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Fire Emblem: Wretched Whispers, Act 2: Warpath


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It was a simple matter of dropping off his equipment, there was no use carrying it around all day. Orpheus still couldn't figure it out, had he won a competition or got a prize? He certainly didn't recall entering one. Returning back down the stairs, he figured that Borvan was the only source of information he had right now. Approaching the man, Orpheus peered down at him.

"Say, any idea where the others got off to?" Orpheus asked, he couldn't be the only one, surely? If there were others, they'd probably return here at some point. "I'm probably going to take a wander, any place you think's worth seeing?"

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Wolfgang quickly took a swig of the tonic that he had bought from Calden earlier. He assumed it would be best to use it for the boxing ring, because he'd need all of his stamina to even stand a chance. Paying up the fee, he went into the ring quietly, unsure of how things would play out from here on. The first opponent entered the ring confidently. He wasn't as bulky as the others he had seen boxing against Norman, but it was safe to assume that he would be a formidable opponent. Oh, surely I'm being quite the jester here! All of these guys are going to be tough. Maybe I should've had second thoughts about this... Well it can't be helped. I suppose I box until I'm knocked out. Damn...

The bell rang, and Wolfgang quickly imbued his fists with magic and attempted a quick jab at the opponent, he deftly blocked it, yet Wolfgang noticed his opponent wincing, and smirked. Hah, so I guess enchanted fists are still powerful enough to...!!!

Busy with his thoughts, he was caught off guard by a punch aimed straight at his chest. He tried to evade it but was still struck on his right side, leaving him in reeling in pain. Trying to concentrate, he tried a couple of wild swings, clearly losing his focus, only for him to miss and then block the incoming attack, albeit inefficiently. This scenario repeated once again, and it looked like the match was almost over.

And then Wolfgang regained some of his focus, trying to make a final stand. Hah, I'm most certainly outclassed in the physical department. I can't hit very hard, and this guy hits like a truck! But I'm not down yet... I still move faster than him, all I need to do is be more cautious and concentrate!

He began to run quickly in a zigzag motion- if there was one strength he had besides magic, it was how fluently he could move and run through any terrain. His opponent was caught of guard by this sudden change of strategy, and Wolfgang's first punch hit squarely at the chest while the second one was immediately blocked. Wolfgang blocked the retaliation, although he knew he could not take the next hit, if it landed. I'm almost there... I'll need to make this one count.

He quickly jabbed at his opponent's gut before hitting the side of his face, sending him to the ground. He stayed down for ten seconds, and Wolfgang had come out, victorious!

Wolfgang got healed as the next opponent arrived at the ring. So this one hits harder, I bet. I am not holding back, I'm giving this my all! I'll need to be wary of his punches!

Though the second opponent was supposed to be tougher than the first, he seemingly went down faster. Wolf easily evaded and blocked all of his attacks, and took him out with a flurry of punches, the last one glowing with lots of magical energy as it sent the boxer plummeting to the ground.

The third opponent entered the ring, and this time, Wolfgang felt something else. It was neither fear, nor pain. This... is such bad timing! I need to defeat this man but... landing a punch on him would be such a shame! He's just... admirable!

The bell rang, and both men began exchanging punches. Wolfgang should've been having an easier time taking him out since he wasn't that much stronger than the last opponent, but hesitation overcame him as he began to constantly miss the boxer. Although he too was agile enough to evade the opponent's attacks, he wouldn't be able to evade them for ever. Every time Wolfgang tried to punch him, he felt regret and went weak in the knees, resulting in him stopping his attack in the middle. This either resulted in him either dealing lesser damage, or missing on the whole.

The match dragged on as both the opponents continued to exchange punches and wild, inaccurate swings until they were both down to their last bit of strength. Wolfgang strengthened his resolve this time, telling himself that losing over something as silly this would leave him frustrated and full of regrets. It was too bad that he had to knock his opponent out, but it had to be done.

Unfortunately, it was too late, as when he went in for the win, his body was exhausted, and he missed both of his punches as a result of his body not co-operating with him. As some sort of luck, Drago tried to take him out with an all-out punch, and Wolfgang side-stepped just in the nick of time, and landed a strong punch to the gut, knocking him out.

Hmph, my biggest weakness is my attention span, and I've known this all along. But whatever I do to curb it, it seems I cannot overcome this obstacle! What can I even do about this? He also made a mental note of his opponent's name. Wolfgang versus Drago... I'm not forgetting this, I swear!

The fourth opponent proved to be no match for Wolfgang, who blocked his punches effortlessly and retaliated with greater force. The match was long, and even though the opponent was fast, he was frailer than his predecessors, and went down with less effort from Wolfgang's side.

Seeing as the last fighter looked much tougher than any of the opponents so far, and how Wolfgang was lacking force behind his punches, he decided to bail out. "I'm certain that I'm no match for you. I'm glad that I came this far, I guess my abilities aren't so shoddy... but I know my limits." Wolfgang told the final opponent politely as he quit the ring and went to the counter to get his payment for his success.

Edited by Bluedoom
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Ivan, wait anxious after using that yellow and scrap away what left of away, deciding leaving shiny place and head towards arena like he be thinking early.

Ivan find without too much troubles, and be seeing that there was other sirkit then minor and mayjawrh. Ivan no time these small fry. Ivan walked out man behind desk to be part.

"Ivan be entering the wu-wu-wahrld sirkit, is alright, yah?"

Ivan hand over 150 gold.

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"I hope so too," Sheikah spoke softly. "Hmm, where to go next... hey, I decided here, next place we go is up to you. There's plenty of options!"


"Where to go... Well, I often leave much of my belongings with Sierra at her home. Perhaps there will be some items of use to us there that could help you with your training," Mina pondered. "In any case, it is somewhere less invasive and safer, so I suppose that is a good place to start. Follow me, please." The tiny dancer lead the way out the theatre, but being sure to stop at the exit first. "I believe us three are the last to leave."

"Yup, one, two, three!" Kim counted out, handing them gold. "You're still on for tomorrow, right Mina?"

"Yes, my plans remained unchanged. I will see you then, Kim." The path to Sierra's home was not a long one, further hastened by Mina's brusque pace despite her size. As promised, the door was open to the quite small house. It was quickly rather apparent the priestess's precise way of speaking and good composure didn't quite extend to all matters of her life as soon as they entered the largest room. Books and scrolls lay scattered about or stacked in piles, alongside several swords and spears, plus more everyday items like clothes. "I apologize for the mess... we do not have guests very often and usually straighten things up before we do. I am a bit tired, so... you can look through books here if you would like to, I do not believe there is anything confidential here. Upstairs is off-limits, as I cannot show much of my work-related documents to outsiders." Mina tossed her gloves and kicked her shoes to the side, collapsing onto a couch unceremoniously. "Perhaps I overestimated myself in the performance. It was certainly far more taxing than you seemed to think I showed, though I do supposed I am flattered you thought I managed to conceal my struggle so well. Most of the tomes here are low-level dark magic that I have tried making some alterations to, not all of which are successful. I do not suppose you rummaging through them all looking for something effective is a good idea..." Mina briefly buried her face in her hands, revealing a strange pattern on the back of her left, then shook her head. "Perhaps this was not such a good idea after all. I am not in much shape to be of great assistance."

Still More Fighting

The man at the ring's entry wordlessly handed Wolfgang his gold before looking to Ivan. "You up for it? Alright, there's a room to leave your belongings in, then step into the ring when you're ready. Good luck out there."

Preparing for Battle

A Captain turned to see the woodsman approach. "The barracks indeed. You looking to join up, or for some training? It'll cost you, seeing as you're not enlisted, but we give good instruction regardless."

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"I'd like to see what you got in terms of training," Peter replied evenly. "Though if it's gonna cost me, might as well name your price. If I'm short on gold, I don't wanna waste your time," he added.
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"Eh? All ze way to Sierra's maison?" Melanie seemed surprised-- she figured they'd go spend a few minutes talking in one of the theater's back rooms, and Mina would give her some simple instruction on how to perform her magic even slightly better.

She was quite incorrect.

"Eh, oui..." Melanie said, with a quick glance over at Celestia. "Celestia, mon ami, I sink you should eizzer come wis us, ou, wait at ze eenn... I sink zis will take more time zan juste a few minutes." She said that quickly, and disappeared after Mina, money in tow. The brusque pace was not that welcoming to Melanie, who had trouble walking to keep up in battle. Having to practically jog to keep up with Mina meant she was panting by the time they got to the house. Mel sighed to try and compose herself, taking in the display in what she assumed was the living room.

"Mina, you sure keep zis place... E-Een a bit of a mess, eh?" she said, taking another deep breath. Despite that small complaint, it was a rather impressive place. Even if upstairs was off limits (somewhat disappointingly, as there were probably even more advanced spells up there), this was a lot to take in. Mel collapsed on the floor, and started flipping through the closest books. Mina had been right, they were just low level spells with some alterations here and there, but they were alterations that improved the spell's casting time, their power, even if slightly. I will 'ave to remember to take ze mental notes... More importantly, zough, "are you going to be alright, Mina?" She had to ask. With how the shamaness had collapsed, and even stated she'd worn herself out more than she looked, it left Mel more than a bit concerned. Even more worrying still, in its own way, was that mark on her hand-- had that always been there? Had Mel simply just not noticed it? She stared at it for a moment, before her brain started working, again.

"Do not worry about assisting, ben... I can juste, ehm, look at zese. Your ajouts 'ave really made zem better, donc, I am sure I can learn somesing." She smiled, but kept staring at that mark. "Aussi, ehm... What... Ees zat on your 'and?" There, she'd asked, and there was no taking it back.

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"Huh..." Vale pondered that for a minute. It didn't take long for the idea to occur to him. "So, you're saying you did some bad stuff here, correct?" He stretched out his left arm--it still felt stiff from when he fell backwards in the inn. That arm had been through too much in the past week, he thought. He needed a massage or something. What a strange thought to have when a troubled man is trying to open up to me. In front of me.


"Well, it's like you said," he continued, "it's true--you have me. But really, what would you like to do? I mean, since... I don't know what happened here with you, but is showing me around the town going to, uh, benefit you in any way right now?" He loosened up his hair a bit. He tucked his hair into his collar during battles and sometimes forgot to let it out.

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"Okay, I'll see you back at the inn." Celestia replied to Melanie, as the woman left with Mina to go off to the woman's house. With some time to burn and a bit more gold in pocket than earlier, Celestia decided to go look over the shops in town once again. After all, they had mostly centered in on something specific, earlier on, so she hadn't really had a chance to peruse the other areas of the marketplace. Wandering around the place for a while, Celestia eventually came upon an odd shop, which seemed to sell some sort of enchanted gemstones which claimed to increase one's aptitude in combat in some way... intriguing.Stepping inside, the templar made her way up to the counter, taking a look over the various options along the way.

"Hello there... mmm, so can you tell me a little bit about how these gemstones are supposed to work?"

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Declan shook his head and held his hand over his opposite elbow; he definitely dodged a whole mess of problems right now with Vale not bothering to press him on the rather... unique choice of words. Still, the swordsman had a point; just what was Declan getting out of this whole deal...?

"Hm? Ah, well... it doesn't really matter much in that regard, so I guess nothing... Unless you account for the fact that I'd be spending more time with you. Maybe that's a moral victory in itself?" Declan shrugged and hitched his breath ever so slightly. He felt like such an idiot beating around his own issues like this, but something was different this time. It was like he didn't want Vale to see his dark side; he wanted to appear as radiant as possible to him so that perhaps he could feel normal, in a sense.

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A Place To Go

"I don't know." Borvan replied. "None of them said where they were going." He hesitated for a moment after Orpheus' second question. "Well, you could go to the palace if you're looking for something to do. It's a pretty popular destination for tourists, so you might even run into some of the others there if you're lucky."

Accidents Happen

The amateur trader was busy digging into a sandwich when Celestia came in, and didn't really notice her until she spoke. "Whoa, when did you get here?" he spluttered, putting his food down. "But uh... they're magic or something. I don't really get how it works, but it's like... you just kind of smash it with your hand, and the magic power kinda gets absorbed into you. or something like that... I'm pretty sure that's how it works?" He walked over to the stock and picked one out. "I... think you do it like this?" He tried to crush the gem, but instead it slipped out of his hands and shattered as it hit the ground, and then vanishing after a brief amber flash. "Well... I guess we have a magic carpet now?" he sighed. Uncle's gonna dock my pay for this, isn't he?

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Crazy Ivan

Ivan looked at first one and not look so tough. Ivan swiftful enough be getting first blow squarely in shoulder him before enemy and hit squarely in jaw though Ivan able to turn away so didn't hurt much. Ivan need being care, yah? Flurry blows happen, his enemy was fallen to ground.

Ivan walked on wanting to get jump next enemy. He charging and let go reckless attack. His opponent being graceful sidestepped hit him with backstrike before careful step back. Ivan felt of magic and noticing this man was magifying fists, wondering what type be. Ivan trying to another one-two hit both them time managed smack. Be calming down, yah? Ivan got sort nervous. Ack! Ivan feel fast strike again, he tried to move out way. Magic man getting it now! Ivan ran side towards, struck truth squarely chest and knocked out one attack.

This 'sandman' strange fighting style. He seeming swaying side to other side well for such big man. Ivan wonder if got him off guard with charge now, but he turn quick, smash Ivan a decent, so step back, and unleash another attack. He once again not manage dodging and next thing trying to was be hit Ivan back, but was slow weak try and Ivan being finishing him off ease.

Ivan seeming to being good land first hit, it be working again on man. Seeming irritated after Ivan hit him, and he be punch so power Ivan flew back lot feet. He had lot of strong behind that punches. Ivan be speed, though he hitting twice into his chest as he tries to swat him away slowful but Ivan seeing it, uppercuts him down to ground. Down another!

Hah, crowd think Ivan dead on water. Ivan great enough to being turning round them.

Soon, crowd start chant loud and loud for last enemy in sirkit. Ivan quick return place and enemy named Mac come out of gate run. Ivan ready be see that he be swiftful enough to be threat even for. Gave out few jabs faking Ivan out but try not to intimified. Still have vantage of take shot first in here fights, hitting in chest comfortable at very start. Mac being shot out quick punchful to Ivan but no hurt so much. Needing bring down quick. Ivan swing wildly him almost hitting, but Mac dodge at last and throwing a uppercut at Ivan when he no defense. It hurting, but shaking self from ground he tried to swing at Mac but missing horrible and Mac tried to shot again, get out. Was out of it? Ivan being standing straight, delivering and running charge straight to face of Mac. Reckless, but brought down he not expecting it. Ivan satting while to recover, defeat sirkit!

Ivan champion! Ivan is great! If only father Ivan see him now!

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"Ah, come on. Surely you've got something in mind at the least?" Sheikah joked, grinning. "Nah, if you're not sure, that's fine. I guess we can wait at the inn, but I don't really want to deal with Cara if I don't have to..."


Mina sat somewhat dazed as Melanie spoke a bit to her, closing her eyes in an attempt to regain her composure. At the question about her hand, however, she snapped up and looked at the symbol Melanie spoke of, quickly attempting to cover it up and flushing deeply at her error. "Th-that's, well, you see... that's..." After a moment, she caught herself and slowed her frantic movements, uncovering her hand as soon as she realized the damage had been done. Unobscured, the mark could be seen far clearer- a crescent surrounding a circle in the middle and seven triangles pointing away from it, pulsing a bright with magic slowly and fading to a dull gray. "Alright... you've seen it already, so there's no point in me hiding this. You're not to speak of it to anyone, however. This is called a Farseer's Seal, infused with ancestral magic from long ago, and it is what I draw much of my strength from. My teacher is an extraordinary man, and when he showed me the ways of bloodcasting he imprinted this into my hand to give me more power, to sustain my magic. There are still many mysteries to this that I don't completely understand, but it's a significant part of why I can do what I can. Of course, there's still much of my own magical skill involved, but otherwise even a simple spell would totally exhaust me. Feats such as that I performed on the stage today would surely be lethal." She paused, sighing. "It's another part of my magical discipline that is frowned upon... ancient magic like this is feared too much to be drawn upon by most. Perhaps some day, I can make strides with this, but for now I have much to learn. If I am still so overwhelmed by it sometimes, I can't show how potent it is very well, can I?"

Mr. Falcon

The crowd roared with applause as the new fighter managed to take down the World Circuit. Mac stood up bewildered, but shook Ivan's hand and stepped out of the ring. Shortly afterwards, a much taller man wearing a red helmet and visor with a falcon on it. "Greetings, warrior of the fist. I am Douglas Falcon, owner of this arena. Your skills have impressed me, and I do not make this offer lightly, but I am a strong fighter myself and would like to challenge you. Should you lose, you will still be given your reward for the World Circuit, but if you win your reward will be even greater. What do you say then? If you're up for it, then just get ready and show me your moves." The man stepped into the corner of the ring, readying his fists- almost seeming to flash with fire for a brief moment.


"Depends how much training you're wanting," the Captain told Peter. "Scaling rates because the war's tough on funding, so you pick your own price and we'll set aside as much time as that is. What'll it be?"

[OOC @eclipse: rates are on the Bonvale tab of the spreadsheet]

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"Gotcha," Peter said, mulling over how little he had. "How much axe instruction would 425 gold purchase?"

This'll leave me near-broke, but it'll help with my skill set. I hope.

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Now THAT was interesting. Melanie crawled over the piles of books and papers to listen in to what Mina was explaining, sitting on the floor on her knees in front of the couch. She was all ears, and taking in every moment of what she was being told. "You are cute when you blush," she offhandedly added, having thought it before Mina went into explaining everything. As for what had been explained... "Ben, zat ees amazing, eh? You 'ave zis powerful magique een your back pocket, zat you can use avec votre own, to make eet stronger... Franchement..." Mel was still trying to piece together what she'd heard. Was there really such a thing, or was it some weird tattoo that Mina was embarrassed about, so she made up a story to cover for it? She didn't know! But she didn't have a reason not to trust Mina, so for now, she was enthralled with belief. She kind of felt herself reaching out to take the woman's hand, so she could flip it over and bring the seal closer for inspection, but halfway she stopped herself, sitting back onto the floor on her legs.

She had a question, though. It was stupid, but she had it. "Ben, well, I know zat, ehm... Zat ees somesing extrêmement rare, and, you were given it by votre master, ben... You would not be 'aving anozzer lying around, would you?" She turned her own little shade of red at the question. "I am not looking for ze, 'ow you say, easy way out, ben, eet would be nice to 'ave my own extra source of magique, eef sings get dire, or somesing..." Mel may not have felt herself shrinking, but she was most definitely trying to squish herself down, embarrassed over asking about something so powerful and important, like it was some gift Mina could give out. "I know eet ees ancient and somesing not to be trifled with, ben... I-I juste, feel I need somewhere big to start from, you know?" She tilted her head up as she said that, making eye contact. Zis ees a stupide request...

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"Hmm..." The salesman was incompetent, laughably so, but there was a distinct magic that was given off by the gem as it shattered, which seemed to lend itself to his meager explanation. Looking them over, she eventually found one that felt... right, somehow. She supposed there was different magic in each one, they would likely have different effects.

"What about this one? Can you tell me anything about it... what it effects, or the cost?"

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"Well, all of them cost 500, apparently. According to the notes I got left with, that's uh..." He scanned the page for the yellow gem quickly, then found it. "It's an ability gem, apparently. It makes you like... more observant and accurate? At least, that's what it says it does here."

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"Hmm... well, that does sound nice... can you tell me about the others before I commit, though? You seem to have it all written down." Celestia replied... at least, even if they could have made a better choice of representative, whoever left him here seemed to have left him the tools he needed to at least try and do the job.

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Orpheus paused for a second. There were definitely others about somewhere, that much was true. The chances were that they were probably around for a while, otherwise they wouldn't be taking time to see the city for themselves.

"Probably worth a look then. See you in a bit." Orpheus answered, heading towards the door. He wasn't exactly sure who he was looking for, or even why he was looking for people at all. If anything, it would make more sense to avoid the people he was mooching a room off of. That would be the smart option, but it would also be boring.

The Palace would probably be a decent place to look about, even if he didn't run into anyone.

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That Mac being man of justice. Not getting shaking hands much. Ivan nodding head to birdman.

"Ivan honour! Be doing Ivan best!"

Ivan did feeling as though his head was shaking, though. Mac hit good and hurt in the head. Not having chance reacting as birdman then hit with an charge punching, cause Ivan at tripping back when manage punch again as was trying to regaining sense.

Ivan not to getting with the giving up, so Ivan swinging at enemy to landing it squarely in face, an loud thud. Ivan dodge well, hitting twice after, he seeming to slumping down. Was declare win and crowd be very shouting!

Feeling his head, try to steading self for few seconds, went to shaking birdman's hand but wanting be leave quickly didn't want to stay long time.

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Taima hesitated some more and then shook her head. "Right, one of us needs to make a decision, so I say lets head towards the shops. Seems as good a place as any to look around." She nodded to herself and started to head out. As they were leaving the palace, she almost ran into a man slightly taller than her with messy brown hair. "Oh, excuse me sir. Sorry about that." Giving him a once over, she asked, "Are you part of the local army? Or just a sightseer?"

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Wolfgang sat at the stands again as he saw Ivan sign up for the World Circuit. His eyes widened for a moment as he wondered if this one would be able to go through the circuit. Sure, the Hollows had all sorts of people and there were people with a better build and suited for it but, the World Circuit was the strongest of the three and he didn't know if this guy would be able to pull off a victory.

Wolfgang watched in amazement as Ivan took on the fighters one by one as he cruised through the circuit. He joined the crowd in applause as the owner of the arena stepped forward towards Ivan and proposed a duel for a better reward. Wolfgang stayed where he was- this one was going to be a thriller. He watched as Ivan took strong, direct hits. He seemed to be in a world of pain but pulled himself together just in time take out the owner with a few punches.

Remind me to never pick a fight with him ever!

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Orpheus wasn't even sure why going to the palace was a good idea, he'd only said it to look vaguely competent. His competence was then further tested, the axeman barely avoided running into a giant of a woman. Only a few inches shorter than himself, and built like a rock, she was probably the kind of woman who piledrove unwanted pursuers into the ground. It was unusual for a woman of said build to be see outside of the army, or the mines... although she didn't smell quite bad enough for the latter.

"Don't worry about it. I can't say I'm exactly local, although I'm not quite the typical sightseer either." he replied, realising his answer didn't actually answer anything at all. "I'm guessing you're in the forces yourself? I'd imagine you could hurt someone pretty bad if you wanted to."

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"Ah, sort of I guess? Our mercenary group is doing whatever we can get hired for so... And I'm more of a taking hits kinda fighter than a giving hits. My name's Taima and this is my boss, Sheikah. What's your name?" She grinned and held out a hand for a shake.

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