Ike's ending seems shallow. We'd think based on his interactions that he'd stay with the Greil Mercenaries, but then he decides to pull a generic shounen hero persona and leave the continent to "seach for better challenges". What about his character development from PoR? It establishes that Ike would hardly consider leaving his family behind for such an empty reason.

This is all I can think and remember on 02:30 AM.

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I think quite a few people have already mentioned this, but the Avatar spouse ending is really dumb. They become nothing but an accessory to the Avatar. GG.

Coding a unique ending to every single one must have been a pain considering their deadlines and priorities (with Awakening being possibly the last one in the series at the time).

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Coding a unique ending to every single one must have been a pain considering their deadlines and priorities (with Awakening being possibly the last one in the series at the time).

Well obviously including (insert how many non-Avatar characters there are in Awakening) unique endings for the Avatar is unreasonable, but something more than "And the Avatar loved their waifu/husbando very very much" would have been nice.

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I never liked the "disappeared without a trace and was never heard from again" or the "helped rebuild x kingdom" endings.

Gray in Gaiden had a better ending than that and that was on the NES! To be fair, Gaiden had its fair share of bad endings too though.

All we can hope for is improvement in the next one eh?

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Queen of Sorrow disagrees so much with this. It's technically what would happen if Lucia had died and Elincia became a magnificent bastard.

Ike's ending seems shallow. We'd think based on his interactions that he'd stay with the Greil Mercenaries, but then he decides to pull a generic shounen hero persona and leave the continent to "seach for better challenges". What about his character development from PoR? It establishes that Ike would hardly consider leaving his family behind for such an empty reason.

This is all I can think and remember on 02:30 AM.

Ike brought absolute peace to the continent. The Greil Mercenaries became broke with no conflict for them to assist with. So Ike's "new adventures" were really him just working in a potato factory trying to make ends meet for his family back home.

Edited by Jotari
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Titania still stayed deputy commander of the group and she managed somehow. Also, I doubt Ike's actions drove off every single thief, bandit, and pirate in existence. Besides, mercenaries can do more than just stab bad guys to make money.

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Yeah, they can also help unclog the toilets! Plumbers are truly the modern day mercenaries, after all.

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Yeah, they can also help unclog the toilets! Plumbers are truly the modern day mercenaries, after all.

The Greil Mercenaries should become a Private Military Company and protect Crimea's royal line under contract. We can never know when Elincia's descendants will be attacked by a Metal Gear out of nowhere. When this happens, they will be happy to have FE13!'sAndroidIke by their side, cutting down enemies while Rules of Nature plays in the background.

Or just start a continental scale war, since it's good for business, if they want to take the decadent hero/Lloyd Irving path. Anything to keep the cash cow alive.

Edited by Rapier
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I like to think that after Ike left with Soren all the Greil Mercs separated and became assholes.

Mia traveled through all of Tellius looking for her white-clad archrival. When she never found him/her, she became more and more bitter to the point she would kill anyone she defeat. 30 years later she basically became the Karel of Tellius.

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