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Fire Emblem: Wretched Whispers, Act 2: Warpath


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Orpheus didn't like the looks of the mages ahead. Books without enough pictures gave him a headache, let alone ones that could shoot fire at him. They'd have to fight them eventually, but it was a good idea to clear a few of the enemies in the way first. Calden had backed him up pretty well last time, perhaps this was the beginning of a powerful combat duo? The fighter ahead was using a sword, but that didn't mean Orpheus couldn't send a little metal his way.

"Calden, let's try it again. I think we make a pretty good team." Orpheus called out, gesturing to the mercenary. "After we're done here, I'll get you a new dictionary."

Orpheus to 14,4, use hatchet on merc A, canto to 15,3

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"Tch, what magic is that?" Magali observed as Ivan got pelted from an element that seemed like no mage in the vicinity could have casted. Could it be... but they're so far away. It was long range magic, almost definitely, but she'd never seen that kind in person.

Quickly, she skipped to the other side of their group, mostly divided by the bridge, soon as Orpheus had returned. "They have an experience mage in that ship, we probably want to be careful, at least until we can make a break for them." She advised.

Magali to (16,3); dances for Orpheus.

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It was odd, Orpheus had sworn that he'd thrown the axe at the man. In retrospect he was glad that he'd actually caught his axe - dropping it in the sea would have been a disaster.

"Well, it's worth trying again, might even hit him this time!" Orpheus announced, ready to strike again. "Don't worry about that stuff too much, it's gotta be pretty hard to hit something from that far away. It's like trying to shoot an arrow at the moon!"

Orpheus to 14,4, use hatchet on merc A, canto to 15,3

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Wolfgang cheats a kill on the archer.

Wolfgang hits and deals 16 damage! (63,92)

Archer A falls!

The party gains 5 exp.
And Diana does... something.

Diana heals Taima for a very necessary 1 HP!

The party gains 2 exp.
Calden's features scrunched up as he yelled at the charging rider. "I don't want a new diction-tome!" he caught himself at least. It looked like stupidity was contagious."I just want mine back!" he glared at Lugos, evidently not pleased with having his things taken without permission.

Orpheus misses! (86,5)

The party gains 1 exp.
Magali dances for Orpheus.

The party gains 2 exp.
Orpehus hits and deals 8 damage! (3,92)

Mercenary A 3/37

The party gains 2 exp.
And Sheikah heals herself too I guess.

Sheikah uses a vulnerary!

Sheikah 21/32
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It was inspiring to see Celestia blow apart so many enemies, especially after that unfortunate miss moments ago. But as much as Celestia was powerful, she was also a bit reckless, and it hurt to see her come back across the planks with so many wounds. "Celestia, sit still, I will 'eal you... Juste, ehm, try to be careful, oui?"

Melanie sits still and heals Celestia

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The second axe had hit pretty well, the mercenary wasn't looking too healthy. Even though he'd missed once, it now at least meant that someone else could finish the job. Everyone else seemed busy, but Orpheus could spot a certain someone who looked free.

"Hey, Calden. I think we've got this one, got a plan too. If you zap him, we'll be sorted. Just make sure you hold onto your book, don't want you losing another one." Orpheus called out to the mage. "Just a simple hit and run."

Lugos to 14-4, blast Merc A, canto to 17-4
Calden to 14-4, blast Merc A, canto to 18-5

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Celestia hits and deals 20 damage! (25,55) 

Archer B falls!
The party gains 5 exp.


Melanie heals Celestia for 13 HP!
Celestia 35/35
The party gains 2 exp.


Lugos hits and deals 19 damage! (22,34)
Mercenary A is roasted!
The parrty gains 5 exp.

Rghggiejcwnfwcnpwqdqnwbvwc Calden had no words for Orpheus, and the enemy he was going to take out his anger on was already dead. Unlucky.

EP next post.

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Enemy Phase

Rather than allowing them to be pincered, Monk B tries to fight his way out. It doesn't work out too well.

Monk B hits and deals 13 damage! (22,6)
Sierra hits and deals 15 damage! twice! (44,83) (9,78)
Sierra 22/35
Monk B 1/31

Travis and his friend move a little closer but don't get into the fight just yet.

On another ship, Rhya moves forward to keep firing at the Hollows, muttering something under her breath as she attacked.

Rhya activates Defense Chant!
Rhya criticals and deals 33 damage! (32,4,45)
The party gains 1 exp.
Taima 6/39

The rest of Rhya's forces formed up a wall of sorts in front of their leader. If the Hollows wanted to break through to her, they'd have to deal with the mages first.

Player Phase 6

Calden didn't like the looks of the blockade set up on the bridge. Taima had taken a pretty nasty hit, and he wasn't sure if anyone else would be able to take all that punishment. Unless... "There's a staff in here that could help us deal with the mages." He nodded to the back of his wagon. "Do you want it?" he asked at nobody in particular. Maybe healing Taima was a higher priority, but the option was there.


Objective: Defeat all enemies!


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The enemy wyvern was being coy. . .unfortunately for him, he'd wandered into Peter's range. With a prayer to whatever deity was listening, Peter stretched his bow to the limit, and took aim.

Peter moves to 23, 13, attempts to attack Travis with the Iron Bow+, then Quickswaps to Hand Axe, because screw that Short Axe

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Artemis to (22,15), uses Luck Chant, attacks Travis w/Gust Edge, cantoes to (21,14)

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Stuff last post and the above:

Wolfgang deals 14 twice (87, 16) (80, 45) and dodges the mage. The mage dies.

Atremis hits Travis for 16 (31, 69) and avoids his counterattack (71, 78).

Sheikah destroys Travis (47 2), dealing 21 and killing him.

22 EXP was gained in total. WEXP, uses, and inventory also updated.

"Urgh... I've failed my duty. May Angala achieve glory..."

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