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lol Randa my reaction to the PM was the exact same /hi5

Anyway I was pretty sure I was going to replace in eventually but I still didn't read pretty much anything other than deadline shenanigans going down last night so let me check through the rules and catch up with people

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Firstly, all of your communication equipment seems to be malfunctioning strangely- outside of this thread and moderator-provided quicktopics, you may not discuss the game until further notice.


Then, the first death is that of one of your highest ranking officers, Psycho Mantis.

Prims, you are Psycho Mantis, FOXHOUND Psychic.

Your mother died in childbirth, which set a not very pleasant tone to most of your life. When you accidentally learned how to read minds and saw that your father hated you for it, you killed him, but now you hate people because they seem selfish to you. After a lot of mind reading that messed with your mind a lot, you joined up with FOXHOUND and went with Liquid's plan because it seemed like a great way to kill a lot of people. Yeah... you aren't the most sane person around.

Your powerful psychic powers may compel someone to act in ways that they might not want to. Each night, you may respond to this role PM "Night X: USER, you might find it to be a better idea if you were to target me instead." USER will be convinced to target you with any night action or item they were using- and if they were giving an item to someone, they'll give it that you instead, too.

You are aligned with FOXHOUND and win if you can eliminate all hostiles.

There is good news, however- the other dead man is one of the enemies of FOXHOUND attempting to stop your plans. His armor couldn't hold up for too long, unfortunately for them.

BBM, you are Gray Fox, Infiltrator Cyborg Ninja.

Born Frank Jaeger, you lived a rough early life of harsh training and a lot of lab experiments to make you into a super-soldier. Ultimately, they ended up doing a pretty good job, since you're the only person to ever score the rank of Fox in the FOXHOUND ranking system from training. You met Big Boss when you were young, which resulted in you joining FOXHOUND later on, and stayed loyal and fought alongside him in Zanzibar Land (though not in Outer Heaven before that because he was still leading FOXHOUND while acting in secret). You almost died there, but Para-Medic/ Dr. Clark's medical skills kept you alive. Unfortunately you sort of hate living since you're in constant pain and the Patriots tried to brainwash you. You came to Shadow Moses to fight Solid Snake once more, but he convinced you to temporarily join him in his mission.

Your Cyborg Ninja armor makes you more difficult to kill, but you still can't take extended fire for too long. However, if you are killed, you will stay alive long enough to kill any USER that you want. Then you will die.

You are aligned with the Infiltrators and win if you can eliminate all hostiles.

It is now Day 2. Day 2 ends at 8 PM EST on Wednesday, October 22. That's 48 hours and 16 minutes from now. Edited by Reinfleche
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Also whoever did something to me at night that I would get a notice for should say that they did target me

Also Mancer is pretty much confirmed town due to night actions shenanigans

What...I don't get it.

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Could it be that BBM was killed by The Other Mafia, then targetted someone just before dying and got redirected by Prims' role, thus accidentally killing him?

This sounds more plausible.

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