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Guitar Mafia - Game Over


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it's 100% legit

i just realized i should've just set my alarm so we'd have deadline panic interactions lol

whatever, day cop is like never used and i have no idea how to play it #johns

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Refa's play feels really uninspired to me? His early posts are more just him replying to things and never really pressing anyone but Larsa long enough for me to figure out my read on them and feels like what he did to Kay in ponymaf. The only other read he gave before like... six hours ago was Psych, which he dropped as soon as the Mayor thing came to light and I feel like he should know that Mayors aren't always town so that reaction is kind of baffling to me? It feels like what he did to Beli last game after Marth flipped where he just sort of dismissed him afterwards, but idk how much stock to put into that considering it's associative reads without flips. Apart from that, he's apparently scumreading Mancer but it's not like he changed anything from that, and he basically said dewound was gut!town and then ignored him until his claim came out which is kind of weird considering that he's been a pretty big wagon today? Would lynch tomorrow.

Psych is kind of just there as lurkscum and because his last post gave me weird vibes that just didn't feel like Psych lol.

Judging by Dewound claiming his real role I don't think scum have fakes, meaning that Poly is probably town on his miller claim. Prims is obvtown, Rapier seems too transparent to be scum and I get a good feeling from Gorf's posts even when they don't say an awful lot. There are probably more people who look better from interactions too but I can't really be bothered to read up on that right now.


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dewound (7): Gorf, SB, Prims, HBC Larsa, EvilG, Refa, Mancer (Lynch!)
MancerNecro (2): Rapier, Polydeuces
Randa (3): Psych, Omega
HBC Larsa (1): Randa

"Screw that guy!"

"Yeah, he shouldn't be allowed to play in G3! For no good reason!"

Dewound was lynched! He was Steve Vai, the Mafia Roleblocker and Compulsive Democratic Roleenabler.

Hello Dewound, and welcome to random guitar shit mafia.

You are Steve Vai.


Aside from guitar sex you’re also really prominent in showmanship. You’ll play along with relatively large groups of musicians if your composition deems it necessary and you'll have them play every single note at the exact time that you want them to. Everything must be perfect. Lately fans have learned you may be a bit too harsh with the people you work with though, so you’ve decided to offer them some compensation!

During Day 1, you must choose 5 players so that they may vote whether they do or do not want to receive a compensation. If you don’t have picks by the time the hammer strikes, they will be chosen at random. -snip- You may choose to send in your player picks and activate the voting mechanic early while still in D1, but the effects of voting will be resolved during Night 1 regardless.

Lastly, you can also somehow jam people’s doors shut at night with your guitar. How? Hell if I know. If you ##Jam: Player they won’t get to do anything that night.

You are the Mafia Roleblocker and Compulsive Democratic Roleenabler.

Night 1 begins, and will end in approximately 30 hours.

Edited by Vhaltz
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The opening post has been updated and most ISOs have been added. ISOs for Gorf, Larsa and Omega are missing until I find a way to make their ISOs without their hashtags breaking them. I also did not specify in the rules whether the game would reveal full flips or partial flips like I thought I did. After double-checking there should be no problem in revealing full role PMs, so the full PM for dewound has been retroactively added.

Remember to send in your actions in before phase end, here's the countdown timer

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(not playing)

CURSE YOU SPACE BAR! Ahem. . .let's pretend that I want a Manix ISO in this topic. Here's how it would look, using his current name:

[url=http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&cType=topic&cId=50095&search_author=Curly%20Brace]Curly Brace[/url]
See that %20 in there? That represents the space in his name. To get the hash tags, use %23 for them.

(not playing, and out~!)

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~not playing~

(not playing)

CURSE YOU SPACE BAR! Ahem. . .let's pretend that I want a Manix ISO in this topic. Here's how it would look, using his current name:

[url=http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&cType=topic&cId=50095&search_author=Curly%20Brace]Curly Brace[/url]
See that %20 in there? That represents the space in his name. To get the hash tags, use %23 for them.

(not playing, and out~!)

and this isn't even everything!

for example it took me literally like 15 minutes of searching to figure out that the dagger in Omega's username was %86 and not %E2%80%A0 like every fucking thing was telling me it was

(actually some of them were saying it was %u2020)



and fucking finally,


tl;dr modkill people like these in the future, it's a much simpler solution :newyears:

~not playing~

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You all wake up to the sound of numerous guitars playing outside, only to find that it was just some random metalheads in the street and nobody that really has anything to do with the game.

You shoo them away to make sure that only the RIGHT guitarists are around to lynch, and notice that nobody is actually missing.

Day 2 Begins!

Not voting: Everybody.

With 12 alive it takes 7 to hammer. Countdown.

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