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I can't understand SF's logic


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This person knows.

A lot of people who find FE11 to be the worst FE have likely never played FE1 or FE3 Book 1 and also likely have no intention on playing them.

I would say FE11 is the mainreason, why I don't feel like to play the original and FE3 book 1.

To be honest Shadow Dragon affects "cold" to me.

It has decent game mechanics, but there aren't any support conversations except for very few special ones (Linde-Merric etc.). I can't identify with all the characters, because I don't know anything about most of them. The story is told very shortly. There are almost no story breaks between the chapters. On lower difficulties I can finish this game in just one day.

And there's the thing that you have to sacrifice your units to recruit new ones.

For the strategical part FE11 is good especially on harder difficulties, but storywise this game bores me.

Sry for the harsh words, it's just my personal opinion.

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To be honest Shadow Dragon affects "cold" to me.

It has decent game mechanics, but there aren't any support conversations except for very few special ones (Linde-Merric etc.). I can't identify with all the characters, because I don't know anything about most of them. The story is told very shortly. There are almost no story breaks between the chapters. On lower difficulties I can finish this game in just one day.

And there's the thing that you have to sacrifice your units to recruit new ones.

For the strategical part FE11 is good especially on harder difficulties, but storywise this game bores me.

Sry for the harsh words, it's just my personal opinion.

I would say FE11 is the mainreason, why I don't feel like to play the original and FE3 book 1.


at least a while ago there was a small angry pile of people who REALLY VOCALLY HATED fe4 as some kind of counter hype, i guess

source: i was one

FE4 ain't my thing, and I'll gladly list the reasons why. . .but for all I know, it's someone else's thing. And that's perfectly alright.

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I don't think most of the people are complaining because it's ~too hard~ :P:

yeah they're just bad

Maaaan, I sadquit vanilla lunatic!

well i solo'd with robin but my original (non solo) file was deleted at chapter 15 so...

for real if people could learn to do math then they would be much better at fire emblem. then again, people are stupid and complain about stuff and decide to not do 3rd grade math.

Edited by Cornet
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for real if people could learn to do math then they would be much better at fire emblem. then again, people are stupid and complain about stuff and decide to not do 3rd grade math.

It's more like people play with that weird alternative data display that makes shit look dumb

Or aren't making the effort to do the math

Or get tired of checking the 900x different possible AI encounters

I admit I get confused with my HalfHP Serra gets ignored while 6 other enemies attack Hector to kill him with sub30RNG Hits

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I admit I get confused with my HalfHP Serra gets ignored while 6 other enemies attack Hector to kill him with sub30RNG Hits

I honestly think that they do it on purpose

so I don't take it personally

I just try again!

...and again.

and again


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I don't like a significant portion of Awakening's non-gameplay related stuff but fuck it, the game's really fun, whatever, still played the fuck out of it, definitely got my money's worth out of it

not a bad game by any means certainly

also what's wrong with treating it like a math problem math is fun

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I admit I get confused with my HalfHP Serra gets ignored while 6 other enemies attack Hector to kill him with sub30RNG Hits

Most of the targeting priority can be calculated if you have the following info:

Enemy's HP, Hector's HP, Serra's HP

Enemy's damage and hit against Hector. Enemy's damage and hit against Serra.

Hector's damage and hit against enemy. Serra's damage and hit against enemy.

Are Hector/Serra equipped with a weapon that allows them to counterattack.

The third AI byte of the enemy (very important) and the turn number.

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I liked FE13. I did however find that it became quite repetitive and dull after I played through the story a few times, and most of the DLC.

You can get so many different outcomes with all the different parent-child match-ups and stuff, try to get the best children with the best classes, abilities and the best weapons, etc., but for me this wasn't enough to keep me interested. I played through the game mainly for the story, and played most of the DLC at least once for the story. I found the maps and objectives to be a bit boring and repetitive.

On top of that, I do not have many hours of the day to play games any more. If you're attempting to make a perfect army with perfect children (which I'm not interested in doing) then this requires a shitload of time I'm not interested in investing into it. I've beaten the game a few times, played through all the difficulties, played through most of the DLC, that will do for me because I'm not interested in doing the other stuff that I could do, but don't want to do. Unless you completely erase all memory of me having ever played FE13, I would take a game of League over this any day.

For me, the GBA versions were the best FE games, and still are. It's not even nostalgia. I just really enjoy playing through the GBA titles more than any other game in the FE series. They are more streamlined in terms of characters and classes, but really that's the way I like it - alongside the more interesting maps and objectives throughout the games.

I don't dislike FE13. I'm just not interested in the same things most other people love FE13 for. It's still a good game, so if you like FE in general, you should probably get it.

Sacred Stones master race.

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yeah they're just bad

well i solo'd with robin but my original (non solo) file was deleted at chapter 15 so...

for real if people could learn to do math then they would be much better at fire emblem. then again, people are stupid and complain about stuff and decide to not do 3rd grade math.

did you hear that guys? if you suck at fire emblem it's because you suck at maths and you're probably retarded. this is scientifically proven by this guy

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for real if people could learn to do math then they would be much better at fire emblem. then again, people are stupid and complain about stuff and decide to not do 3rd grade math.

lmao what

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Wait wait waiiiiit lemme join in on this one

for real if people could learn to do math then they would be much better at fire emblem. then again, people are stupid and complain about stuff and decide to not do 3rd grade math.


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It's more like people play with that weird alternative data display that makes shit look dumb

Or aren't making the effort to do the math

Or get tired of checking the 900x different possible AI encounters

I admit I get confused with my HalfHP Serra gets ignored while 6 other enemies attack Hector to kill him with sub30RNG Hits

worded my other post badly. bolded is what i was getting at. in my defense, i didn't say to learn HOW to do it though, just to learn to DO it, as in USE the mathematical skills that most people have.

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if people don't want to do math when they play a video game that is entirely within their rights, some people just don't like doing math no matter how easy

games are there to have fun, it's entertainment, this isn't a tournament here, it's not about who's the best player

I like math enough to have a degree in it so I'm perfectly happy doing math for it and have fun at the same time but not everyone is like that and that is okay

Edited by Thor Odinson
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if people don't want to do math when they play a video game that is entirely within their rights, some people just don't like doing math no matter how easy

games are there to have fun, it's entertainment, this isn't a tournament here, it's not about who's the best player

I like math enough to have a degree in it so I'm perfectly happy doing math for it and have fun at the same time but not everyone is like that and that is okay

i never said there was any competition to be a better player. i just said that people would be better at the game if they decided to do math. to clarify, i personally don't care if people are good at the game or not, since like you said, they have the right to play it, and it's still just a game.

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Then why even bring it up

i joke about people ragequitting arguably the hardest thing FE has to offer, somebody replied, i replied back and also included that comment because i felt like posting it.

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worded my other post badly. bolded is what i was getting at. in my defense, i didn't say to learn HOW to do it though, just to learn to DO it, as in USE the mathematical skills that most people have.

so yeah i'm in my fourth year of an engineering degree and took extra calculus for fun and work for my school's math department i'm sorry if i turn on simple battle forecast so i can see a x2 instead of counting speed and get a damage figure instead of subtracting numbers

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Its true that my resets tend to involve not doing enough math. But my lunatic run was cut short because I was having trouble getting any unit, even chrom promoted, to stand up to the wyvern reinforcements in that chapter with T.h.a.r.j.a. (my autocorrect is acting up) where you are trying to save Emmeryn. I dont really remember my situation but iirc I had sealed frederick to wyvern lord so I could save Libra. Maybe I was having trouble getting him back to the wyvern reinforcements, though that sounds rather suspect.

Tldr I think I was suffer in from poor planning and unit choices prior to that level...

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btw my point wasn't to compare math boners or anything my point is i'm way qualified to do third-grade math and that doesn't change the fact that when i play fire emblem i don't want to be assed to do twice the subtraction i absolutely have to

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