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I would like to get some opinions on the way this is progressing because I don't really want to waste an entire day with this little dance

[spoiler=that means you,]

paging SB

paging Blitz

paging Mancer

paging Jalmont

paging Mitsuki


as well as lurkers I don't remember exist

there are things happening I would like to see opinions on

this is currently NOC so you don't have excuses for not talking in the thread
unless you're scum, with OC with your scumbuddy(/ies)

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let the record show that Proto was last seen reading this thread at 10:20 PM, aka 17 minutes ago, aka ~after~ I made

actually who did you claim to?
if they can confirm that there is good reason for you to keep scummy aspects of your role hidden, then that's probably something that might be able to help you :V

this post

I can only assume that he is consulting with his scumbuddy over whether or not to out them cO6UGzz.gif

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I don't know how to continue an OC game on NOC. The NOC is only for this phase, right?

Refa: Why do you insist that Larsa is town despite the prod dodges? He has not posted anything since the game became NOC (well, the same can be said of several other players).

I'm suspecting the eclipse/Dorian slot right now because Dorian thinks that I'm likely scum but I don't see him pursuing his read in the thread. If anyone wants logs about this, I'll let you see them when the game becomes OC again. Not sure if I can paste the PM logs into thread directly bleh.

I also have suspicions of Euklyd. I talked to Prims about it but he was nightkilled so screw me. Basically, I talked to Euklyd for a while but he doesn't have much content and waffled a little about how he has town reads on all the players currently but they're weak reads anyway. Also, he suspects the inactive players of being scum but doesn't commit to anyone and has to be prodded a few times before he's willing to give me any names. His actions in thread about Proto pings me up as well too.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Euklyd

Logs will come when I get on the computer again.

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I also have suspicions of Euklyd. I talked to Prims about it but he was nightkilled so screw me. Basically, I talked to Euklyd for a while but he doesn't have much content and waffled a little about how he has town reads on all the players currently but they're weak reads anyway. Also, he suspects the inactive players of being scum but doesn't commit to anyone and has to be prodded a few times before he's willing to give me any names. His actions in thread about Proto pings me up as well too.

I literally didn't have scumreads N1 and I didn't (and still don't) feel like /efforting and talking to people, especially when there will be so much more to talk about D2

like this whole thing, for example

(but then some JERK made it NOC)

I can paste logs myself if you'd like me to

also Mancer if you have a problem with the way I'm handling this say it I am open to suggestions

as in fact I have said multiple times in this very thread

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as I've said before like a million times my plan was to dick around the entire game

and then I got an incriminating result

which kind of fucked up my plans tbh and I'm totally blaming Proto for that

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as I've said before like a million times my plan was to dick around the entire game

and then I got an incriminating result

which kind of fucked up my plans tbh and I'm totally blaming Proto for that

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I claimed to Blitzy, told him about my character and abilities. I did not conceal any aspect of my abilities that I was aware of. I told him my N1 actions too. I did not send in any actions besides those that I've already revealed to Blitzy, nor have I set my targets as anyone other than what I've told Blitzy.

So go ahead, Euklyd. If you have a result that conflicts with what I told Blitzy, I would not be able to defend myself by claiming there was something I didn't tell Blitzy. I suspect that you're probably bluffing, but even if you aren't, I can sorta understand why you'd find my role or maybe even character as being scummy.

The reason I haven't been responding to every single thing you've been saying is because I have no response. There is nothing more for me to claim from what I've already told Blitzy. Whether you have issues with what I've claimed, or whether you suspect that I'm hiding something, you might as well just tell us what's bothering you so much instead of waiting for me to claim something scummy that I've supposedly been trying to hide.

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[spoiler=stuff]I claimed to Blitzy, told him about my character and abilities. I did not conceal any aspect of my abilities that I was aware of. I told him my N1 actions too. I did not send in any actions besides those that I've already revealed to Blitzy, nor have I set my targets as anyone other than what I've told Blitzy.

So go ahead, Euklyd. If you have a result that conflicts with what I told Blitzy, I would not be able to defend myself by claiming there was something I didn't tell Blitzy. I suspect that you're probably bluffing, but even if you aren't, I can sorta understand why you'd find my role or maybe even character as being scummy.

The reason I haven't been responding to every single thing you've been saying is because I have no response. There is nothing more for me to claim from what I've already told Blitzy. Whether you have issues with what I've claimed, or whether you suspect that I'm hiding something, you might as well just tell us what's bothering you so much instead of waiting for me to claim something scummy that I've supposedly been trying to hide.

and Blitz is annoyed because he doesn't see the issue with what you claimed, got it

I guess that's a fair enough response

[spoiler=:(:]man I was hoping for you to fess up to my result so I could be all

"lmao it actually worked" and pretend it was all a gambit

but I guess I can't anymore


you have this Portable Radio thing and I wanted to know more about it

mind telling us what it does?

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Did I target Prims? Yes. Did I kill him? No. Do I feel a need to claim unless circumstances become dire? Also no.

##vote: proto because this "confirmed scum" thing intrigues me and I'd like to hear what he has to say

Would it be possible to get a votecount?

ugh i'm so bad at noc

Edited by Walrein
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##Vote: Walrein

explain, cause I think Euklyd already did and I don't see the incrimintating evidence

though, Proto should get to explain the Prortable radio thing

@Mancer, we will not be lynching Larsa till at least D4, regardless of how scummy he is and regardless of how I want to lynch him, his claim checks out in more ways than one, confirmed for now.

Also, Proto will be lynched if certain stuff happens (which I already explained to Refa last night), so, we can wait to see how it plays out

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though, Proto should get to explain the Prortable radio thing

just making sure - this means that you do know about it and what it does?
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Ew NOC, now I need to actually post.

I claimed to Blitzy, told him about my character and abilities. I did not conceal any aspect of my abilities that I was aware of. I told him my N1 actions too. I did not send in any actions besides those that I've already revealed to Blitzy, nor have I set my targets as anyone other than what I've told Blitzy.

Well, sounds like Blitzy is unconvinced of your scumminess, so I think anything further about this issue should be resolved when we have OC again, if that's soon enough. Except that I would be quite curious why Walrein picked an odd time to sheep, and to what extent Euk is retracting his case (apparently not entirely since he kept his vote).

Mancer, if anything, Euk's... uh, determination reads as town to me.

I'm not sure how well I understood Jalmont's post.

Blitzy, why are you seemingly threatening to withold content?

EDIT: Ninja'd by everything after Walrein's post.

Edited by Kay
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Trust me, AEIOU is ten times better than OMGUS.^^

I'm suspecting the eclipse/Dorian slot right now because Dorian thinks that I'm likely scum but I don't see him pursuing his read in the thread. If anyone wants logs about this, I'll let you see them when the game becomes OC again. Not sure if I can paste the PM logs into thread directly bleh.

OC or NOC there is no rule that prevented you from repeating yourself. Like:

let the record show that Proto was last seen reading this thread at 10:20 PM, aka 17 minutes ago, aka ~after~ I made

this post

I can only assume that he is consulting with his scumbuddy over whether or not to out them cO6UGzz.gif

The problem I see here is your reaction to it, which I can only see as instant believe that Prims would really cop someone in public. And I have a hard time thinking that this comes from a town player, unless you have a really good reason to assume Town-Prims before that point.

So, do you have such a reason or did you assumed him to be town cause he isn't part of your team?^^”

It's also interesting that you use this to attack me instead of answering my question, which shouldn’t be too hard if you are town.^^;

##Vote: Mancer

Do I get my answers now? Or do I have to get myself modkilled again to get somewhere?

Edited by Dorian
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Trust me, AEIOU is ten times better than OMGUS.^^

OC or NOC there is no rule that prevented you from repeating yourself. Like:

“The problem I see here is your reaction to it, which I can only see as instant believe that Prims would really cop someone in public. And I have a hard time thinking that this comes from a town player, unless you have a really good reason to assume Town-Prims before that point.

So, do you have such a reason or did you assumed him to be town cause he isn't part of your team?^^”

It's also interesting that you use this to attack me instead of answering my question, which shouldn’t be too hard if you are town.^^;

##Vote: Mancer

Do I get my answers now? Or do I have to get myself modkilled again to get somewhere?

I see my quote in your post; I am unsure if you are asking me things, and if you are, what you're asking

also, AEIOU? all that comes to mind when I see that is all of the standard vowels

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Blitzy does not know about the Portable Radio, because I didn't have it last night. I only just got it this morning. And I really didn't want to draw attention to it in public. I was going to tell Blitzy about it when we get OC again, but I would rather not discuss it here in the thread

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It took me another skimming of the past few pages to figure out wtf Euklyd was trying to communicate. ##unvote

Also I just realized something. My one-time use, perma watcher item, which I used on Prims last night, didn't actually fail because he died like I thought it would. Instead, I have an actual result!

Survey says...

##vote: SB

whatchoo doin targeting prims mang?!?!?!?!?!

edit: name of the item is Security Camera if anyone cares

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I just did claim my action. You should probably respond to said claim, considering how sketchy it makes you look.

(to clarify: the item was my only action, i'm vanilla otherwise)

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Cut: Prims was the person I was supposed to target, sooooooo. I'm a Voyeur, and the only thing I saw last night was the camera being placed, hence why I suspected a ninja rather than going after you when Rapier claimed his results.

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