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Fire Emblem: Wretched Whispers, Act 2: Warpath


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"The Strength Chant scroll, you mean?" the shopkeeper asked, confirming what Vale wanted. "It's 500 gold, if it takes your fancy."


Norman was anticipating the hit this time, and managed to sidestep handily "You should take your own advice." he said, immediately following up with lower swing at the captain.

Edited by SB.
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"Weeell, that story's probably not as interesting," Sierra began. "I was seventeen, and Lady Deriyenn had just opened the theatre for the first time. I always liked watching stuff like that, so I went at the first chance I got and saw a dancer put on a performance, and there were a few other things I watched that day as well. But I actually met Lady Nora there, and when I asked if I could go backstage to meet someone, she said she'd be glad to let me visit behind the scenes! I had been most enthralled by the dancer, and that was Mina, of course... we talked for what felt like ages and got along so well, I asked her schedule and tried to come to as many of her dances as I could. Eventually I mustered up the courage to ask her on a date, and she said yes after a bit of convincing, so that's that! I was really scared she'd just totally shut me down, but it ended up working out great in the end."

"You're an interesting one," Sheikah murmured after the story. "Everything you say is surprising, somehow..."

"Heehee, nobody knows what to expect of me. I'm a wild card!" Sierra grinned with a childish delight at her own statement, seemingly infinitely amused by it. "What about you two? Got any stories to tell? How'd you become the boss of your company?"

Sheikah shook her head in response. "Not that one... I don't like that story."

"Oh, I'm sorry... well, how about you, Miss Taima? What's happened to you that's awesome or interesting?"


The Captain nimbly moved out of the way of Norman's swing. "Watch your words there, rookie. You don't think I got to where I am being careless, do you now? Awareness is key in battle!"

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The inn was full of conversation, and Peter wasn't a part of it. Someone else seemed to be quiet amidst the din. Whoever it was looked to be quite a formidable opponent, and Peter silently hoped that he wouldn't be a part of the tournament. Me, nervous before an event where the only thing I'll lose is some money. Hah. "So, you a part of this tournament?" Peter asked the large man with the axe. If this was one of the opponents, he'd rather know NOW, as opposed to later.

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Taima shook her head. "Not much unfortunately. I mean, I joined this mercenary group, which has been pretty interesting but you probably already know some about our work the past few days. As for before this group... Lived with my parents til I decided to do something with my life. Pretty boring all around. Nothing as exciting as your life, that's for sure."

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Declan shrugged; he figured he didn't have to do the highest end circuit that was offered; lord help him if he tried to tangle with Mac. Although Declan felt his offense would be more than sufficient, his ability to take a punch was... fairly lacking, in his opinion. Then again, he was going to wait until after his training session to challenge the circuit, so perhaps he would go for the top circuit right away. Maybe.

"Alright, I'm in. One circuit shouldn't be too hard, especially if I do a lower one. I'm... not too confident in my ability to take too many punches, even if I've got good offense to dish it out." Rubbing his left arm, Declan glanced around him, as if perhaps taking in the unfamiliar scenery. This... felt new, even with him being from around here.

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"It's not too late to turn back, you know. It's not going to be an easy road, the life of a mercenary."

"I know... but still my path is set. This is what I feel I have to do."

"Very well. Welcome, Diana Telsmuth. May luck ever be with you."

Diana opened her eyes, feeling renewed with old memories. I must have passed out... But this feeling... Diana propped herself up comfortably. I needed that. I think I will still take it easy for the rest of the day, though... Diana pulled herself out of bed and to her table, and started to fiddle with her cards.

After finding herself in an impossible situation not too long after dealing a round, Diana scooped the cards up and put them aside. Pondering for a moment, Diana decided to pick up just her well-worn healing staff and her gold pouch to take with her. As she returned downstairs, she realized she had not eaten anything today, nor did she even know vaguely what time of day it was. Looking around, Diana noticed that there weren't that many people around anymore, at least compared to when she was here earlier. Diana took a seat at the bar and spoke. "...Hello? Is anyone back there?"

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The previous day...

Magali hummed melodically as she managed to whisk company to sight-see the town with her. Bonvale had so many options! As they explored the capital, Magali noted how much... quiet the city seemed, for 'the biggest center of attraction in the continent'. "Guess times of wars don't make for busy towns... a shame, but at least it gives us more time to check what is has to offer, hmm?" She threw glancing comments at her walking partner as she passed through stores, viewed their wares, made notes of where they were compared to the inn... "They have shops for all kinds of things here, hmm? Oh, that looks adorable..." She went over to check a dress, a fine piece for formal dances, but decided not to buy it.

And most of the day went that way --Magali window shopped, dragged Lugos around, dined outside... the notion probably bored the young man before a third of the day went by, so once a while, Magali made sure one of the shops were about magic, or visited the stables. "You and Sheikah both ride wyverns while casting magic, huh? Don't they get scared? That's quite interesting~." With some small talk here and there, before they knew it, it was a couple hours since the sun had set, and no sooner they returned to the inn.

"Thanks for the company~." Magali bowed, "It was nice having a leisure walk in such a big city. You never know when you'll get another chance." She put up the same smile she had earlier in the day when she convinced him to follow her along. "Thanks for putting up with me. I'll be owing you a favor for that~." Waving the man goodbye, she quickly retreated to her room, intent to rest up for the upcoming day.


Back to the present...

Magali was already awake when Sheikah knocked on her door, thinking about Mina's proposal, and looking forward to dancing in the theater again. Slowly making her way downstairs, she didn't as much as speak up when Vacheres told of a tournament --she had no mind for it, never quite devoting her time for combat. Dancing was more interesting! Besides, that could give her more free time, and they only had so much here in Bonvale.

Magali retreated to her quarters briefly after most other mercenaries started leaving, tidying up her appearance for the show later today. I can't feel the burns anymore, wonderful. She made sure as the brushed a hand over her left arm, it wouldn't do if a stinging feeling hindered her performance.

After building her confidence with some practice steps and then getting dressed up for the occasion, Magali left her room. She snatched a few pancakes as she waved to the few mercenaries still at the inn's diner, and made her way to the theater.

"Hello~." She greeted the employee at the entrance. "If you don't mind, I'm here to perform again today. Is Mina already inside?"

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"Aww, surely you've got something! I bet you're just being modest," Sierra insisted, patting Taima on the shoulder. "Everyone's got some sorta story to tell, that's what I think! We're all different in our own ways, so maybe even if you think that it's nothing you can make interesting, we've never been in your situation, so we wouldn't know how it is!"

Sheikah watched with some level of amusement at Sierra's shenanigans, waving to the healer who sat down. "Hey, Diana... nah, Cara just left, but there's these pancakes if you want 'em still. You alright? You seems sorta out of things..."

Sierra clapped her hands together, looking to the new arrival excitedly. "Hi! Diana, then? I'm Sierra. I was just asking Taima about any stories she had! Do you have anything to share?"

"Hey now, at least give her a little time to eat!" Sheikah found herself grinning widely, but glanced at Magali as she briefly stopped by. "Wow, she looks all nice and cleaned up, huh? Wonder what the fancy occasion is for."

"Oh, Magali was going to go dance with Mina in the theatre! Ahh, I totally forgot..." Sierra's expression became sullen very quickly. "I wanted to watch again, but I already promised I'd be in the tournament, and I... awww..."


Kim waved at the sight of the dancer. "Hello, hello! Yes, Mina's readying herself up as well. You look great! Have fun out there, alright?"

Mina poked her head out from backstage upon hearing Kim greet her invited guest. "Hello, Magali. You can come on in whenever you wish." She wore a white dress with silver hilights and bowed gracefully. "We have time, if you want to practice. What kind of dance would you like to perform?"


"Haha, no, I'll be the tournament's host. My name is Vacheres, if you didn't hear earlier. You look to be rather strong, yourself- are you an axeman as well? Sometimes, I use lances if they're better suited for a battle, but when I get a good choice between the two I'll stick with this." He tapped the axe by his side. "It's the Reaper Axe, Gurasin. I was fortunate to be gifted it when Namuren passed away, and it has served me well."


"Alright then, let's get it going," Louis told Declan, leading him to the back. Sure enough, there was a smaller ring with much equipment lying around. In the midst of the ring, a white punching bag was hung up, having two black dots resembling eyes drawn on by someone.

"Let me see what you've got, then- get on in there and show me a stance, then throw a few punches at the thing. It'll be a good warmup."

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Peter couldn't help but whistle when Vacheres pointed to the "Reaper's Axe". "My name's Peter. I wield an axe from time to time, but it depends on what my employer needs. Usually, they need people in back, peppering arrows into the opponent. But it doesn't hurt to have a close-range weapon if the enemy gets close to me." Despite the fact that Peter was one of the bulkier members of the group, he felt absolutely tiny next to Vacheres. "Perhaps one day, I'll wield something that awesome. Right now, I've gotta figure out how to advance in the tournament. All the weapons in the world mean nothing if I can't put them to good use."

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"Thank you~." Magali took Kim's compliment gracefully yet mechanically as she made it to the backstage, taking then a better look at Mina. "My, what a lovely dress~." She complimented the priestess. "I think we can leave the magic behind today. Just dance for what it is." Magali suggested. "If the musicians feel inspired, we could start slow, then progress to a decent pace faster. It would fit the grace of your outfit."
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"Yes, that one," Vale said to the shopkeeper. "Hold on, let me get the gold..." He turned back to Mel, half-fumbling with his satchel.

He pondered what Mel said. So... inheriting, huh? Almost like reading a dead person's will. Only... magic. "Yes, expensive is the word," he responded, grinning. "But despite that, I'm actually really eager to try it..." He counted the money in his right hand, looking both down at it and up at Mel as he spoke to her, switching back and forth. "These new experiences are kind of what I live for. And Strength Chant sounds like something I would really benefit from... you think?" There was something new gleaming in Vale's eyes, perhaps a result of his fervent curiosity. He almost felt a bit silly, but he couldn't help getting excited over this. "I mean, I don't know."

He turned back to the shopkeeper. "Here's the gold. Sorry about that."

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"Ah, merci~" Mel giggled, happy that she'd gotten the word right. "Ben, you should be eager. I am always interested een ze new magiques. Even eef you are interested for different reasons, eet ees nice to see zat you are wanting to try zem." She nodded and smiled wide. "I sink zat ze scroll will make you ultra buff! Très fort! Very useful for dealing wis our enemies, oui?" Mel nudged Vale's arm gently with her elbow, watching him pay for the scroll. It was really, really nice to see people interested in these things. She couldn't overstate it, at least in her head. It made her all warm and tingly, like seeing other people experience magical knowledge was some goal in life for her. "Ben, shall we 'ead over to ze tournoi, zen?" She said, smiling her typically carefree smile.

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Orpheus stopped, it seemed that he'd found someone who knew a little about the tournament. More than that, he claimed to be the host of the event. He strode over, desperately hoping that he'd be able to impart some wisdom. Equipment wasn't Orpheus' main concern, it was the fact he'd never fought a proper battle in his life.

Any words for a farmer's boy?" Orpheus pitched in, feeling rather dwarfed by the two men. "It's less the kit I'm worried about and more the actual fighting. I've always been part of hit and run tactics, never really had to face someone one on one."

There probably wasn't time to go through the basics of things. Orpheus knew which end of the axe to hold and where to strike, but that was pretty much it. An opponent who was fully aware of his presence probably wasn't going to let him use his old tactics.

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Vale made his deal with the shopkeeper, and he carefully held the received scroll in his hands. He looked to Mel again. "Well, I mean, I wasn't trained in the magic arts or however you say it, but sometimes I wish I'd had. For curiosity's sake, if only." He chuckled at the thought, though--it definitely wasn't what he was cut out for anyway. Not wanting to offend Mel in some way, he said nothing, but he mused at an image in his head of him in the illustrious robes throwing lightning at his enemies.

"Well, anyhow," he continued, "do I just read it here now, then?" He began to unfurl the scroll. "Or should I read it outside on the way to the tournament?" He couldn't help perpetually smiling when he interacted with Mel. It was contagious.

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"It shouldn't take very long for you to pick it up. If you think you can read on the way, you can. But we're not so pressed for time that it has to be on the move." Celestia replied to Vale with a smile. not quite at the level of replicating Melanie's enthusiasm.

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"You could always start late. Zere ees pas problème avec zat. As long as you 'ave ze eenterest, of course." Mel was always supportive of people getting themselves into magic, as long as they had the interest and wanted to explore what it had to offer. She'd never push someone into if they didn't, though. She knew enough to know it wasn't for everyone. "Eh, oui, eet ees like Celestia 'as said. You can read eet now, and we can wait, or we can juste go and you can read eet while we walk. Eizzer way ees fine. It should not take zat long for ze magique to work eets way into votre 'ead." She nodded and leaned slightly against her magical friend, waiting for Vale's answer.

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Declan nodded quietly, as he stepped towards the bag. The crudely drawn-on eyes made him chuckle just a bit, considering where they were, but he quickly steeled himself. After all, this was all about getting stronger, right? Strong enough to be of more use to the group, to be of use to himself... and to protect the people he cared about.

Getting into a boxing stance - or, at least, what he assumed was one, though he didn't think his feet should have been so far apart considering his general lack of length - and began throwing a couple of quick jabs, just to test his punching speed. Strength was fine and dandy in punching things, but he wanted to be quick about it too, right? Getting stronger was no good if he wasn't fast enough to use it.

Eventually, he threw larger punches - a left straight here, a right hook there - and hoped that maybe he could prove himself better if he pushed himself harder than normal. That way, everything about him would be better... and he could protect everyone in his life better...

Push harder, fight better, move faster, become stronger... Harder, better, faster, stronger...

The mantra sunk deep into Declan's head as he let loose a mighty haymaker, rattling the punching bag with significant force. Not significant enough to completely obliterate it, but this was once adversary Declan supposed wouldn't need to be wiped out completely. This time, anyway.

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"Well, let's get going, then." He held the half-unfurled scroll in front of him still. "I'll read it on our way out, it's fine by me. I prefer to be on the move. It that's no trouble to you?" He smiled at the two girls and started off, waving thanks at the shopkeeper. He began to open up the scroll all the way, and he began reading it, though paused to make sure the other two were ready to leave.

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"Pas problème!" Mel smiled wide, and grabbed entwined her fingers with Celestia's, dragging her along after Vale. "I am curious to know 'oo I am going to be fighting again een zis tournoi... I 'ope I do not 'ave to fight eizzer of you right away. I do not sink I would like zat... Or any of you, honnêtement. I would like to juste fight ze people I do not know, and zen, per'aps, give up when I see any of you." She blushed a bit, wondering if she was really close enough to any of them to truly feel right in feeling that way. It had only been a few battles, but she'd come to trust them so much. She sighed. "Ah, well... C'est la vie, eef I do, je pense..."

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From leaning to hand holding to now being dragged along, things had begun moving rather swiftly in a brief lapse of concentration on Celestia's part, it would seem, and soon after, Melanie began talking about just dropping out of the tournament if she came across any of their group along the way.

"I mean, I suppose I get how you feel, but with so many of us entering, or so it seems, it almost seems like it wouldn't be worth entering if you were just going to drop out if you meet any of us... I mean, unless we all get knocked out in round one, or something like that..."

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"Hit-and-run?" Peter had his own version of hit-and-run, but he'd done so by being extremely far away from the enemy in the first place. From the sounds of it, the newcomer did not have that luxury. "Most of the time, my enemies don't expect me to use a melee weapon." He thought back to his fight with the captain, back at the base, and sighed. He'd learned technique, certainly, but when it came to facing an opponent head-on, all he cared about was keeping himself alive, at the expense of his opponent. "I suppose the first step is not to advertise to your opponent that you're nervous, or unfamiliar with such things, even if you are. By the sounds of it, you're entering the tournament, too. Name's Peter. What's yours?"
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Mel nodded, almost sheepishly, as she agreed with what Celestia was saying. A least, in part. "Ben, eef I get to fight een round one, zen I will make my money back, non? Donc, as long as I do not fight any of you een round one, zen zere ees no problème. Maybe I will learn somesing from fighting ze first arena man." It was a stretch, but, Mel really just wanted to feel included in something that practically the entire group was participating in. She trusted most all of them now, and joining them in what they do seemed like a way to get even closer. She really wanted that, even briefly.

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It sounded like his new acquaintance Peter was a marksman of some kind, one with some a reasonable amount of experience."I'm Orpheus, I recently joined the group. I figured the tournament was a good way to make some money, as well as get in some practice. No point signing up for mercenary work if you're a liability."

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"Thank you. Sierra gave me it just today- it is my birthday, actually. To be honest, I had entirely forgotten with how long I was away..." She spun in place slowly, showing off the rest of it. "I am glad you like it. I was very pleased with how it looks as well. Your plan sounds like a good one, I think; I had not wanted to go with magic this time, anyway. After all, it would be difficult to match up to how well we did yesterday."


"An admirable stance on the subject- it is important to focus on the obstacles in the present. Though, perhaps I could lend a hand with your training in the future." Vacheres looked into the pack on the floor by him, withdrawing two axes and handing one to Peter. "This axe is designed to help learn how to use other axes that are more difficult to use." He looked to Orpheus after, handing him the other axe. "It's important to recognize what you can and can't do in battle- nobody is invincible. Do what you can to strike and maneuver away, and take hits the best you can if evasion is impossible. This axe is deceptively quick, and could help give you the edge you need in battle. I wish good luck to the both of you."

Keep on Training

"Nice work, keep it up!" Louis told Declan as he continued training. "Let 'em have it. Good job, kid." At his last hit the gave a resounding thud, Louis clapped. "Alright, let's see how you do for real." He lowered the punching bag and set it down outside the ring- the back side looked significantly more beat up than the front, being patched up in several spots and having "LM" written on it in the same color as the two dots on the front. He then stepped into the training ring. "Show me what you got- don't be afraid to hold back. I was a champ in my time, so I've still got it to some extent. Give it a try!"

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"Well, Mel," Vale started, "Just keep thinking about it as practice. Or... pretend-fighting. Yeah?" He shrugged, still fumbling with the scroll. "I mean, we're not fighting to the death or for real, or anything. Either way... if I meet with any of you, I won't go easy on you." He grinned, although he couldn't help but feel a bit bad for the girl. "It's up to you, really. Just do what you want."

As the three of them left the shop and continued their way on through the bazaar, he finally started his way through the scroll. Strength Chant, huh... let's see, then... He begin to read. (Unbeknownst to Vale, he seemed to have strange skill at walking while reading; although he did used to do in his childhood, way back when.) He quietly muttered the words under his breath as the power gradually coursed through him. Huh... it's so smooth, it's almost like nothing. Like... like it was always this way? Maybe "inheriting" was the right word after all, like Mel said. But I do feel different. He moved his right arm a little, opening and closing his hand. The scroll shortly dissipated.

"Hmmm... oh!" He remembered something as the three headed to the arena. "You two can keep going--I forgot I need to stop by the inn really quick. I'll meet up with the rest of you when the tournament starts." He waved them goodbye and quickly set off for the inn.

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