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Good SF Members To Talk To


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Sangyul/Boron/Sunwoo, without a doubt. She's been helping me out for a long time and giving me all sorts of advice to help cut back on all the...well, drama I've gotten into. Shin is also good at giving advice, imo.

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DodgeDusk/"Hack Waifu"

The guy is super nice and silly. Very pleasant, and always willing to lend an ear to someone in need.

Not to mention he's hilarious and fun to work with. That is, back when Tonton was actually doing his part in the project...

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Soledai is my bro

He's a great person to talk to about video games and general stuff

He's also a great person to know when to be serious and when to have fun, so my talks with him can always be entertaining on either spectrum

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Probably Ice Sage, Boron, Shin, Xinnidy, Rein (Much of the SF Mafia crowd) and Tristain the Vibe Sock, Kinumi, Integrity, Specta, Koneko, Randoman despite us rarely actually talking), Raven, Raven, ...

Too many people~!

Edited by Sara.
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Good people to talk to: Elieson (above), Specta, Boron, SeverIan, Nightmarre (sorry I have to add the extra r for distinction), Phoenix Wright, Jedi, Othin

EDIT: Also Popo even though she's from that hellhole known as Virginia

Fuckin numbskulls who I am embarrassed to be associated with: Euklyd, Refa, General "Whoreface" Horace, SRC, General Banzai (please come back to us), dondon, Mekkah

I forgot some people on here

Edited by Lord Raven
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Ash - He's level-headed, fun-loving, and is sociable.

Shota - He's a good kid who while usually pessimistic, is patient and somewhat caring.

Wen Yan - He puts out some good philosophy on me and while older than most of us, still has the fervor of a young adult.

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I like talking to Randoman, Makaze, Sockmaster/Vibe, Kinumi and Raven to be specific, though I enjoy talking with most every frequenter of the site, some people I think I simply haven't talked to enough.

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I have a gigantic 65-page conversation with Anacybele.

I can verify this. lol

Cerberus here is also wonderful to talk to, and worry not that he's Brazilian! He speaks great English and will pretty much always understand you. He even understands our slang! I seriously never guessed that he wasn't American!

We'd honestly be a couple if we lived closer to each other. Because we noticed how much we really like each other quite some time ago. <3 But maybe someday it could work after all. I mean, I've heard of people who traveled even farther to be together, so you never know. :)

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I can verify this. lol

Cerberus here is also wonderful to talk to, and worry not that he's Brazilian! He speaks great English and will pretty much always understand you. He even understands our slang! I seriously never guessed that he wasn't American!

We'd honestly be a couple if we lived closer to each other. Because we noticed how much we really like each other quite some time ago. <3 But maybe someday it could work after all. I mean, I've heard of people who traveled even farther to be together, so you never know. :)

And here I thought that my main OTP involving Ana was Rey!

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Hmm. There's a lot of people to list. The grand prize goes to Nightmarre, second place is Ike-Mike/Big_Boss, and people on IRC in general are all great (special mention goes to what I see as the free/specta/integ trio, kdanger saved my bacon recently, and rehab and lord raven are great too). Jedi is also cool to talk to, I remember there was this funny (IMO) conversation we had once about FE6 Reverse Recruitment and Ruroni Kenshin. There are also a lot of people who I am happy are on this site, even though I don't talk to them directly all that much (ZM, Eclipse and Vanguard Raven are the first who come to mind). I miss Aleph but thankfully he still comes on my profile feed sometimes.

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Probably Ice Sage, Boron, Shin, Xinnidy, Rein (Much of the SF Mafia crowd) and Tristain the Vibe Sock, Kinumi, Integrity, Specta, Koneko, Randoman despite us rarely actually talking), Raven, Raven, ...

I like talking to Randoman, Makaze, Sockmaster/Vibe, Kinumi and Raven to be specific, though I enjoy talking with most every frequenter of the site, some people I think I simply haven't talked to enough.

thanks you too

PERSONALLY I really enjoy talking to pklucas531, shockmaster, dodgedusk, euklyd and refa

also the above two members I quoted

also also KONEKO but she's my cousin

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