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Help, New to the FE series, recommened game order?


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I played a random DS FE a while back. Recently, I played a GBA fire emblem(the one with hector, eliwood, and lyn). Looking for a new FE game, I found out that they're many. What's the recommened order of playing these games. Also, I would prefer nothing graphically less than the GBA one I played. Thanks.

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FE8 (Sacred Stones, for the GBA) is newbie friendly, and so is FE13 (Awakening, for the 3DS) and FE9 (Path of Radiance, for the Gamecube). If you can get any of these three, I recommend you play them next, though there isn't a fixed order for playing Fire Emblem (all you need to do is avoid FE4, FE5 and FE6 on the start because they aren't very newbie friendly, but it's your choice).

FE11 (Shadow Dragon, for the DS) is a remake of FE1, if you are interested on playing a "modernized" version of an old game. Same about FE12 (translated as 'Heroes of Light and Shadow', for the DS), which is a remake of FE3.

Edited by Rapier
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Play 9 before 10 and 11 before 12. 8 is great too. You played 7 which is the prequel to 6 and 11 and 12 are DS remakes of the first two FE games. 13 is Awakening for 3DS and it is good for new players, but older players tend to like the older FE games better because 13 is not too hard until you get to lunatic and lunatic+ modes.

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FE9/Path of Radiance is great to start with if you're willing to go hunting for it and spending a lot of money on it. Otherwise, despite it being one of the best games ever (imo), it's not THAT worth it. But yeah, you should play it before FE10/Radiant Dawn because RD is its sequel.

FE7 and Awakening are the only other two that are really beginner friendly, imo. Although I don't think they're that great compared to the Tellius games (the two I just mentioned above). But it's up to you.

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Should start with 7, 8, 9 or 13

Go from there

Personal favorites of mine are 6, 9 and 4

4 and 5 may seem intimidating but they are really fun and have the best mechanics the franchise offers IMO. 10, 12 also are really solid games, 2 is very interesting and worth checking

All have value and are worth playing even 1 just to see the roots.

Edited by Jedi
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Play them in order, stat from the NES, to SNES, to GBA, to Tellius series, to the DS remakes, and finish it off with another play through of Awakening.

Play them in order so you can get a better idea on how the series came to be what it is today. Forget about the beginner friendly titles and play them in the order they were made.

The onyl exception to this is FE6 and FE7, play FE7 first since it came first story wise and is beginner friendly, but that won't matter because you'd have already played the hardest two, the Jugdral games.

This is coming from someone who only played Awakening, Sacred Stones, FE1, and is currently playing Gaiden, so it'd be best if you ignore my advice if you aren't up for a challenge.

Edited by Rabbattack
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I'd say start with 7 or 8, and go from there.

^ FE4 is far from difficult its one of the easiest Fe's lol

Most difficult games are probably fe6 HM and Fe12 Lunatic

I'd say that it'd still stomp someone starting out with it into the ground, then add a Boom Headshot.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Play FE1, FE11 or FE3 Book 1 before FE3 Book 2 or FE12.

Play FE4 before FE5, FE7 before FE6 and FE9 before FE10.

Aside from that, it doesn't really matter which order you play them in as far as story goes.

As for beginner-friendly FEs, those would most likely be 7, 8 and 13.

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Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance and the latest one Awakening are beginner friendly.

Radiant Dawn is the sequel of Path of Radiance, so I recommend to play it if you have completed Path of Radiance.

Sword of Seals (which wasn't released for the west) is the sequel of Fire Emblem Blazin Sword (which you've played). Though there are a few differences compared to Blazin Sword: You cannot use items in the preparation menu, enemies will appear before enemy phase and will move in enemy phase. So this can be frustating, if it's your first playthrough.

The DS ones (Shadow Dragon and Heroes of Light and Shadow) are remakes of the very first and the third one.

In Shadow Dragon don't expect too much! The plot and the character presentations are poor and it hasn't any support conversations. So this game is by far the shortest FE part.

Heroes of Light and Shadow wasn't released for the west. However it's much improved compared to the prequel: Support conversations, creating of an avatar like in Awakening and some more features.

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You want to play it in order? Here:

F6 > F7(the one with Lyn) > F8 > F9 > F10 > F11 > F12 > F4 > F5

F4&5 should be play last simply because they are not relate to F6 and they are hard. Jump right into F4 is not a good ideal.

Edited by Magical Amber
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You want to play it in order? Here:

F6 > F7(the one with Lyn) > F8 > F9 > F10 > F11 > F12 > F4 > F5

F4&5 should be play last simply because they are not relate to F6 and they are hard. Jump right into F4 is not a good ideal.

I find it hilarious that you say that jumping right into FE4 is a bad idea when you turn around and give an even worse one by suggesting starting with FE6, which is punishingly hard.

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I find it hilarious that you say that jumping right into FE4 is a bad idea when you turn around and give an even worse one by suggesting starting with FE6, which is punishingly hard.

Fe6 normal mode is pretty tame to be honest.

The game even has an optional tutorial akin to Ogre Battle 64

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there should be a sticky in this forum for recommended order of fire emblem gameplay, because we've had this question a few times recently.

this this this

but I guess I should post something relevant so I'll echo what most people say and suggest FE8/FE9, considering you've already played FE7.

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Fe6 normal mode is pretty tame to be honest.

It's still a big step up from the other GBA games, you gotta admit. It ain't like either of the other two GBA games sicced a boss that there's no real easy way of defeating on you early in the game like FE6 does with Henning. But my main reasons for not recommending it first are primarily story related, admittedly.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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