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FE Awakening Lunatic Tier List

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Front liner implies they're in front. If your foot units are in front of your mounts in Genealogy, you're not playing efficiently. On a hypothetical higher difficulty, 8 Mov and charisma would make Delmud that much better than the sword twins.

I feel you. I was hoping to learn something. I'm no pro but come on, Donnel at second place and Olivia being bottom of the barrel? How bad do you have to be to come up with a list this terrible?

I prefer RTU's to tier lists honestly. Did Awakening even have one?

I saw one when I was a lurker, but it generated a lot of butthurt and only got around halfway through.

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Front liner implies they're in front. If your foot units are in front of your mounts in Genealogy, you're not playing efficiently. On a hypothetical higher difficulty, 8 Mov and charisma would make Delmud that much better than the sword twins.

The ability to move fast does not a frontliner make. The ability to be in front and survive is what makes a frontliner. And several builds of the sword twins are orders of magnitude more durable than Delmud's capable of being, especially since Delmud's limited to fathers that have pursuit AND don't create a crap Nanna. The sword twins, on the other hand, can have Lex's obscene defense growths or Dew's solar sword and a fantastic combination of defense and speed, just to name two excellent frontliner options.

Edited by Alastor15243
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I saw one when I was a lurker, but it generated a lot of butthurt and only got around halfway through.

IIRC that one came out too early. Maybe in another year there will be another.

The ability to move fast does not a frontliner make. The ability to be in front and survive is what makes a frontliner. And several builds of the sword twins are orders of magnitude more durable than Delmud's capable of being, especially since Delmud's limited to fathers that have pursuit AND don't create a crap Nanna. The sword twins, on the other hand, can have Lex's obscene defense growths or Dew's solar sword and a fantastic combination of defense and speed, just to name two excellent frontliner options.

I'll PM you why I disagree to avoid derailing.

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Yo guys, here's my text that yoshi requested. It's a playthrough until ch 5, when donnel should be lvl 10, and can reclass to whatever you want. Judge for yourself.

Playthrough till whenever: Goals of the guide: Show that Donnel deserves top tier. Show that cavs,
pegasus, suck. I'll use Sumia and Chrom as growth units for this guide since, using both Sumia and Sully makes things
detrimental to a run, Chrom hypothetically should be stronger than Sully in every way except for no lance availability,
and less movement. Plus, his Falchior helps vs wyverns. I could judge better if I trained Sumia more since I only played till chapter 5 and Donnel was top priority.

To make it clear, I only do vanilla run, except for Donnel, but just because of my fetish for him.

Next runs, if I do them, I will probably test out the bs 8 unit galeforce no grind run. And then the vanilla, no veteran, only vanilla, and every other restriction I put out,

plus no Donnel run, to show that I'm too bad for ez mode Lunatic, and I'm a casual turtly faggot. lolol

Prologue: It was the standard prologue water run, but I spent 2 extra turns getting
2 low units to the right side to give Chrom a lvl up.

Relevant units:
Chrom lvl 2

Robin lvl 6

Frederick:lvl 1

Ch 1:
I'm unequipping the silver lance on frederick because it's valuable.
I could keep it on, but I'm not playing with wifi. I won't have access
to those 24 mt renown bs weapons.

Standard ch 1 strat. Park avatar with fred support on the fort. That's probably too casual and turtly for some people,
but deal with it. Avatar could 2 shot all the fodder and ez mode chapter, but I took longer to give avatar elixir this
round instead of next, and to give Chrom the relevant exp that he needed. I did restart for Chrom growths, only because
I didn't want people crying about how Chrom got potentially shafted in growths when I compare Chrom and Donnel later.


Relevant Units:
Chrom lvl 3

Avatar lvl 9

Frederick lvl 1(For the nubs who think Frederick is useful)

Ch2: Same old standard strat you can probably find on youtube except substituting avatar for Frederick.
I'm training Chrom so expect a slightly higher turn count. Avatar can 2 shot fodder with bronze sword.

Turn Count:10

Relevant Units:
Chrom: lvl 4

Robin: lvl 12

Chapter 3: avatar can double archers in the beginning. I reset a couple of times due to Sumia getting like 1-2 growths
so I may have overused avatar a little bit to save time.
Turn Count:13
Relevant Units:
Chrom:lvl 6

Sumia:lvl 3

Robin: lvl 15
hp: 31
str: 17
mag: 12
skill: 10
spd: 18
lck: 13
def: 18
res: 14

Paralogue 1: I'll explain in detail. But first buy some extra heals for Lissa. You may or may not need it.
Units deployed: Sumia, Chrom, Donnel, Frederick, Vaike, Kellam, Virion, Lissa
I didn't do anything unique to formation because there's no need to. Avatar is one tile above Donnel. Give Chrom Elixir.
Give avatar, fire. Give Sumia Javelin. Pair up avatar and Lissa, Donnel, and Frederick, and then move avatar to the right, one square below the
woods, and then move sumia, vaike, and donnel to the left. (Every scenario, and outcome will be different based on how
your units leveled and luck) Pair up Chrom and Kellam, and move them right in front of the barbarian, don't hit him and wait.
For me, I aimed to kill 2 units, and leave 2 units in a weakened state, which happened.
Chrom ended up dodging everything miraculously, but he still has the elixir just in case. He just stalls. One barb
from the right side of the wall will move over to the left side of the wall.

Pair up sumia and vaike, and have them kill the thief. Your avatar should be close enough to the barb that came from the
other side of the wall. Use fire on it, and get it low. Use Virion to kill the barb in the forest, 87% chance, and use
Donnel to kill the other weakened barb. 76% chance. Move Chrom one step back, and use elixir on him if he's low.

On enemy phase, the archer will move over the wall, and the steel axe barb will move forward. Kill the barb with Chrom,
and then move every1 out of the archer's range, and seperate avatar and lissa since avatar one shots the archer,
and Avatar needs to get the archer low next turn for exp. The archer will attack Chrom.

I ended up not taking too much damage on Chrom so I switched to kellam, dequipped his weapon(oops should have dequipped weapon earlier), switched to Chrom, and used vulnerary.
I moved avatar up above the archer melee range, used fire, got him low, used Donnel, 1 level up,
90% to finish the archer off. Just keep healer, sumia, and virion barely out of range.

Next turn, one barb will attack avatar, one will attack Chrom. Both will be low. Finish one off with Sumia, the other one
with Donnel, Donnel will get his first level up. Move Chrom one space back to allow Donnel to kill the Barbarian. I think
right here, if your chrom gets hit or something and is low, the second barb will 2 range Chrom instead of the avatar due
to ai nature. When I did it, I fully expected second barb to attack Chrom too, but he went for avatar. I kept avatar
further away due to the chance of chrom getting a last hit on the archer. Don't know how ai works, but if barbarian stays
on Chrom, move him back, kill the first with Donnel, and the other one with the avatar with a sword.

After that I moved avatar below the wall as far to the left as possible, and then healed him since Chrom dodged last turn.
I then paired up avatar and Virion.

Next turn, move avatar as close to the thief as possible. He'll be one space up from the bottom. Move Donnel behind him,
Chrom behind Donnel. My Lissa ended up above avatar, and I put pegasus below the avatar.

Next turn, move avatar as close to the thief as possible. He'll be like 3 spaces away, put Donnel behind the avatar,
Chrom behind him, have sumia above the avatar, and the healer behind Sumia.

After that, things diverge two ways. You can either get the killer lance, or not get the killer lance. I'll just assume
you want the killer lance. Have Chrom attack the thief, have Sumia stand behind Chrom and javelin. Have avatar move up
and hit the barb with magic, dequip the bow from Virion. Have Donnel stand in front of Chrom.

Next turn what will happen is the thief will move right next to the avatar, and the archer will be against the left wall,
with low hp. Use Donnel to finish the archer off, move the avatar one space above Donnel to hit the thief, and have Chrom
finish off the thief from below to finish off the thief, since the barb from above will move.

Strangely, the barb attacked the avatar next turn. Luckily, avatar weakened it with fire. However, still not low enough for
Donnel. Plus, the barb is on wood. Yolo, Sumia hits with javelin, Donnel hits. To be safe, you can just use Chrom if you want.

At this point, you have a lot of options, since you won't be rushed. I just seperate every1 except Donnel, use the avatar
to bait the axe user up north(79%), use Donnel to finish him off(lvl up), move the avatar two spaces above Donnel, dequip. Bait
the archer down, surround the archer, if you want to get more exp, you can seperate Donnel, and then have Donnel kill the
archer slowly to milk exp. That one archer slowly milked gave me a full lvl up.

The barbarian on the left fort doesn't rush you even if you get into his range. After you kill the one archer, have
Sumia barely out of range of the archer at the chest place, go fly up, block him aginst the wall so he can't hit you,
and then have Donnel walk up and get free exp out of him again. I got D in lances from that, and almost a level up.

Then, bait, the barbarin up north with avatar, bait him down, set up a blockade with avatar and chrom, at the 2 space
opening near the wall, dequip their weapons, (you might want to pair up chrom with some1 that gives def), and just
chunk the barbarian with the javelin. Heal Chrom if he gets too low. That barb will almost net you a level up.

After that, pair Donnel up with some1, bait the two barbs at the forts.
Move the avatar to the entrance of that square place with the two barbs at the forts, and have him chunk down the barb
with the ranged weapon. The ranged weapon guy always moves first I think, and just finish him off with Donnel. Another
level up. He should be level 6 by now. Then just dequip the avatar, seperate Donnel. Bring Chrom with a def support
to tank the barbarian because avatar has solidarity and it may give you a crit. The downside to bringing Chrom though
I think is that if the Barbarian has gamble, the barbarian can crit. So it's like pick your poison.

That barb should almost net you a level up. Next up, bait one archer at a time, surround, rinse and repeat. I almost got
a level up here.

The boss, there's different ways to do the boss. Just give Donnel the last hit, break his weapons slowly, and then have
Donnel go in, or just break the short axe and have Donnel chunk him from afar. The silver axe crit can kill your avatar so be careful.
Either way, after this chapter, your Donnel should be lvl 8 or lvl 9 and C lances. Which means he can start using killer
lances next chapter.

Relevant unit stats:
Chrom:lvl 8

Robin:lvl 16

Donnel:lvl 8

Sumia:lvl 5

And oh look, a second seal from an anna shop. I know it's not reliable to rely on for a tier list or something, but I included use of second seals only to show this nub

forum that Donnel is good, in no turn count restriction mode.

Chapter 4: Bleh, I don't want to do a full walkthrough. Standard use avatar to weaken people and then finish them off

I'm using avatar, Donnel, Kellam, Sumia, Chrom, Lissa. Turn 1, move avatar in range of the fighter, bring every1 close,
but out of range of fighter. (Pair up avatar and Sumia, Donnel and Kellam.
Turn 2, kill fighter with Donnel, lvl up, hit the mage, but stay out of range of the fighter
at the top, but be in range for the rushing fighter from the left. Kill the mage with sumia. Heal avatar.
Turn 3, use Donnel to kill the warrior with javelin, get avatar in range of knight, keep sumia and healer out of range.
Turn 4, use Donnel to finish off mage. Use Chrom to kill knight, use avatar to kill the fighter. Heal avatar.
Turn 5, Move Donnel out of range of knight. Move healer out of range too, and heal Donnel. Move avatar and Chrom next to
healer and Donnel.
Turn 6, Donnel double, misses first hit, hits second one. Level up. Heal Donnel. Kill the fighter with avatar, keep Chrom
in same position.
Turn 7, weaken Lucina with avatar and Donnel, finish her with Sumia.

Relevant Unit Stats:
Robin:lvl 17
res: 14

Chrom:lvl 8

Sumia: lvl 5

Donnel: lvl 1

I'll reply to the other nubs a little later.

Edited by gochooindontgo
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All that effort put into training Donnel could have been put into training any other one of your units, such as Sumia, who has advantages such as higher move, eventual rally and/or Galeforce access, and not being the single worst unit in the army upon recruitment.

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This thread makes me want to post a parody tier list. Would it be appropriate to post it in Awakening as its own topic?

I'd recommend against troll topics.

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All that effort put into training Donnel could have been put into training any other one of your units, such as Sumia, who has advantages such as higher move, eventual rally and/or Galeforce access, and not being the single worst unit in the army upon recruitment.

Giving Sumia 7 lvls, would not make her stronger than what Donnel has currently beacuse Donnel and Avatar can literally solo game from this point on if allowed to gain Sol. Plus the armsthrift allows them to weild stronger weapons while saving gold. Galeforce? Plz that stuff is for normal casual players. Your sumia isn't going to be doing much with that low str and def growth. Plus, she has shittier growths, and the stat gap between Donnel and Sumia will continue to grow in favor of Donnel. Donnel is clearly superior. The only time the movement would be beneficial might be for turn count, which is disregarded here, and the sand maps.

Like the effort to train sumia is immense. And even when she is given the levels, she's not on the solo enemy units or mobs caliber that any other tanky unit is on.

Edited by gochooindontgo
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You banned Sol, remember?

Armsthrift isn't anywhere near consistent unless you have almost max luck, which in no-grind, only Donnel could possibly get a luck stat that high, and only near the very end of the game.

I may be a low turn count player, but extra movement is always useful regardless of whether or not the player is doing an LTC, which is why everyone is ridiculing you for putting Olivia in bottom tier.

How is the effort to train Sumia immense, but the effort to train Donnel isn't? He is literally worse than base Sumia in every stat except for maybe luck, and Sumia probably has gained at least one level by that point anyway.

Darn it Ownage, you did what I wanted to do first.

Edited by Carmine Sword
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How about showing something to back your words up. Like you tell me you've played on lunatic more than once, not on lunatic casual where you're not controlling growth rates, and you're telling me you're using Olivia, keeping her alive, with no risen or dlc or dance grind. Also, you're using 8 units, plus children, and getting Sumia to lvl 15 by ch 14. It's pretty bs. I would like to see the proof, plus you're keeping it low turn count with a Sumia. I listed proof. Donnel has one chapter where he's a liability. By the second chapter, he's contributing, third chapter in, he's flying away further than any1 else at that point. You're telling me that Sumia is not a liability when she's more at risk of getting stat fked, gets one shot by every axe user in the game for at least like 10 chapters, has to be babysat because she can only be used reliably vs swords, and you're using her for lower turn count. BS. Show me the proof of Olivia amazingly contributing to your team when she is at liability to get one shot for most if not, the entire game.

I'm fully expecting to see the abusing of rescue staff, dance, and galeforce.

Also, you're babying Sumia the way I was babying Donnel for longer than Donnel. I guess it's too much effort to move away from DLC grinding.

You banned Sol, remember?

Armsthrift isn't anywhere near consistent unless you have almost max luck, which in no-grind, only Donnel could possibly get a luck stat that high, and only near the very end of the game.

I may be a low turn count player, but extra movement is always useful regardless of whether or not the player is doing an LTC, which is why everyone is ridiculing you for putting Olivia in bottom tier.

How is the effort to train Sumia immense, but the effort to train Donnel isn't? He is literally worse than base Sumia in every stat except for maybe luck, and Sumia probably has gained at least one level by that point anyway.

Darn it Ownage, you did what I wanted to do first.

Edited by gochooindontgo
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Good show you just spent enough time training donney that I could've beaten chapter10 with ease. What you did is grinding, whxh you said you would not do.

You should've given that experience to chrom, unless you are banning aether since it has Sol as part of it

Was it really worth the effort little man?

Edited by Sara.
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Where does it say no unit grinding. I said no dlc, and no risen grinding.

Also, without unit grinding, Donnel just takes one chapter longer to get viable. This was a shortcut since training some1 2 chapters is apparently way too long for some people. Technically, 1 1/2 considering how short chapter 4 is. Oh wait, but it's cute how you're mad because you don't have the skills to play this game without bringing out that DLC. I only see you condescending without showing anything to back it up. Big words from some1 with all talk no action.

Good show you just spent enough time training donney that I could've beaten chapter10 with ease. What you did is grinding, whxh you said you would not do.

You should've given that experience to chrome, unless you are banning aether since it has Sol as part of it

Was it really worth the effort little man?

Alright, I'll make a new file today, and use Cordelia, Sumia, and their husbands only, and two pairs(8 units). Only master seals, since we're rushing galeforce, and by chapter 14(since we want that stuff on Lucina amirite), all with no grinding. I'm calling bs.

You're telling me I haven't done something I have done? You're telling the community they haven't done something that many people consider to be one of the optimal strategies? Then you're just digging your hole deeper.

The optimal strategy for you and this community is buying DLC and playing those exp and gold maps I've heard about.

So you're telling me that you're not using master seals to promote your 8 units, but on Gregor, you don't have master seals legitly at this point and you're calling seals from shops reliable, and you called leveling Donnel bs, but you're getting galeforce on 2 units, while training 2 pairs of couples, haven't tried out Donnel, but call it bs because you can't think outside the box, or find clever ways to train him?

Slow down, bro. Too many self-contradictions in one sentence.

I use Masters whenever I fell I'll get the most worth out of them. On units who can afford to wait 'til 20 and who I'll be using for a significant period of time, I wait 'til 20. On units who are going to be support bots for a few chapters before fading into obscurity, I'll use them ASAP to get the better pairup boosts earlier. The two options aren't mutually exclusive.

I do indeed have Seals, because there are a ton of enemies at that point in the game that drop them.

I said Seals from Shops aren't reliable. You implied they were, by using one in your "reliable" Donnel strat- Renown (which you banned) and Anna/Streetpass are the only ways to get one before Cht.8.

Training units that don't pay off in the long run is different from training units that do pay off in the long run.

I never said I haven't used Donnel. I said he's bad.

Thinking outside the box? You're the one who fails to see the value in Veteran, Galeforce, Olivia, and not playing by an absurdly rigid set of rules.

Of course I can find ways to train Donnel. I've done so. I've dragged him through Lunatic+ nogrind as well as Lunatic. He's very possible to use. But all those exp funneling tricks could be used to funnel exp into a character with a better payoff (read: skills and ending classes)- nay, a payoff at all, or a character who doesn't take as much work before they can fend for themselves. Training Donnel is a waste of time.

Show me those fabled skills of yours. In Lunatic "end game" classes don't matter as much unless you're going for that one end game map that you buy to play. Sorry, I don't play on that. I don't buy DLC, remember? If you're trying to have an arguement, have some proof to back your words up. I can spout bs with my 2 homies at my middle school, and go on a forum and circlejerk that stuff to my internet homies too.

Oh, also, let's call nosefartu a legit strategy, and also sol(lolol). Let's lock down this tier list, because there's no reason to use anything other that can reclass to dark mages. Also, since all these rules are getting people riled up, let's take out grinding too. No restrictions at all. Oh wait, we don't need dark mages, let's all just buy DLC and beat lunatic, and have no discussions, or anything whatsoever. Because spending extra money on the game is the only, I mean best way to beat this game.

I might be going a little overboard on the whole wifi stuff, but I have no wifi at my house. Until I went off to college, I played this game on no wifi. Wifi skews things. Oh right, now that I think about it, why use Donnel, when you can pretend you're really great at fire emblem, by having logbooks that bring you broken items and infinite money, and then go on wifi to buy braves and celicas and then forge them, and then talk about how I must be on crack for taking the effort to train Donnel. Fk that, it's 100x easier to just get them ch 10 galeforce units, move them into the center of the map, and just outright win. Like woah, who needs defensive formations on lunatic, when we can get an over leveled sumia to solo the entire map with galeforce and forged items. Am I right?

No, you're wrong.

Wifi changes the way the game is played, but it doesn't invalidate gameplay. If you want to use Logbook units, you can- it completely changes the game, but neither prevents you from playing without them nor completely breaks the game. Think outside the box for a minute here, if you were using Logbook units, what would be your goal now that reaching the end is virtually guaranteed? There are several very good ones out there.

You mean you go on your logbook to recruit your avatar that comes with that max gold selling item, and then you go and you buy those old units with amazing stats. Then you go ok, I LTC'd this game, but I certainly did not break it.

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Where does it say no unit grinding. I said no dlc, and no risen grinding.

Also, without unit grinding, Donnel just takes one chapter longer to get viable. This was a shortcut since training some1 2 chapters is apparently way too long for some people. Technically, 1 1/2 considering how short chapter 4 is. Oh wait, but it's cute how you're mad because you don't have the skills to play this game without bringing out that DLC. I only see you condescending without showing anything to back it up. Big words from some1 with all talk no action.

I still can't be bothered to take you seriously since you clearly stated that it's possible to train up the story units via Risen grinding (which will most likely never happen in Lunatic or Lunatic+).

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Quoted you saying no grinding in your second post, sir.

Yo, let's chill out here. I said things are debatable. Personally, I feel like Lifetaker is kind of bs considering it's a free heal, with so many high hp units in lunatic, and makes the mode way too easy. Yes, I feel it's gamebreaking on the level of sol and nosefartu.

Donnel without sol is still an amazing character. I put Donnel at top tier because it's really not that hard to get him going, and I feel whatever "effort" is worth it to use him because of how amazing he is.

Cordelia, Sumia galeforce without grind? Galeforce isn't worth it. You're putting all your exp into two characters. I really don't see this working without grind. Especially when you're taking exp cuts with fast promotion, and hard leveling only two units. More like one unit.

I'll ban avatar logbook.

Gregor, meh. You're burning 2500 to get a "good" support for a "few" chapters at a point when you probably don't need that support. Well played. I'll test this out, and get back to you on it later.

Beat the game without promoting anyone on your team and ignore prepromoted units entirely, like I did, then talk about me being a person of big talk no action ^_^

Oh and I called you little man because you're no doubt younger than I am. I can actually insult you if you'd like, however.

BTW I logged it here on SF so let's see if you are capable of finding it by the time Donny is capped with all of those unnecessary capped shiny green stats.

Edited by Sara.
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Beat the game without promoting anyone on your team and ignore prepromoted units entirely, like I did, then talk about me being a person of big talk no action ^_^

Oh and I called you little man because you're no doubt younger than I am. I can actually insult you if you'd like, however.

BTW I logged it here on SF so let's see if you are capable of finding it by the time Donny is capped with all of those unnecessary capped shiny green stats.

Not man enough to post it here?

I'm not hurt by little insults by people online. I've had far worse thrown at me. But you wouldn't know any of that. Because you haven't accomplished enough in life to have tasted incredible success or failure.

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I still can't be bothered to take you seriously since you clearly stated that it's possible to train up the story units via Risen grinding (which will most likely never happen in Lunatic or Lunatic+).

Yo, try using Donnel and avatar vs risen that are not of magic damage nature.

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Not sure I should put forth the effort to justify myself and cite my already year old activity because some new member doesnt feel like reading and using the search function. What do you think? I like hearing educated input from quality representatives of the human race, as I'm not man enough to post it here, as you young kids say. I've been practicing using my funky fresh vocabulary, though. Does that add to my apparently lacking testosterone levels?

Also good to hear that youere used to being insulted. You sound pretty tough, and smart as well. Can you give me advice for more self-imposed challenges to add to my list of runs? I'm in need of new ideas and yours sound pretty fresh and unexplored.

I'd still rename your thread what I suggested. Have you considered it? I'll leave out the legalities if you act now. A rare deal, but one should not let pass by on any given fortnight.

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Yo, try using Donnel and avatar vs risen that are not of magic damage nature.

Using Donnel and Robin in Risen skirmishes after Chapter 4 is finished? No thanks -- you're basically just keep telling me that you don't have an inkling on what goes on in Lunatic difficulty, let alone even try and experience Lunatic difficulty.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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How about trying it for yourself. Posting that you've actually tried it. And then telling me. Because I've tried it, done it, and I've already posted something to back it up. But you've just been all talk. Big words from some1 who can't beat lunatic.

Using Donnel and Robin in Risen skirmishes after Chapter 4 is finished? No thanks -- you're basically just keep telling me that you don't have an inkling on what goes on in Lunatic difficulty, let alone even try and experience Lunatic difficulty.

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How about trying it for yourself. Posting that you've actually tried it. And then telling me. Because I've tried it, done it, and I've already posted something to back it up. But you've just been all talk. Big words from some1 who can't beat lunatic.

I've beaten Lunatic+ Classic... which requires Lunatic Classic to be cleared in order to be unlocked in the first place. In fact, my 2 images of my Streetpass team in my signature are taken from my Lunatic+ Classic file.

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