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CYOU'RE - Game Over


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oh I missed something

Euk what do you think about the fact that I was resurrected or the fact that I clearly have the superior avatar.

avatar is too busy, and I'm pretty coyote has enough good sig options that going without one is basically a crime

also idk that a member title from les mis fits him very well

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Everything worked! :kreygasm:

You messed up my quote, BAN! :P:

I noticed it 'cause I was gonna respond to it.

Is this the only reason eclipse? What do you think of my actions in thread?

Other than the fact that you've convinced yourself that Shin is scum (I'm null on him as of Page 30, because I can sort of follow his logic, but he's got some small things that scream scum. . .yeah, they balance out), not really concerned about your player slot.

There's a lot of other stuff I could say right now but I'm going to hold my tongue.

If it's game-related, OUT WITH IT.

Euk why don't you make a vote or something you haven't made one since RVS! 8)

This is actually a nifty read. . .on Euklyd. . .because. . .

hi guys I think I have enough done on essays and applications and tests and shit to at least pretend to mafia now

pretty sure BBM is misrepresenting my reasons for not liking the people who did actually flip town

I wasn't saying the Main Proponents of the lynch were scum, but the people who jumped on the wagon and made the Randa lynch a thing as opposed to the far superior Shin wagon

and then they flipped town so there went that

and I was far to lazy/busy to look into the wagon further

pretty sure this is literally what I was saying

"it's not like Randa is going to contribute anyways"

Shin still feels like a scumlord, Mitsuki's SB case feels forced, Mancer is Mancer but probably scummy (but we're not lynching there anyways thanks Refa)

I can sympathize with Paper's "wow guys yes of course I'm not contributing I have things do be doing also holy shit 30 pages"

(I have townreads but I'm never sure if I should out them or not and that's a meta discussion we probably don't need to have right now)

I don't have a whole lot of New Thoughts to contribute yet

>implying that I occasionally do contribute in mafia games

People voting for Mancer: do you not trust that Refa's reasons are Good Enough, do you not trust Refa, or what?

There's a scumread in here (yes I copied the entire thing on purpose). Also saw that in BBM's thing, but Marth was easier to quote.

REFA YOU SCUMLORD please provide Mitsuki with an answer since Rein doesn't exist. Put me on Marth, so that if he's hooked again, we'll know who's fault it is.

That's a nice pile of town reads, now who's scum?

Mancer's a pain in the neck to read, but I've got other non-mafia things to do, so even if I'm not fully sold on his towniness, I already know that I'm not going to get at least one vote (Refa), so that's out of the equation for today. Still null on Shin, even after the rest of the pages, for reasons stated earlier. Marth had a lot to say about BBM. . .and suddenly nothing. . .what's your read on him? Otherwise, I feel that Marth's content has gotten a lot better, so I'm no longer interested in lynching him. BBM's PR is null (as I think it's possible that a townie who likes trolling did that to him), but it's funny, and I don't remember anything horrid from his content, so eh (to be fair, I also haven't been reading him in-depth, and I'm out of time). Starting to not like Euklyd - yeah, he's busy, but that lack of vote on a stated scumread bugs me. The only memorable thing I've got from SB is a mention of Shin in early D2, and then nothing else. The thing I don't like about Paper at this point is that he's hinting that he has other things to say, and doesn't say them. Spamming like Mancer's not the greatest thing, but being totally silent for most of a day phase is worse (I'm TRYING, even if it's nearly bedtime and I have two RP posts to make). I have a theory regarding Junko's slot, and if it's correct, that's the last person we want to lynch (yes there's a good reason for not saying anything more than that).

So, coin flip between Euklyd's recent lackluster content, or Paperblade's silence. . .oh, wait. . . :P:

##Vote: Paperblade

dirge of swans vote: Euklyd, as soon as I log on to that account

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mrrr I hate doing things at 3 AM

Yes we are town confirmed to each other. My role is Town Hydra and if I picked a non-townie I would die. Me and Refa are now for all intents in purposes the same player with the same role and same vote (which I don't know the current target of, as I have been pretty busy).

If you get a real post out of me it's not going to be now.

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Marth had a lot to say about BBM. . .and suddenly nothing. . .what's your read on him? Otherwise, I feel that Marth's content has gotten a lot better, so I'm no longer interested in lynching him.

BBM is this player who has done a lot of scummy things but has been very blatant about it which I dunno he'd do as scum. I feel like his scum is usually more cautious. So currently, null-leaning scum on BBM.

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re: Shin -

that threat in #438 is full of bad vibes
also re: Shin's current vote Mancer was making a reasonable point when Shin voted for him

I feel like Shin has kind of dropped off the radar now that he's not in the hot seat. sorta passive and reactionary (not so much "wow you voted me time to case you" and more mostly responding to/talking about people saying things about himself)
otoh that's literally me but with more posts ##hypocrisy

I don't really feel like going deeper into D1 stuff because people have made those cases already and I don't want to reread like, context and shit, because while I have more time it's not unlimited

would be cool with a lynch here but I'm not like, completely sold on this either

still want to read more

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re: Shin -

that threat in #438 is full of bad vibes

also re: Shin's current vote Mancer was making a reasonable point when Shin voted for him

I feel like Shin has kind of dropped off the radar now that he's not in the hot seat. sorta passive and reactionary (not so much "wow you voted me time to case you" and more mostly responding to/talking about people saying things about himself)

otoh that's literally me but with more posts ##hypocrisy

I don't really feel like going deeper into D1 stuff because people have made those cases already and I don't want to reread like, context and shit, because while I have more time it's not unlimited

would be cool with a lynch here but I'm not like, completely sold on this either

still want to read more

For FUCK'S sake, we have less than 24 hours. I know I haven't been the paragon of posting amazing content in D2, but at least I'm willing to put a vote somewhere (or in my case, two somewheres).

Speaking of, whether or not I'm back in time for phase end highly depends on whether or not someone is hammered an hour before phase end - I might make it back earlier, but no promises.

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Okay you want effort here's some #effort

Randa has no vote who gives a fuck about him, if the mafia want to waste a kill on him that's more work than he was likely to do otherwise (disregarding in thread contribution). Also there's no point in doccing them since they've already got a merged vote.

BBM: I didn't read the thread in that MotK game either. As for your suggestion, there are worse things I could do.

BBM - I felt like he was townie during Day 1 but the late day 1 bugged me and I just have this nagging suspicion about him because of little stuff he does. I sorta feel like he's trying to buddy up to me, but this could be a legitimate town move.

Bluedoom (Marth) - I feel like he's town, I don't think as scum that he'd sit here tunneling me and if my thoughts about his role are right even moreso

Da Bear - exist more

Dormio - I am inclined to think he is town because of Levity's death, I don't think scum would want to give her a chance to give any last thoughts. The only alternative I could think is if Mitsuki AND Dormio are mafia and wanted Mits to have her role rep'd by a confirmed town

eclipse - Probably town? Her role is weird but I don't think it was necessary to claim asap

Euklyd - Should stop talking about webcomics and start talking about mafia

Junk - Apparently people think he's scummy? Seems more inexperienced to me

kirsche - Seems protown to me but writes too much

MancerNecro - I can't read him well but the cases on him seem legit? Refa is saying we're not lynching him for ~role reasons~ apparently

Mitsuki - I think she is town based on role, unless some weird shit is going on. Her + a hook on scum would be weird and idk why town would hook Marth

Polydeuces - unmemorable

Reinfleche and Refa - Probably town?

SB. - I feel like his actions have made sense as town. I also don't think he and BBM are scumbuddies (although any other combination is possible), but I don't recall what made me feel that way

Shin - idrk, the cases on him seem weak to me.

Shinori - WoD nerd

#HBC Larsa - lol

Mitsuki: Does your role stop the target from performing factional kills?


complaints about lynching randa without a claim are dumb because none of his counterwagons had claimed either?

This is stupid because Randa was the one player you could be certain would not be around to claim, you don't let some dumb fuck off the hook to lynch some guy that's not gonna be back by deadline, because one guy could be "not around" because he's mafia hiding while the other is mod confirmed sick

But let me talk about BBM more. It is easier for me to read players like BBM rather than less experienced players because when a new player does something that doesn't make sense, I have to ask myself "Did they do this because they are mafia or because they don't know better?" Sometimes this is easy, usually it's not. When BBM says something like, "well, you haven't actually done anything townie so yeah basically that's right. You just happen to probably be the Townie Who Got ED1 Wagoned rather than Scum." (note: this quote is not from this game, it is from a previous game in which he was mafia) this sets off alarm bells. It is noncommittal, which is how mafia BBM plays. He does not want to clear people, because that means he cannot go "Yeah this case is legit" and jump on the wagon later if it picks up steam. SB's case is full of good examples of this.

So, the question you might have, and the question I have, is why was BBM hard defending me if he is mafia and mafia BBM likes to keep his options open? He is pretty much buddying up to me, and it's kind of odd. Well, for me, the answer is simple: to BBM, I was never a mislynch option in the first place. The last time BBM was mafia and tried to get me mislynched, it backfired spectacularly: he got vigged, I got cleared and his team was forced to NK me. In fact, I've never been mislynched on SF (subtle brags). So, if I were maf BBM, and I knew someone was not aligned with me and I knew from experience that they were good at escaping lynches regardless of role, and that that person was historically pretty good at reading me, maybe it would be good to try to buddy up to them to see if it would color their perception of me.

Obviously, this may not quite be reality. I've got a growing wagon on me, I may be overthinking. I'm aware that I am playing to my perceived scum meta

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@eclipse, earlier on this page - pretty sure people would be complaining just as much if I said like,

I think Shin is scummy ##vote: Shin hold on let me reread and find reasons

in the case that that counts as a vote
##unvote (possibly shin)

I feel like there are probably scummier people itg than the two people who have been stated to be, and I quote, "very busy shit that's 30 pages hold on"

cut: holy shit what the fuck 24 hours
nov 20th 11 pm pst, so about 22 and a bit hours jesus christ

as it stands I would rather see a Shin lynch than other things so if I like, flake out and don't make another post before morning,
##vote: Shin

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wow more cuts

I'm bleeding out here

paperpost looks pretty good, I should probably (re)read BBM sooner rather than later

the point being "guys what the fuck why aren't you voting" or am I missing something deeper

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"euklyd you've been avoiding your transfer apps for long enough get to work" thanks mom
I mean I'm also slacking off some so I can't blame her for everything
wait no I totally can! don't lynch me it's all my mom's fault!

this is what flaking out looks like, I guess ;/
even if I don't get to making a post again before the morning I should be around in the early afternoon and in the evening tomorrow

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Quick question: when does phase end? I need to know if I need to bulldoze through everything within the next few hours or if I can afford to sleep a few hours before posting (so I'm not posting half-dead at 5am in the morning).

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