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Alrighty- thanks, Refa n' Manix. I'll be back in a few hours then- eyes/head need some much-needed rest. (And it feels weird to say/think [may be me just be super tired]), but it's nice to see you guys as a whole again in the Mafia game realm, lol. I feel like I've been gone from the forums for ages or somethin'...)

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Day 2.1: Oops there should be more votals Edition

Paperblade (4): Bluedoom, SB, Dormio, eclipse

Shin (3): kirsche, MancerNecro, Euklyd

MancerNecro (2): Shin, Eurykins

Euklyd (2): BBM, dirge of swans

SB (1): Mitsuki

Not Voting (6): Da Bear, Paperblade, Polydeuces, Rein/Refa, Shinori, #HBC Larsa

There are 19 hours and 51 minutes left in the phase. With 17 alive, it takes 6 to lynch at deadline and 9 to hammer.

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[spoiler=Keeping It Real]

"Refa/Reinfleche are totally town," said the people.

"That's awesome, now I don't have to put out any more content ever again," said the Refa.

"Hey wait, that's my shtick. Well, that and making amusing lynch train pictures," said the Reinfleche.

"Also Eurykins is subbing in. More motivated people!" exclaimed the Refa.

"More like more walls that I'll never read, I'm going to hide in a box or something," concluded the Reinfleche.

"The only way to fight it is to make a huge ass ISO post myself...but with hookers and blackjack!" concluded the Refa.


I just put this here so that I could say I ISO'd another person. Bluedoom is pretty obviously town at this point. Even disregarding rolespec (which is a very good to townread him though, especially considering his targets), he's been a beacon of light in the sea of lurkers and confirmed town who also lurk. Really my only issues with him are 1) his Paperblade tunnel of sorts (don't get me wrong, I think the tunnel is justified considering his position but I'm townreading Paperblade so it's not particularly helpful to me contentwise) and his Shin defense (this could just be more disagreement, but Shin has done several things that don't make sense coming from Town!Shin).

Overall: Town. Duh (should still look at my scumreads and comment on them though and stop voting Paperblade).

[spoiler=Da Bear]

Viggables/10. Would vig. Prime target for vigilante justice. SK's (and/or mafias) need not apply. Viva la vigilante! Wait... we don't have one of those? Well, fuck me. Hopefully he's actually lurk scum and not token mislynch for rainy day.

Overall: Null. Duh.


His posts just feel...genuine to me in a way that Scum!Euklyd obviously does not emulate. Also I feel like as scum he'd have some definite scum reads early on (by early on, I mean by his first content post) rather than just following up with an unvote; to clarify, that last part wasn't a meta read. It just seemed to motivated to be demotivated scum but at the same time without any vote (which is a great towntell IMO). I also like his Day 2 posts even if I can totally get why other people wouldn't; his replies read as really honest (in particular, his Paperblade comment/his late townread on me) and don't come across as scum just trying to BS content. Shin case is pretty good, my only issue with the slot otherwise is its lack of scumreads:

Overall: Town. Probably (please get more scumreads kthnxbye).


Honestly, I could get behind the cases on him earlier today. While his ED1 content was good, his Randa vote felt like a throwaway comment that I could see scumming from Scum!Paperblade. Filler didn't really bother me TBH, which is why I never got on his case for it (also I think I was partially townreading him for not announcing his townreads, which would be an easy way for him to get some actual filler content out as scum instead of some jokes). His #effort post is townie as fuck though and if he was scum he'd be voting Shin at this point (regardless of Shin's alignment). I can also get behind his BBM suspicion, probably will have to reread the dude myself.

Overall: Town. Duh (would not lynch today).


My biggest issue is that his Dormio read kind of disappeared and then he voted the person Dormio had been casing all day long (which implies a townread on the dude, I guess, but I'd like some clarification on this). Other than that, I don't really have an issue with him because he hasn't really done anything. Please put out more content Poly kthnxbye.

Overall: Null. Duh.


You fucker, you clicked on this spoiler first, didn't you? Better fess up. Also guess what, there is nothing of value here. Refamerica/10 please to be not nightkilling (I mean uh, we could be SK lovers who merged into a single slot and you guys would definitely want to keep any SK's alive right).

Overall: Town. Duh.


I've already spent lots of words on his overall content before, so let's skip all of that. After all, I can agree with Marthipan that Shin generally tends to do some scummy things as town, for better or for worse. But but but there are some actions he's taken that I can't see a townie actually doing. His Dormio case is like a legit misrep (he didn't use self meta as a defense for more than like one people, and even after Dormio told Shin this Shin didn't acknowledge it). Bluedoom said that Shin wouldn't bring anything new to the Dormio wagon as scum, but that point is lessened when Shin specifically stated it himself (which implies that he did give it some thought, regardless of alignment). Also his first scum priority list with Junko and Mitsuki on top which strikes me as very opportunistic considering they barely had any content at the time; he says votes on him aren't an issue but I'm pretty sure most of the people he's been voting have had votes on him (e.g. a contradiction). I feel like if he really took issues with the votes on him, he'd still be voting Dormio despite people telling him otherwise (kind of like what he did in Yume Nikki). Also I can't reconcile the fact that this line ("I'd ask people to actually consider their votes carefully, otherwise I might have to do something unpleasant!") came from a townie *shrugs*. Also I agree with SB about how his reactions to Randa seem a little...weird. I don't know how to put it.

Overall: Scum. Duh (does things that don't make sense as town even from Shin).


Something about his minimal content seems off to me (not because it's minimal content, mind). Several of his reads are surface level and in some cases (most importantly, his scumreads on Marth and Dormio) his reasoning is either factually wrong or based primarily on RVS content. Also the fact that not many people got on his case for this (which I'd say would be a lot easier to pull a mislynch on if he was town but meh I could be totally wrong about this) makes me feel like he's lurk scum. Don't even get why he unvoted Marthipan really.

Overall: Scum. Duh.

[spoiler=#HBC Larsa]

Read Da Bear, only I'm more inclined to believe that he's actually busy rather than just busy being lazy (shots fired, etc. etc. except not really because we have no vigilante). I wish another #HBC dude was playing this game because I really have no idea what his meta is.

Overall: Null. Duh (his role is kind of townie, I suppose).

Got around 8 more ISO's to do which I'll get around to eventually. Not voting Shin until I'm sure that that's where my vote would best be placed.

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[spoiler=Keeping It Real]

"Refa/Reinfleche are totally town," said the people.
"That's awesome, now I don't have to put out any more content ever again," said the Refa.
"Hey wait, that's my shtick. Well, that and making amusing lynch train pictures," said the Reinfleche.
"Also Eurykins is subbing in. More motivated people!" exclaimed the Refa.
"More like more walls that I'll never read, I'm going to hide in a box or something," concluded the Reinfleche.
"The only way to fight it is to make a huge ass ISO post myself...but with hookers and blackjack!" concluded the Refa.

I just put this here so that I could say I ISO'd another person. Bluedoom is pretty obviously town at this point. Even disregarding rolespec (which is a very good to townread him though, especially considering his targets), he's been a beacon of light in the sea of lurkers and confirmed town who also lurk. Really my only issues with him are 1) his Paperblade tunnel of sorts (don't get me wrong, I think the tunnel is justified considering his position but I'm townreading Paperblade so it's not particularly helpful to me contentwise) and his Shin defense (this could just be more disagreement, but Shin has done several things that don't make sense coming from Town!Shin).
Overall: Town. Duh (should still look at my scumreads and comment on them though and stop voting Paperblade).

[spoiler=Da Bear]
Viggables/10. Would vig. Prime target for vigilante justice. SK's (and/or mafias) need not apply. Viva la vigilante! Wait... we don't have one of those? Well, fuck me. Hopefully he's actually lurk scum and not token mislynch for rainy day.
Overall: Null. Duh.

His posts just feel...genuine to me in a way that Scum!Euklyd obviously does not emulate. Also I feel like as scum he'd have some definite scum reads early on (by early on, I mean by his first content post) rather than just following up with an unvote; to clarify, that last part wasn't a meta read. It just seemed to motivated to be demotivated scum but at the same time without any vote (which is a great towntell IMO). I also like his Day 2 posts even if I can totally get why other people wouldn't; his replies read as really honest (in particular, his Paperblade comment/his late townread on me) and don't come across as scum just trying to BS content. Shin case is pretty good, my only issue with the slot otherwise is its lack of scumreads:
Overall: Town. Probably (please get more scumreads kthnxbye).

Honestly, I could get behind the cases on him earlier today. While his ED1 content was good, his Randa vote felt like a throwaway comment that I could see scumming from Scum!Paperblade. Filler didn't really bother me TBH, which is why I never got on his case for it (also I think I was partially townreading him for not announcing his townreads, which would be an easy way for him to get some actual filler content out as scum instead of some jokes). His #effort post is townie as fuck though and if he was scum he'd be voting Shin at this point (regardless of Shin's alignment). I can also get behind his BBM suspicion, probably will have to reread the dude myself.
Overall: Town. Duh (would not lynch today).

My biggest issue is that his Dormio read kind of disappeared and then he voted the person Dormio had been casing all day long (which implies a townread on the dude, I guess, but I'd like some clarification on this). Other than that, I don't really have an issue with him because he hasn't really done anything. Please put out more content Poly kthnxbye.
Overall: Null. Duh.

You fucker, you clicked on this spoiler first, didn't you? Better fess up. Also guess what, there is nothing of value here. Refamerica/10 please to be not nightkilling (I mean uh, we could be SK lovers who merged into a single slot and you guys would definitely want to keep any SK's alive right).
Overall: Town. Duh.

I've already spent lots of words on his overall content before, so let's skip all of that. After all, I can agree with Marthipan that Shin generally tends to do some scummy things as town, for better or for worse. But but but there are some actions he's taken that I can't see a townie actually doing. His Dormio case is like a legit misrep (he didn't use self meta as a defense for more than like one people, and even after Dormio told Shin this Shin didn't acknowledge it). Bluedoom said that Shin wouldn't bring anything new to the Dormio wagon as scum, but that point is lessened when Shin specifically stated it himself (which implies that he did give it some thought, regardless of alignment). Also his first scum priority list with Junko and Mitsuki on top which strikes me as very opportunistic considering they barely had any content at the time; he says votes on him aren't an issue but I'm pretty sure most of the people he's been voting have had votes on him (e.g. a contradiction). I feel like if he really took issues with the votes on him, he'd still be voting Dormio despite people telling him otherwise (kind of like what he did in Yume Nikki). Also I can't reconcile the fact that this line ("I'd ask people to actually consider their votes carefully, otherwise I might have to do something unpleasant!") came from a townie *shrugs*. Also I agree with SB about how his reactions to Mancer seem a little...weird. I don't know how to put it.
Overall: Scum. Duh (does things that don't make sense as town even from Shin).

Something about his minimal content seems off to me (not because it's minimal content, mind). Several of his reads are surface level and in some cases (most importantly, his scumreads on Marth and Dormio) his reasoning is either factually wrong or based primarily on RVS content. Also the fact that not many people got on his case for this (which I'd say would be a lot easier to pull a mislynch on if he was town but meh I could be totally wrong about this) makes me feel like he's lurk scum. Don't even get why he unvoted Marthipan really.
Overall: Scum. Duh.

[spoiler=#HBC Larsa]
Read Da Bear, only I'm more inclined to believe that he's actually busy rather than just busy being lazy (shots fired, etc. etc. except not really because we have no vigilante). I wish another #HBC dude was playing this game because I really have no idea what his meta is.
Overall: Null. Duh (his role is kind of townie, I suppose).

Got around 8 more ISO's to do which I'll get around to eventually. Not voting Shin until I'm sure that that's where my vote would best be placed.

Fucking spoiler tags. Anyways, I don't have the time to make the rest of my ISO's now so I'll just give my abbreviated thoughts.

BBM- Kind of suspicious of him for reasons other people mentioned, and tonewise he just feels very much like Deathbound. Paperblade also brought up some good points, but meh. Probably would be the best person to target with a cop at this point in time.

Dormio- I liked his earlier content, but he's basically done nothing for a good while now. If Shin's scum, he's town though.

eclipse- Overall I like her content and what she has put out so far, but someone made an interesting case on her so I'd probably pay a lot more attention to my reread on her (as opposed to most of my other ones, which are drenched in CONFIRMATION BIAS).

Junk- Townreading him for his content overall and the reads on him being forced, but meh. Really the thing that bothers me the most about him is that I can't see who else would significantly benefit from Boron being N1'd considering her lack of suspicions on D1 (well, she could've gotten NK'd for being really townie I guess).

kirsche- Most likely town? I should probably analyze his content more seriously because he hasn't really put out that much of it but I think he'd actually have more content as scum so shrugs. Just put him as town, I guess.

MancerNecro- Not lynching today/10.

Mitsuki- In all honestly, she's most likely town but something about her role just seems kind of...off to me. Like two of three are useless (tracker, roleblocker) unless there's only one scum left (I guess they can hit the SK, but meh) and watcher doesn't really help all that much because it just means scum can't kill some obviously towny person (unless said person is scum, in which case they benefit). Don't agree with the SB case, but I'm not sure if he'd be the first person that she'd try to case as scum (then again, considering she cased BBM last game, maybe I'm wrong on this one).

SB- Possibly town? I generally townread him whenever I'm not scum, please understand; probably should take a closer look at his posts because I feel like he's been less of a presence than he's usually been. Also I'm totally distancing from him in the event that one of us flips scum.

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mrrr I hate doing things at 3 AM

Yes we are town confirmed to each other. My role is Town Hydra and if I picked a non-townie I would die. Me and Refa are now for all intents in purposes the same player with the same role and same vote (which I don't know the current target of, as I have been pretty busy).

If you get a real post out of me it's not going to be now.

Considering this, it would be pretty convoluted for this to be a scum role and therefore Refa to be scum! That makes me feel better about trusting the bro, which means...


I still think Mancer's play's been weak and his reasons scummy, but there's something about the Rein/Refa eldritch abomination and Refa's thing that make me want to hold off for a bit. I really don't get the Paper wagon. He's kinda in the background but I don't see how this separates him from the vast number of players who aren't very active in this game.

Like SB's vote on him seems pretty weak, even by his own admission, and relies a lot on meta. Earlier in the game SB himself made a point that Paper didn't seem scum based on meta. Looking back over SB, there's contradiction is his stance on Paper - more than can be explained by changing opinions, it's essentially the same point but for a different alignment. There's also how he made a case on BBM "because Refa posted" and then it changed in one post. Whilst I can see that it was because BBM responded, it seems awfully fast to jump onto Paper.

##Vote: SB

Whilst I don't really like kirsche's play at all, I'm starting to question whether scum would hound me constantly - especially after my flip, it'd set him up for the next lynch unless he actually thought I was scum. I'm seeing Dormio making the same effortless votes, but part of me is thinking that may just be his staple, still, I'm not willing to call him town just yet.

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Refa, a question- will whatever you want to do tonight help us ascertain Mancer's alignment? Or are we just going to be in the same position tomorrow?

my parents told me I had to shovel snow at like 6:30 am so that took half an hour and now I have no time for mafia in the morning. Also going to be home late tonight, like ~2-3 hours before phase end. >_>

I feel like Shin has kind of just dropped off the earth so dunno. And we're not lynching Mancer so... Euklyd > Shin > Paperblade out of the current wagons I guess? I think Paperblade's post about me alleviated some of my lingering doubts there.

cut by Shin doesn't really change my priority

@Paperblade- you have my meta right but my personality totally wrong if you think I'd ever pass up the opportunity to mislynch you if I was scum when it's being presented so easily to me.

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You'll see! Meh, feeling less sure about Shin after that last post of his; I'd have expected him to vote Paperblade as scum. Still would like him to respond to my issues with him though.

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You'll see! Meh, feeling less sure about Shin after that last post of his; I'd have expected him to vote Paperblade as scum. Still would like him to respond to my issues with him though.

Would you mind linking me to said issues? I'm having RUNCH.

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Man why do people post content but not make a vote? Do you think this is MYLO? Lol

paper's listpost is a bunch of townreads/nullreads which doesn't impress me but the AtE seems townie( fuck)

i could go for bbm lynch if paper turns out to be a bad candidate.

Don't understand why mancer is off limits atm if the reason isn't role related but w/e.

Could also go for euk for meh cotent, shino for atrocious content. But these are weak lynches for me.

Shin i just cant feel cases on him wouldn't lynch.

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Don't understand why mancer is off limits atm if the reason isn't role related but w/e.

I can see where you're coming from, but I don't see why Refa "don't lynch Mancer" unless it was some bizarre scumteam of Mancer/Rein/Refa. I'm not really suspecting Refa currently, so I'd be more inclined to believe it and not lynch Mancer for the time being.

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Maaaaaaaaannn this is difficult

Paperblade's latest post said a lot about BBM, left a list a townreads, and had no vote at all. Like...Why? If you want people to consider other options, you should chime in and get more scumreads, considering your post has only town/null reads, who do you even propose we lynch? The only player who looks like they're your SCUMREAD is BBM, and you're not even voting him!

Anyway Shin should claim before he goes to sleep or something because timezones are a bitch and deadline is happening when he's probably asleep. Since he's a prime candidate and all I mean.

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Well, kirsche, Shin's Quote vote didn't give me scumvibes at the relevant point in the game because there was less to go on and if he felt they were graspy bout their cases and he couldn't follow them pressure voting them is fine.

His Dormio case would be a BAD SCUMVOTE because trying to find new (and even bad) reasoning to hop on to the wagon which was already big would just bring attention to himself. Its just a horrible scum tactic and I don't expect Shin to ever do that.

Junko vote is dumb yeah what did he expect to get from voting a less active player in the game towards deadline? This is probably the only vote I can call scummy from his end and even then I'm not feeling as strong about it here.

Mancer vote I can see where he's coming from but I still think its a dumb OMGUS which PAINS ME because its also part of Town!Shin's Meta ( I have never seen scum! Shin ever bother about OMGUS)

But yeah this is my Shin defence SB also I think Mancer's Shin case just sucked but I guess this is bias because a lot of people D2 like, just posted content and didn't immediately vote.

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Don't understand why mancer is off limits atm if the reason isn't role related but w/e.

It is role related? If it was related to my actions tonight, then it would be dumb of me to not want to lynch Mancer.

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I've already spent lots of words on his overall content before, so let's skip all of that. After all, I can agree with Marthipan that Shin generally tends to do some scummy things as town, for better or for worse. But but but there are some actions he's taken that I can't see a townie actually doing. His Dormio case is like a legit misrep (he didn't use self meta as a defense for more than like one people, and even after Dormio told Shin this Shin didn't acknowledge it). Bluedoom said that Shin wouldn't bring anything new to the Dormio wagon as scum, but that point is lessened when Shin specifically stated it himself (which implies that he did give it some thought, regardless of alignment). Also his first scum priority list with Junko and Mitsuki on top which strikes me as very opportunistic considering they barely had any content at the time; he says votes on him aren't an issue but I'm pretty sure most of the people he's been voting have had votes on him (e.g. a contradiction). I feel like if he really took issues with the votes on him, he'd still be voting Dormio despite people telling him otherwise (kind of like what he did in Yume Nikki). Also I can't reconcile the fact that this line ("I'd ask people to actually consider their votes carefully, otherwise I might have to do something unpleasant!") came from a townie *shrugs*. Also I agree with SB about how his reactions to Randa seem a little...weird. I don't know how to put it.
Overall: Scum. Duh (does things that don't make sense as town even from Shin).

Also @Shin.

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Posting to say I'm not going to be able to do much today, if not anything. I have to do an oral presentation tomorrow and I need to memorize everything and rehearse, and then people are going to ask shit about it to me and I have to be ready to answer whatever they come up with orz

Sorry guys.

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I thought Paper's readspost was better while skimming when I was walking home earlier, but Marth is right about there being uh... basically no suspicions there and scum!Paperblade struggles to BS cases on people he knows are town. He also seemed to weirdly disappear after Marth's question, then skipped over it when he came back later (and iirc he did this in Tyne-Wear too?). I'd also like to add that the "I guess this person is a thing but I'm not really feeling it" comments are pretty weak and basically padding them out but Paper never really resists the wagon beyond saying "I disagree" instead of saying why he disagrees.

@Refa, generally I don't think "as X alignment he would be voting for player Y" is a good basis for a read since it makes an assumption about the alignment of other players as well. I noticed this in your Paper read and iirc this came up elsewhere too but I could be wrong. It's viable after using flips (why didn't scum vote their counterwagon? stuff like that) but there are too many variables when we don't have flips for people yet.

@Shin, I never said my case was weak, I was just apprehensive at first because I was townreading Paper before. That changed because of new information so yeah, of course my opinions are going to change off of that? I had the case on BBM in mind beforehand, motivation is just hard and I didn't really want to type it up at first and while I guess you could see it as a quick switch, why is this scum trying to get a ml over a townie changing opinions?

Mitsuki make eclipse watch Randa pls. It means scum can't RB him without being exposed or wasting their kill on what looks like a kind of weak role (eclipse). And if they do the opposite we don't even lose a vote off of it so it's win/win.

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I thought Paper's readspost was better while skimming when I was walking home earlier, but Marth is right about there being uh... basically no suspicions there and scum!Paperblade struggles to BS cases on people he knows are town. He also seemed to weirdly disappear after Marth's question, then skipped over it when he came back later (and iirc he did this in Tyne-Wear too?). I'd also like to add that the "I guess this person is a thing but I'm not really feeling it" comments are pretty weak and basically padding them out but Paper never really resists the wagon beyond saying "I disagree" instead of saying why he disagrees.

@Refa, generally I don't think "as X alignment he would be voting for player Y" is a good basis for a read since it makes an assumption about the alignment of other players as well. I noticed this in your Paper read and iirc this came up elsewhere too but I could be wrong. It's viable after using flips (why didn't scum vote their counterwagon? stuff like that) but there are too many variables when we don't have flips for people yet.
Mitsuki make eclipse watch Randa pls. It means scum can't RB him without being exposed or wasting their kill on what looks like a kind of weak role (eclipse). And if they do the opposite we don't even lose a vote off of it so it's win/win.

Pretty sure the lack of suspicions were just him getting his current thoughts out (since BBM told him to do so or something)? If he struggles to BS cases on people that he thinks are town, do you think BBM is his scumbuddy? Additionally, I already said Scum!Paperblade would vote Shin regardless of his alignment; if Shin was town, he'd say "not me over me" or BS a case or something. If Shin was scum, well you already answered that one yourself (read the bit about him struggling to case people he thinks are town).

Also I'd rather someone just safeguard Randa than watching him.

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Anyway Shin should claim before he goes to sleep or something because timezones are a bitch and deadline is happening when he's probably asleep. Since he's a prime candidate and all I mean.

I'll be around a couple of hours before deadline, if it looks like I'm getting lynched then, I will then either claim or use my ability - in essence both are pretty much one and the same. When the time comes, make sure you have

@Shin, I never said my case was weak, I was just apprehensive at first because I was townreading Paper before. That changed because of new information so yeah, of course my opinions are going to change off of that? I had the case on BBM in mind beforehand, motivation is just hard and I didn't really want to type it up at first and while I guess you could see it as a quick switch, why is this scum trying to get a ml over a townie changing opinions?

No, it's the switch from BBM which I take issue with, not the case itself. You backed off kinda quickly when he responded then jumped back to the Papertrain (planes can be paper, trains can be too, right?). You dismissed Marth's Paper meta and say scum!Paper does X. You later use Paper meta to say why you think he's scum. That a contradiction.

Refa, I actually voted Junko before he voted me. I voted for him because he was "I agree with stuff, Mancer is scum". Junko later voted for me in response. My vote on Mancer was after I tried to get him to elaborate on his vote. Whilst it might have seemed like a direct response, there were actually a few posts of mine trying to get to the bottom of his vote.

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Yeah, I think I'm on the wrong train overall here. Probably wouldn't lynch Shin, and I'll wait for SB's response before any finalized thoughts about Paperblade. Regardless, making more detailed ISO's on everyone else.

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