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Fire Emblem: Wretched Whispers, Act 2: Warpath


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Seeing a nearby wyvern rider wielding dark magic, Celestia decided to single him out, after all, his mobility could be a problem, were he to take the role of a harrier. Charging forward into range to strike the enemy mage, Celestia gave a quick chant, reciting the words in the scroll she had purchased, before firing off a spell at the man.

Celestia moves to 7,7, uses Speed Chant, Shines Wyvern C, stays put.

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Huh. I could've sworn there was an enemy there a moment ago...

Celestia criticals and deals 54 damage! (39,12)

The group gains 5 exp.

Celestia: 33/33
Wyvern Rider C: -18/54

[spoiler=HP Counts]

Peter 38/39
Taima 33/38
Declan 31/32
Magali 28/29
Melanie 20/31
Lugos 32/33
Artemis 29/29
Diana 35/36
Wolfgang 28/28
Ivan 33/34
Vale 35/36
Celestia 33/34
Orpheus 20/37

Sheikah 31/31
Norman 33/33
Calden 29/29

Cavalier A 0/33
Cavalier B -3/33
Cavalier C -24/30

Cavalier D 35/35
Cavalier E 34/34
Cavalier F 26/26
Cavalier G 38/38
Cavalier H 35/35

Knight A -13/41
Knight B 40/40

Wyvern Rider A -6/39
Wyvern Rider B 0/38
Wyvern Rider C -18/36

Mercenary A 38/38
Mercenary B 38/38

Archer A 36/36
Archer B 35/35
Archer C 34/34

Mage A 33/33
Mage B 3/31

Shaman A 33/33
Shaman B 31/31

Mage C 29/29
Archer D 33/33
Fighter A 39/35
Fighter B 37/37
Thief A 28/28
Bandit A 40/40
Bandit B 40/40

Wall (15,10) 40/40
Wall (16,7) 40/40
Wall (20,12) 40/40

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Declan hits and deals 13 damage! (75,32)

The group gains 5 exp.

Declan: 31/32
Mage B: -10/31

[spoiler=HP Counts]

Peter 38/39

Taima 33/38

Declan 31/32

Magali 28/29

Melanie 20/31

Lugos 32/33

Artemis 29/29

Diana 35/36

Wolfgang 28/28

Ivan 33/34

Vale 35/36

Celestia 33/34

Orpheus 20/37

Sheikah 31/31

Norman 33/33

Calden 29/29

Cavalier A 0/33

Cavalier B -3/33

Cavalier C -24/30

Cavalier D 35/35

Cavalier E 34/34

Cavalier F 26/26

Cavalier G 38/38

Cavalier H 35/35

Knight A -13/41

Knight B 40/40

Wyvern Rider A -6/39

Wyvern Rider B 0/38

Wyvern Rider C -18/36

Mercenary A 38/38

Mercenary B 38/38

Archer A 36/36

Archer B 35/35

Archer C 34/34

Mage A 33/33

Mage B -13/31

Shaman A 33/33

Shaman B 31/31

Mage C 29/29

Archer D 33/33

Fighter A 39/35

Fighter B 37/37

Thief A 28/28

Bandit A 40/40

Bandit B 40/40

Wall (15,10) 40/40

Wall (16,7) 40/40

Wall (20,12) 40/40

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Happy with his recent kill, Peter decided to try his far-sniping skills again.

Peter moves to 10,2, snipes Knight B with his Killer Bow, then quickswaps to Hand Axe

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The armour takes a heavy blow, but manages to avoid the second hit.

Peter criticals and deals 30 damage! (42,27)
Peter misses! (76,47)

The group gains 1 exp.

Peter: 38/39
Knight B: 10/40
[spoiler=HP Counts]

Peter 38/39
Taima 33/38
Declan 31/32
Magali 28/29
Melanie 20/31
Lugos 32/33
Artemis 29/29
Diana 35/36
Wolfgang 28/28
Ivan 33/34
Vale 35/36
Celestia 33/34
Orpheus 20/37

Sheikah 31/31
Norman 33/33
Calden 29/29

Cavalier A 0/33
Cavalier B -3/33
Cavalier C -24/30

Cavalier D 35/35
Cavalier E 34/34
Cavalier F 26/26
Cavalier G 38/38
Cavalier H 35/35

Knight A -13/41
Knight B 10/40

Wyvern Rider A -6/39
Wyvern Rider B 0/38
Wyvern Rider C -18/36

Mercenary A 38/38
Mercenary B 38/38

Archer A 36/36
Archer B 35/35
Archer C 34/34

Mage A 33/33
Mage B -13/31

Shaman A 33/33
Shaman B 31/31

Mage C 29/29
Archer D 33/33
Fighter A 39/35
Fighter B 37/37
Thief A 28/28
Bandit A 40/40
Bandit B 40/40

Wall (15,10) 40/40
Wall (16,7) 40/40
Wall (20,12) 40/40

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Diana goes to (5,8) and Heals Orpheus.

Diana uses Heal on Orpheus! 

The group gains 2 exp.

Orpheus: 37/37
Diana: 35/36

Melanie moves to (4,7) and uses a Vulnerary.

Melanie uses a Vulnerary! 

Melanie: 30/31

Sheikah moves to (6,7), attacks Shaman A with the Bright Axe and cantoes over to (4,6).

Sheikah hits and deals 17 damage! (27,56)
Shaman A misses! (90,64)

Sheikah hits and deals 17 damage! (16,83)

The group gains 5 exp.

Ivan moves to (11,2) and attacks Knight B with his Javelin.

Ivan hits and deals 6 damage! (59,48)

Ivan misses! (99,64)

The group gains 1 exp.

Ivan: 33/34
Knight B: 4/40

Magali moves to (8,7) and dances for Celestia.

Magali dances for Celestia!

The group gains 2 exp.

Celestia moves to (8,10) and attacks Cavalier F with Thani, and cantoes to (7,8).

Celestia hits and deals 22 damage! (30,86)
Celestia hits and deals 22 damage! (25,71)

Celestia: 33/34
Cavalier F: -18/26

The group gains 4 exp.

Taima moves to (6,9).

Orpheus moves to (6,7).

Lugos moves to (5,5) and rescues Wolfgang.

Artemis moves to (5,6), takes Wolfgang from Lugos, drops him onto (5,7) and cantoes to (2,8).

Norman moves to (12,2) and attacks Knight B with the Rune Axe.

Norman hits and deals 4 damage! (37,57)

The group gains 5 exp.

Norman: 33/33
Knight B: 0/40

Calden moves to (4,9) and visits the house.

From what he could tell, the occupants of the house appeared to have left in a hurry. As he was about to leave however, he spots a tome laying on the table from the corner of his eye and decides to pocket it. He never had any reservations about doing that kind of thing, anyway.

Calden obtains Cascade!

Vale moves to (10,1).

Enemy Phase


Cavalier D hits and deals 12 damage! (14,66)
Celestia criticals and deals 78 damage! (72,2)

The group gains 5 exp.

Celestia: 21/34
Cavalier D: -43/35
Cavelier E misses! (71,28)
Cavlier E hits and deals 8 damage! (23,42)
Celestia criticals and deals 57 damage! (29,2)

The group gains 5 exp.

Celestia: 13/34
Cavalier E: -23/34
Shaman B misses! (37,74)
Celestia criticals and deals 45 damage! (90,2)

The group gains 5 exp.

Celestia: 13/34
Shaman B: -14/31

The last archer decides not to chance it, and decides that running away from the woman who just blew up three of his allies is a Good Idea.

Meanwhile, Norman takes some punishment, but hangs on.

Mercenary A hits and deals 13 damage! (28,33)
Norman misses! (88,96)

Norman: 20/33
Mercenary A: 38/38
Archer C hits and deals 4 damage! (50,83)
Archer C hits and deals 4 damage! (27,8)

Norman: 12/33
Archer C: 34/34
The new arrivals up north advance towards the house, and an Angalan Pegasus Knight arrives. She appears to be speaking to Lancelot, although it is impossible to make out what they're saying from how far away the Hollows are.

Turn 4

Player Phase


Objective: Rout the enemy cavalry!

Stats and Items.

[spoiler=HP Counts]

Peter 38/39

Taima 33/38

Declan 31/32

Magali 28/29

Melanie 30/31

Lugos 32/33

Artemis 29/29

Diana 35/36

Wolfgang 28/28

Ivan 33/34

Vale 35/36

Celestia 21/34

Orpheus 37/37

Sheikah 31/31

Norman 12/33

Calden 29/29

Cavalier A 0/33

Cavalier B -3/33

Cavalier C -24/30

Cavalier D -43/35

Cavalier E -14/34

Cavalier F -18/26

Cavalier G 38/38

Cavalier H 35/35

Knight A -13/41

Knight B 0/40

Wyvern Rider A -6/39

Wyvern Rider B 0/38

Wyvern Rider C -18/36

Mercenary A 38/38

Mercenary B 38/38

Archer A 36/36

Archer B 35/35

Archer C 34/34

Mage A 33/33

Mage B -13/31

Shaman A -1/33

Shaman B 31/31

Mage C 29/29

Archer D 33/33

Fighter A 39/35

Fighter B 37/37

Thief A 28/28

Bandit A 40/40

Bandit B 40/40

Wall (15,10) 40/40

Wall (16,7) 40/40

Wall (20,12) 40/40

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There were just so many damn horsemen, too many for Celestia to even keep track of, really. She had managed to take out another from afar, before the enemy had begun their counter charge... and it seemed that the templar herself was their focus, as two more cavalry units, as well as a dark mage, all took positions to fire off a volley of attacks at Celestia.

Well, that certainly wasn't ideal. It was all she could do to take in her focus, and try to weave through the incoming flurry of steel and magic... about half successfully, while she had taken a rather hard lunge to her stomach, and sword stroke across her shoulder, Celestia managed to keep herself up and conscious, and fired off the concentrated burst of light that she had conjured in reply, hoping to deal some damage to all of them in one fell swoop...

Perhaps she had gathered a bit... too much energy. As her palms grew alight, instead of the clean sphere that usually transpired upon Thani's cast, what came instead was a searing beam of light, Celestia feeling her own hands heat up immensely, as her glove burned away trying to hold it in place. It was all she could do, to sweep it across her retreating attackers, and watch in surprise as it mowed them down as though it were a blade fresh from treating, set to fall upon a soft pat of butter on a summer's day.

Needless to say, the result was rather devastating. Two men and a woman, torn into halves as the searing light crossed them, their clothing and armour burning away from them as they were rent into pieces down a single, jagged line, with their steeds sharing the same fate. They didn't even bleed, the wounds instantly cauterized and sealed just as they were given, any blood that managed to escape evaporating from the intense heat. Celestia couldn't help but stare, somewhat in shock, at the scene of scorched earth and bodies.

And then the pain set in. Hunching over herself as she clutched her wounds, grasping the reins with what strength remained in her, which wasn't all that much, trust be told... between the scene before her and the pain rushing through her, she didn't have much thought left for anything else.

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That was a sight! A bit of a disturbing sight, but maybe her nerves were getting to her. Mel knew they were killing people, but... To do so like that... She shook her head. She'd much rather they be dead, than have Celestia on the ground, as Mel tried to put life back into her body. As long as she was still breathing on her own, she had a much easier job of things. Moving over, and doing her best to avert her gaze, Mel started healing the fresh wounds on her friend's body. "Celestia, are you okay? Ehrm... T-Try not to push votre self too much, oui? We are all doing fine, donc... You can 'old back, juste a bit." The wounds closed, and she managed a smile, but it was clear that Celestia was fighting things in her head. Celestia... After zat night, I really do not want you to push yourself... Please...

Melanie to 7,9, heal Celestia

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"Yeah, yeah... I'll be okay, I just... panicked, a little." Celestia replied, managing a small, admittedly pretty unconvincing smile, as Melanie came up to her side and healed her. With everything back up and running, Celestia looked forward, to see some brigands over the hill nearing some homes, and tensed up.

"We need to try and hurry, or else the people living here will be the ones to regret it!" The templar noted, before taking the reins and, at a gallop, coming just shy of the hill's crest, firing off a burst of light at the bowman just over the hills.

Celestia moves to 7,12, and attacks Archer A with Shine!

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Magali blinked. It was a strong, scary sight that would leave anyone nearby speechless. Such power... Magali turned to give a closer look at Celestia, confirming a suspicion that just arose. She's in pain, the poor thing... To Magali, it was déjà vu, and worry settled.

Melanie acted first and came to Celestia's aid, and Magali took it as a cue to follow the rider as she took off to the edge of a steep hill, dashing with the stamina she could muster. "Celestia..." Magali parsed her words between deep breaths, trying to recover her stamina quickly, We are right behind you... stay by our side if you need." They were simple words, but Magali's concerns were focused on that. Don't think you need to move mountains alone, for others... don't be like him.

Biting her lip, Magali shifted her feet and begun another short dancing segment, letting her magic flow to reenergize the girl. "Let us press on... together." At this point, a different kind of magic circled around Magali --light magic. "As for you..." Muttering under her breath, Magali turned to the nearest archer, aware of how close she was, and her light magic flowed to attack them.

Magali to (8,12), dance Celestia, use rhythm to attack Archer B.

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Melanie heals the rider up.

Melanie uses Heal!
The group gains 2 exp.
Celestia: 34/34
Melanie: 30/31

But it seems that Celestia just can't stay out of trouble.

Celestia hits and deals 18 damage! (11,79)
Archer A hits and deals 16 damage! (9,42)
Celestia hits and deals 18 damage! (40,35)
The group gains 5 exp.
Celestia: 18/34
Archer A: 0/36


Magali dances for Celestia! 
Magali hits and deals 6 damage! (7,61)
Archer B hits and deals 7 damage! (5,53)
The group gains 3 exp.
Magali: 21/29
Archer B: 29/35
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"Oh, Magali, thank you." Celestia replied, as she felt herself being refreshed and invigorated, and noticed another archer close by, who had gotten into a scuffle with Magali. Moving towards the man, Celestia fired off another blast of light at him, trying to shrug off the arrow that struck her from the prior exchange... it wasn't that bad, not so bad, not so bad... ahh, she was too close for the man to draw his bow, thankfully...

After taking her shots, Celestia doubled back closer to the other, eventually stopping next to Melanie, trying to catch her breath as she tepidly clutched at her arrow wound.

Celestia moves to 9,12, Shines Archer B, and then cantoes to 8, 9.

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Orpheus had watched Celestia's display, it took him a good few seconds to process the chaos that had occurred. He glanced at her tome, and then down to his horse... feeling rather vulnerable as he did so. She was definitely not to get on the wrong side of, that was unless he were to suddenly decide he'd enjoy being a paste. Thinking about it, he hadn't done much other than act as bait - although that was no change from his other outings. Was he still nothing more than a distraction, even in this group?

It wasn't exactly a good time to wallow in self pity, there were more than enough enemies around to give them a hard time. Now was his time to shine, to show he wasn't more than just a boasting hooligan. Riding up to Melanie with his usual demeanour, he offered her a hand.

"A bit far back, aren't you?" he teased, his hand still extended. "I'll take you right to the front line, they won't know what hit'em."

Orpheus rides to 7,8, kidnaps Melanie and cantos to 8,12!

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And there she went, again... Melanie couldn't say she was happy about Celestia diving right back into danger, especially with Magali helping her, but it was there job, so she made no complaint... At least, openly. Franchement, please take a break... Did you see what you juste did? Celestia... She worried over her, giving her a smile, but a concerned look as she rode back, another two archers falling to her magic. "You are okay, oui?" she has to ask, before something else held her attention.

Orpheus had extended a hand, something she was a bit surprised by. "Eh? Ehm, oui, I suppose..." It was a selfish thought, but maybe having a healer so far away would slow Celestia down... Then again, Diana was right there, so maybe not. As long as we bose make eet... She gulped, and took Orpheus' hand, pulling herself up and onto his horse. "Er, a-allons-y, Orpheus." She forced a tiny smile, though she was truly amused, getting to say that.

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Impressive. I don't feel so bad about losing to him in the arena. After Ivan's opponent crumpled to the ground, Peter decided that he wanted a shot at things.

Peter moves to 15,2 and shoots Archer A with the Iron Bow+

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editing flavor in here later

Vale moves to (13,2); equip Ivan's Javelin for him, then stab archer with Killing Edge.

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The archer couldn't run fast enough. BAD END.

Celestia hits and deals 16 damage!
Celestia hits and deals 16 damage!
The group gains 5 exp.
Celestia: 18/34
Archer B: -3/35

Norman chucks an axe at the archer, although he wasn't too successful.

Norman misses! (86,91)
Archer C hits and deals 3 damage! (18,52)
Archer C hits and deals 3 damage! (14,14)
Norman hits and deals 12 damage! (50,96)
The group gains 2 exp.
Norman: 23/29
Archer C: 22/34

Peter shows who the better archer is.

Peter hits and deals 15 damage! 
The group gains 2 exp.
Peter: 38/39
Archer C: 7/34

And Vale goes in for the overkill.

Vale criticals and deals 51 damage! (38,11)
The group gains 5 exp.
Vale: 35/36
Archer C: -44/34

[spoiler=HP Counts]

Peter 38/39

Taima 33/38

Declan 31/32

Magali 21/29

Melanie 30/31

Lugos 32/33

Artemis 29/29

Diana 35/36

Wolfgang 28/28

Ivan 33/34

Vale 35/36

Celestia 18/34

Orpheus 37/37

Sheikah 31/31

Norman 12/33

Calden 23/29

Cavalier A 0/33

Cavalier B -3/33

Cavalier C -24/30

Cavalier D -43/35

Cavalier E -14/34

Cavalier F -18/26

Cavalier G 38/38

Cavalier H 35/35

Knight A -13/41

Knight B 0/40

Wyvern Rider A -6/39

Wyvern Rider B 0/38

Wyvern Rider C -18/36

Mercenary A -13/38

Mercenary B 38/38

Archer A 0/36

Archer B -3/35

Archer C -44/34

Mage A 33/33

Mage B -13/31

Shaman A -1/33

Shaman B 31/31

Mage C 29/29

Archer D 33/33

Fighter A 39/35

Fighter B 37/37

Thief A 28/28

Bandit A 40/40

Bandit B 40/40

Wall (15,10) 40/40

Wall (16,7) 40/40

Wall (20,12) 40/40

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Realising that Orpheus isn't in any real danger, Diana moves to heal Celestia instead.

Diana uses Heal on Celestia!
The group gains 2 exp.
Diana: 35/26
Celestia: 34/34

Sheikah and Calden move up.

Enemy Phase

Stuck between the Hollows and the incoming bandits, the mage standing near the last home decides flee west and live another day.

The bandits also seem somewhat cautious of the mercenary group's advance, and keep their distance mostly.

The pegasus knight didn't seem to stay long, and immediately flew off after speaking to Lancelot. "I must help the king..." Lancelot shook his head and steered his horse away from the Hollows. "Caros, Ankier, I leave the rest to you two. Show them the true strength of an Angalan knight!" The two of them... didn't look too convinced by this speech, but edge cautiously towards the Hollows all the same.

Turn 5

Player Phase


Objective: Rout the enemy cavalry!

Stats and items.

[spoiler=HP Counts]

Peter 38/39
Taima 33/38
Declan 31/32
Magali 21/29
Melanie 30/31
Lugos 32/33
Artemis 29/29
Diana 35/36
Wolfgang 28/28
Ivan 33/34
Vale 35/36
Celestia 34/34
Orpheus 37/37

Sheikah 31/31
Norman 12/33
Calden 23/29

Ankier 36/36
Caros 35/35

Cavalier A 0/33
Cavalier B -3/33
Cavalier C -24/30
Cavalier D -43/35
Cavalier E -14/34
Cavalier F -18/26

Cavalier G 38/38
Cavalier H 35/35

Knight A -13/41
Knight B 0/40

Wyvern Rider A -6/39
Wyvern Rider B 0/38
Wyvern Rider C -18/36

Mercenary A -13/38

Mercenary B 38/38

Archer A 0/36
Archer B -3/35
Archer C -44/34

Mage B -13/31

Shaman A -1/33

Shaman B 31/31

Mage C 29/29
Archer D 33/33
Fighter A 39/35
Fighter B 37/37
Thief A 28/28
Bandit A 40/40
Bandit B 40/40

Wall (15,10) 40/40
Wall (16,7) 40/40
Wall (20,12) 40/40

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