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School of Hard NOCs (take 2) - Game over!


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you can technically have passive jans, but that seems unlikely in this case given that, well. there's only been one => probably a single shot

@sb: did you read his role? it basically makes two players target each other if i remember it properly

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schoolteacher was a loooooong time ago

and we kinda rolled that cult quickly. that was fun

also i somehow managed to salvage a scummy slot in that game. like i did here (and it was a cop which did it as well)

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also 10/4/cult is more awful balance than the usual

also i actually remembered something else: the other reason to not lynch sb is the extra vote basically makes the setup 11/5 or 11/4/1 if he's town, which makes a load more sense balance wise (this was implicit before but thought it might be worth making explicit)

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I’ve grown tired of this charade and I really do not want to look at another ISO at this point, so I’m just going to be real with you guys; if you don’t accept my offer, then I’ve done all I can do on that front and there was probably very little chance of me winning anyways at this point. I am the ITP, technically hostile (is this really the best thing to out to town when you claim ITP, probably not, but fuck it I’m doing it anyways) because my wincon is that I win when all of the passive roles are dead (should that happen at any point during the game, I am subsequently removed from the game). There's literally no reason for me to lie about this considering that everyone has written me off as town at this point (except maybe BBM, I guess), so it’s really in your best interests to follow my proposal (and I’m not going to lie, moreso in my best interests...I am an ITP, after all). If you lynch SB and I get removed from the game, that means that J is a liar and you guys have won the game. If you lynch SB and I do not get removed from the game, that means that J is telling the truth and Gorf is the last remaining mafia. If you lynch SB and he ends up flipping mafia, then fuck me J was telling the truth and I lost the game. Personally, I believe there's only one passive role left, because seriously eclipse how many passive roles did you expect to me to get rid of when I don't even have a night kill.

Or you could just lynch me, I guess. Wouldn't really accomplish much other than losing you guys a mislynch, since I can still win as long as I was on a lynch of a passive role (that was the real reason I was OK with lynching Mancer, I actually thought he was town at the time man I suck at reading people). If you do that, then please roleblock Gorf so that the possibly kind hearted scum will NK the other passive role out of pity for me or something.

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tl,dr; I've basically innoed Gorf at this point (the chances of him being scum are very slim IMO), so please to be lynching SB so I can win too kthnxbye *goes back to hard lurking for the rest of the phase and hoping that he miraculously wins at the end of it*

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Personally, I believe there's only one passive role left, because seriously eclipse how many passive roles did you expect to me to get rid of when I don't even have a night kill.

If Gorf is a passive role too, then I don't think it would even be possible for me to win barring some serious good faith on town's part (which I honestly wouldn't expect you guys to do).

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but while i am here on the topic: i find it very weird that J knows what role they scan as, considering it's also completely irrelevant to the setup? the godfather did not scan otherwise as far as i can tell so???

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Oh, probably should have mentioned that if all of the mafia get lynched or they reach parity with town, then I still lose unless my wincon has been reached. So don't be a jerk xoxoxo *sleeping*.

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really sorry about not being back later like i promised n shit, i was working on hardcore catching up on homework at the time and just kinda forgot lol

skimmed up till now, might read back if needed, WILL eventually read j's fat post. i DID see j's claim in the midst of it all though, and i gotta say that i fuckin hate it. i think sb asked me if its something jd do as scum? and the answer is yea, but whats throwing me off is that scumj is uuuuuusually pretty obvious by d2 the latest and i havent really had those chimes ring in my head. it may be cuz hes generally been inactive but *shrug*. i WILL say that that claim is grimy tho and i can attest to the fact that millers are seldom EVER plynched at our home site, especially when they claim and arent pushed.

as for my claim... id REALLY rather not have to claim it and would rather straight up prove it by toMorrow. i dun wanna liek get shot or nuthin

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##vote j

yea considering the fact that you were buddying up nasty with two flipped scum and had a laughable connection with prims (seriously the reasons for your cross scum reads were bad) D1 is concerning, and your claim all but seals the deal for me. youre probz scum.

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im an "infected townie." in laments terms, im a backup vig. i was told in my role pm that theres a town aligned zombie running around (gee i wonder why gorf was so sure that the indy didnt have a kill) and was able to bite and kill a certain number of players, and that id inherent the number of "bites" left over if they die before all of their "bites" are used up. so im essentially a 1 shot vig at this point.

sirens in my head are screaming not to let the claimed indy do his bidding n win the game (last time i played with a "claimed indy who would leave town once he won," we let em do it and the game ended on an indy win), and i can prove my role by shooting him in the face toNight.

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