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You're right in the fact that it doesn't directly benefit town. . .at least from your point of view. Something happens when you're a large wagon at the beginning, especially when it's because people are doing things such as voting from the emotional hip and trying to talk to me after voting me (protip: YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG, you don't tell someone you don't trust them and expect everything to be roses). And that something directly benefits me, and indirectly benefits town because it benefits me.

In other words, someone who's scum literally will be screwed over if they acted like this, while someone who's town can get away with it. That being said, I still don't like the attitude of "vote first, talk later" - that's not how to properly get into someone's head.

Speaking of, still keeping my vote on Mancer, because his opening question was THAT BAD.

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yeah except what are you going to say, 'PEOPLE VOTING ME FOR BEING ANTI-SOCIAL ARE ALL SCUM'? Newsflash, that's practically half the game (though not everybody's votes are necessarily about that). Where's the effort from you to look into your wagon right now? 4 hours left in the phase, you're pretty much the only wagon, and you're talking about how town can get away with being major wagons for 'the greater good'? We've had this discussion in NOC games too- letting yourself be lynched for associative reads doesn't actually get you associative reads

step it up

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. . .and I don't have much time left. But right now, I don't like everyone who voted for me without talking to me, followed by people who followed-up a vote on me with a conversation. That's. . .just about everyone. The sole exception I'm willing to make is for Mitsuki, because of what she said via PM. SB's PM and in-thread actions do NOT jive, and I'm still deciding on whether or not that's because he's scum.

Either way, this lynch won't solidify anything except a single town role. It's disorganized as fuck, and if that's how the town's going to be run, then I want no part of it.

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replies in bold

Can the people who've spoken to Walrein tell me how good their convos with him have been? His defence doesn't inspire me, especially after I talked to him a little on PM. I asked him why he hasn't made the effort to talk to many people if he thinks that there's no point to talking in-thread, and he says that he used up all his time at home to talk to the three people he mentioned, which I find a little difficult to believe if they've just been PM convos. Nope, IRC and Skype. All the conversations lasted somewhere between half an hour to an hour, and I legitimately wasn't home for more than like 3 hours yesterday. I admit I haven't exactly been very proactive either, but I also haven't been espousing the virtues of talking to people out of the thread like he has been.

Also I personally like his Eclipse vote the least because since there are two mafia teams, someone leading a lynch on one person who ends up flipping scum doesn't really qualify them to be town leader, if Walrein wants like a super-confirmed-town as leader, and being an ass is just stupid as any alignment.

cut by Eclipse- being intentionally anti-social doesn't benefit scum, but it doesn't benefit town either. My gut says you're town throwing a tantrum, which makes me disappointed in you. Okay, you didn't really want to play. So then ask for a sub (seems Vhaltz is available), rather than intentionally dicking your faction over, whatever it might be. You talk about how people should talk to you if they want to lynch you. Don't you think that if you're going to get lynched, you should talk to them too? Other people playing badly doesn't give you the right to do fuck-all either. Play to the best of your abilities or sub out.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Walrein

would most rather go with this over Eclipse. Other than the people who straight up said 'sheeping others' (which is at least honest) his vote doesn't actually present any scum intent from Eclipse or even logic. refusing to talk to people is scum intent in and of itself because it impedes communication between villagers and prevents us from actually finding anything out

Edited by Walrein
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PM conversations are starting to make me feel like this is more based on having different ideas on how to play OC than eclipse's alignment? It feels like she genuinely believes this is the correct play in OC so mehhhhhh.

Don't know who I would actually counterwagon though so uh >.>

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Guess what, quotes don't show up in replies. So if I were to quote this, I'd have a nice, blank page.

That being said, I never said I wouldn't talk to people - I'm not reaching out to them. It's a very important distinction to make.

SB - I'll gladly give you a nice, long primer about what OC is about. . .probably about N1.

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SB told me had a somewhat lengthy convo with you, and Refa told me had a 2-line convo with you

man I'm tired fuck OC games

I don't really want to lynch Eclipse and tbh I'm not even sure if I really want to lynch Walrein. lurker lynch time?

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Other people I'd be willing to vote for at the moment include: Elieson, Randa, jalmont, and Walrein; Elieson and Randa kind of disappeared after the initial buzz which in all fairness could be just because they're not used to OC but it still bothers me. I don't have any sort of reads on jalmont or Walrein to speak off, so that's more me being lazy and going all P.O.E.

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Oh man, I totally wish that happened in my first OC multi-mafia game. Well, it sort of did, because the setup was meant for town leadership. Too bad it kinda failed. :P:

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Lynch Proto :P:

First things first. . .


While I still don't trust Mancer, I doubt I'm going to convince everyone else of this. That being said, not really interested in lynching those that I had more than a spam convo with (you know who you are), but wouldn't mind a lynch on someone on my wagon.

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(guess what, I get to shit up the thread some more)

I saw an effort to contact me (that's fine), which is why I didn't have an issue with it at first. The fact that she's still sitting on that justification makes that effort moot.

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Also, Rein, WHAT IN THE EVERLIVING FUCK is a 48-hour D1 doing in this sort of game?! That's not enough time for people to sort their shit out - that's what N0 should've been for.

Now I'm really pissed that I'm a part of this.

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You asked for what happened. I told you exactly what happened. Deal with it.

EDIT: In other words, your vote, in my eyes, now looks like you're voting me because you're offended.

EDIT 2: Well that's lovely, I always wanted my weather to be stormy with a chance of power outage. ;/

Edited by eclipse
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BBM stood there, streaming with sweat, streaked with brown curry, stained by all the vicissitudes of a day's scumhunting, and decided to take a shower.

(spilled a bunch of food on myself; bbl)

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