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Favourite Fire Emblem Mechanic


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So across 13 Fire Emblem games Nintendo has experimented with many different mechanics so out of curiosity what is your favourite?

Personally I like FE 5 fatigue the most it adds unique strategy and difficulty.

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Having the option to capture enemy units and them capture you if your build wasn't high enough was a great mechanic I think. Rescuing/dropping was pretty nice too. And shoving. Pretty much every mechanic I like really. Yup.

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The base menu from FE9-10. I think it really does wonders for the pacing of the game, to have this really nice and comfy place to return to after an exiting battle. And it offers a good atmosphere to manage the inventory, check up on the crew and talk to the locals, like you are really enjoying a brief respite between two life-or-death battles.

Plus, Info conversations offer an opportunit to have conversations with the team that feel like they actually have some relevance.

Edited by BrightBow
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Warp (FE1/2/3/5/11/12/TRS). I don't do warpskip runs (although I do warpskip some maps), but it's super broken and cool and a great FUCK YOU to more obnoxious maps. Also it's the most broken thing in FE ever (did I mention that it's broken)?

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The base menu from FE9-10. I think it really does wonders for the pacing of the game, to have this really nice and comfy place to return to after an exiting battle. And it offers a good atmosphere to manage the inventory, check up on the crew and talk to the locals, like you are really enjoying a brief respite between two life-or-death battles.

Plus, Info conversations offer an opportunit to have conversations with the team that feel like they actually have some relevance.

Ah, I forgot to mention that one. Base menus contributed to fleshing out the setting much more than the navigable world maps have ever done in FE.

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Also Weapon Level, far more convenient and less effort than Weapon Ranks. This is a personal one since I can fully admit that Weapon Ranks make more sense, but sometimes it's nice to promote and be able to use the best weapons right out of the gate.

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Also Weapon Level, far more convenient and less effort than Weapon Ranks. This is a personal one since I can fully admit that Weapon Ranks make more sense, but sometimes it's nice to promote and be able to use the best weapons right out of the gate.

It's also bro with how Sheeda had what was essentially B lances from the get go.

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-The rally/aura skills from FE13 and the tide skills from FE10. If those games (especially FE13) had more siege weapons, combining that with those skills could make for the perfect long-ranged support character.

-The large-scale battles from FE4. It really made it feel like you were fighting a real war, as opposed to the typical FE small skirmish type of battle. If only there were more options to approaching your objectives. Oh, well. Maybe FE14.

-Honestly? Pair-up. It's horribly unbalanced and poorly thought-out, but the core idea of it is very cool. I hope we see a revised version of it in FE14.

Dismount, I thought it was kinda cool although not terribly useful.

Seconded. I'm pissed it got left out of FE11/FE12.

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It's hard for me to say a favourite mechanic. A FE has to have lots of game mechanics to be good.

I've mentioned most of these points in several threads already. But I will do it once more, because there are some mechanics I really missed in the latest FE games. Here's a list about mechanics which I'd like to see in the next FE game:

  • magic weapon triangle (anima, light, dark)
  • steal option
  • ballistas
  • a skill system of mastery skills and removable skills (FE10 and FE13 had good approaches for a good skill system, though I think it could be improved)
  • capturing is a very interesting and fun feature in FE5
  • different mission types (seize, rout, escape, defend/survive)
  • skipping enemy phase like in FE13
  • shove, rescue, take and drop
  • canto for mounted units for every action
  • dismounting units
  • weapon weight has to return (the skill should influence the AS, otherwise mages would have a huge disadvantage because of their low strength or constitution)
  • possibility to act after talking
  • terrain boost like in FE10 (you got hit and attack boost, if you attack from upper area and penalty, if you attack from lower area)
  • no enemy movement range as a option (I liked in FE10 that in HM the enemy movement range was disabled)
  • possibility to use items and stats boosts in the preparation menu
Edited by TalesOf Hysteria
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Dual-line promotion ala fe8. I think it was only limited by the game design with overpowered axes and underwhelming foot units not called Sage or Hero.

Bexp seemed like a cheap copout to including game balance in both 9 and 10

Edited by Sara.
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Bexp seemed like a cheap copout to including game balance in both 9 and 10

Hmm I didnt care for it much either, I tend not to use it at all.

they just give you to much, although Radiant Dawn did have a good strategy to prevent abusing it with only 2 stats rising for even 1 exp (even then though it can still be abused to get someone like Aran max Res and Spd)

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