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Guitar Mafia - Game Over


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just saying @omega that I think the bold is the most important part of town!sb. in context SB's buddies tank, there's no way for him to know most of the roles in the game, and he effectively commits to a Colorblind Cop claim (he'd have to be realllllly inventive to reference that crumb otherwise). from scum!SB's pov all it takes is one decent investigative role other than me and he's 100% fucked on set-up spec.i get you don't care for roles but this seems airtight to me. even with a mod-given safeclaim he'd want to avoid crumbing so that he wouldn't have to commit to anythingthe other big point is that BBM sets himself up like "yeah dewound sucks but larsa REALLY sucks... *huge larsa case* i guess i'll consider switching to larsa later". what scumbuddy does this, like ever? if he's faking content he posts a side suspicion. if he wants to jump off his buddy he does it right then.

i dont see how scumsb committing to a colorblind cop is shocking at all. that pretty much seems like one of the best roles in the world for scum to claim n after a daycop its obvious theres no other investigative roles (unless yall REALLY go crazy wit those around here). even if hes town calling this airtight is one hell of a leap

meh @ bbms case thing. hes forced to stay on his buddy due to the wagon n i dont see why fake scumhunting at that point is out of the question

i hav a long day ahead of me. ima check back on this later

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SF games tend to have at least one fulltime investigative roles unless they're gimmicky, if you want proof of this just glance over the opening posts of past games.

How was BBM forced to stay on the wagon when it wasn't set in stone?

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eh color-blind cop isn't too bad since you don't have a result on d2, and fulltime roleblocker + 2-shot rolecop + godfather vs 2-shot jailkeeper is enough to balance it since it can't be saved consistently and loses its action if it is

sb is also right about hosting a smaller game with both a 1-shot daycop and a tracker, though that was on a different forum

even if there wasn't another investigative role scum!sb would expect one after playing in that, and thus not commit to the color-blind cop claim because he'd think he'd get squeezed out by massclaim

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cool hammer bro

Rapier (3): Prims, SB, Omega (Lynch!)

"Who the fuck is scum" - one dude

"wtf are those kills" - some other dude

"I'm paranoid that X could be scum" - everybody

You decided to screw the rules and beat down the dude with a sword name with your own guitar-playing hands.

Rapier was lynched, he was:

Marty Friedman, the Mafia Godfather and Lovedmaker

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BBM/SB have survived, they were Andy Timmons, the Town Colorblind Cop

Prims has survived, he was Vinnie Moore, the Town 1-shot Daycop

Omega has survived, he was Andy Rehfeldt, the Town Courier

Town wins!

Rapier full PM:

Hello Rapier and welcome to random guitar shit mafia

You are Marty Friedman.

You are famous for playing guitar in the famous band Megadeth. That was pretty long ago and there's been quite a bunch of other guitarists for Megadeth, but you're still mostly famous for being the band's guitarist.

Whenever the name of Megadeth comes up everybody goes “Megadeth is cool!” either because they actually like it or because they've heard the name somewhere and don't want to give off the impression that they’re noobs. As a result nobody is going to judge you and you will appear innocent to all investigations.

You also had a solo career but it is greatly overshadowed by Megadeth and in the grand scheme of things nobody really gives a damn.
At nights, you may ##Compliment: X and make an off-hand compliment to the player in public. Since metalheads are nice people they’ll deeply respect you for taking the time to make somebody’s day better, and as a result will become reticent to lynching the dude you complimented. Your target will require one more vote to lynch the following Day. (Doesn't work in LyLo/MyLo).

You can talk to your buddy-buds at any time in this quicktopic:

You are the Mafia Godfather and Lovedmaker.

BBM/SB full PM:

Hello BBM/SB, and welcome to random guitar shit mafia

You are Andy Timmons.

You’re some guitar-playing dude that mainly plays guitar instrumentals, which are generally cool, but then you also play in other bands in which you sing and I kind of dislike your vocals, sorry.

Some of your instrumental stuff is really nice and can even make pretty good music to think to. Most of your music doesn’t get to me much and I find some of it to be boring, but those songs are pretty cool so I still think highly of you as a musician.

At night you may ##Soulcop: X to search their soul with your music and find out whether their intentions are groovy or rockin’.

You are the Town Colorblind Cop.

Prims full PM:

Hello Prims and welcome to random guitar shit mafia

You are Vinnie Moore.

You're one of those metal dudes in the 80s-90s that has long, messy hair and could've been easily mistaken for a woman. Then you became a man and you still have the exact same long, messy hair, but now look less like a woman.

Anyway, you’re a time traveler, so once per game you may play a fucking awesome solo that will warp space and time and allow you to shoot Hitler in the face. This will render over 50% of internet arguments void and cause the mafia communities everywhere to retroactively crumble, due to the resulting lack of people yelling at each other over the internet.

Or you could just sneak a peek at somebody’s alignment right at the time I sent them their role PM, that could happen too, up to you I guess.

You are the Town 1-shot daycop.

Here’s another song for your entertainment.

Omega full PM:

Hello Omega and welcome to random guitar shit mafia. Your symbol thing also fucks with the forum's user recognition function for sending PMs, so I hope this goes through alright.

You are Andy Rehfeldt.

You upload youtube videos that cover of popular songs by other artists, generally just to make them funnier. This includes making rap songs into polka, metal songs into smooth jazz, making Rage Against The Machine sound less angry, and making satanic metal bands children friendly. You add your own vocals and sound effects when you deem fit and rarely fail with your unique delivery of musical humour.

As a delivery expert, you may send a message to a target of choice every night through the mod. Longer youtube videos often fail to grab people’s attention, so your delivery will have to be short and sweet. Keep your messages under 100 words in length.

You are the Town Courier.

Modkilled PMs will come next.

Edited by Vhaltz
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Modkilled PMs


Hello EvilG and welcome to random guitar shit mafia

You are Don Ross.

You're a pretty big and hairy guy, you play your guitar to keep yourself busy and to have something to live for after your wife died. Some of your songs are kinda sad as a result but still really nice to listen to. Other songs of yours are more rythmic and uplifting and they're also nice and don't really have much to do with your flavor.

You have a privileged insight in appreciating life and death after your wife passed away, living without the people you love kind of sucks but you have also driven yourself to appreciate the nice things that can be done alone. If you die at any point during the game, you may cross the boundary between life and death and vote with your comrades for the next phase, albeit without a voice.

You are the Town 1-phase Restless Spirit.
If you die through any means you will be able to vote during the following day phase and count towards the vote total for the lynch threshold. You are only allowed to post votes on living players and may not post anything other than votes during your extra voting day. You will be given the link to the graveyard QT after said day phase is over.


Hello Psych Zyth, and welcome to random guitar shit mafia

You are Ewan Dobson.

You enjoy playing acoustic guitar while being Raiden and/or generating rifts in space and time. You were diagnosed with ADHD, OCD and Tourette’s at some point, and this odd mental setup may explain why you’re exceptionally polyrhythmic and often sound like you’re playing several guitars at a time. It probably also explains why you’re capable of blurting out odd stuff like “THE ICE CREAM MAN CAME THE OTHER DAY AND HE SAID IT WAS GOOD” or “SAURON MUST BE PRAISED” in the middle of online guitar lessons.

It would’ve been cool to make that last bit into a power somehow, but instead you just get to be a mayor because I haven’t really heard anybody that’s quite as consistently good at polyrhythmic guitar as you are.

You are the Town Mayor (Doublevoter).

Edited by Vhaltz
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Why? This is a premature conclusion, or at least seems like one since I can't see your thought process. If Omega is scum he has to be the godfather and it's naive to assume scum only ever bus 100% optimally. ??? on this because if you're scum Rapier's the easier player to argue a lynch against right now.

It'd be strange for him to suddenly flip his read on me from town to scum after saying my posts were really townie, so I can see why he took so long to ultimately vote me (I don't know how he used to read Omega before Gorf was lynched). Upon reread of his ISO, I feel particularly dumb for not noticing his sudden turn of suspicion on me like when he states he should "reread scum!Rapier" and when he passive agressively said that he thought I was a Godfather while still advocating a NL (which doesn't make sense, if I am Godfather then why not lynch me right after this conclusion?).

imo he just waited for someone to make a case against me so he could jump on it. Only after Prims declared his vote did SB vote. Also, his reads on me don't seem to have changed much from the SB that advocated a NL and the SB that is voting me right now. Why the sudden change?

Why do I care about specifically mislynching you? Killing Prims or Omega would've put me in an arguably better position rather than killing Mancer who was still more lynchable than me imo.

From the 6 remaining players on D4, it is clear that I was only second to Gorf on the scumdar, as far as the Town's opinion went. My chances of being lynched are far higher than Mancer's could have been, because his interactions with Prims pretty much cleared him while I have no such shield available. Therefore, it is way better for scum to let me live then use me as a scapegoat in the following Day, instead of letting Mancer live.



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