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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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-Do you like Huey Lewis and The News?!?

-Would you rather be a short time celebrity, always famous/infamous, or unknown but live on in history?

-If you were a tree what kind if tree would you be, and why? (counts as one right?)

...still got two for laters... :)

Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.

Hmm, that's interesting. I guess short time celebrities always have to work extra hard after they are off the spotlight. I think being rather unknown but in history, being important in my area would be ideal for me.

I guess I would like to be an araucária, they look like something out of a dream.

Your most favorite news network?

I seldom watch the news on the TV, mostly because the big tv networks here are shit and the devil

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I seldom watch the news on the TV, mostly because the big tv networks here are shit and the devil

I wasn't only referring to TV news network... That can include video game news websites.

Edited by Naughx
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I wasn't only referring to TV's news network... That can include video game news websites.

ooooh right, in this case the one that i visit the most is IGN.

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Would you consider Fist of the North Star your favorite manga/anime ever?

for what reasons?

Without even thinking twice, yes.

There are soooo many things that make me like it. Be it the amazing but cheesy soundtrack, the gloriously fun and absurd martial arts involved, or even the characters, that albeit shonen standard stuff, THEY are the archetypes sometimes. Rei is just an amazing guy, holy shit.

It's a series that can hit someone right in the feels sometimes, too.

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1. first and last espressos of me?

2. what is your favorite kind of hat

3. what clothing piece would you wear every day?

4. why should i do my homework?

5. how manly is too manly?

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1. first and last espressos of me?

2. what is your favorite kind of hat

3. what clothing piece would you wear every day?

4. why should i do my homework?

5. how manly is too manly?

1- i have the impression that you are a fun, curious person, and you clicked quite well with the THREAD

2- i guess straw and cowboy hats are the ones that i find the coolets

3- silk. and leather, oh yeah

4- becaaaaaaaause unfortunately it's part of a teaching system that is just too boring, but you have the "contractual obligation" to do it in order to achieve better grades and hyadhasdogs

5- there is NEVER too manly. of course, it can also be stupid, but MANLINESS is never enough

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Do you like fedoras?

they are elegant as fuck buuuuuut i don't think it's quite my style.

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Do you even know who I am? :P

How long have you been playing FE?

Favorite Animal?

What inspired your user name?

What about FE4 makes it your favorite?

Sorry for the boring questions, I just haven't really talked to you much if at all ^^;

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Do you even know who I am? :P

How long have you been playing FE?

Favorite Animal?

What inspired your user name?

What about FE4 makes it your favorite?

Sorry for the boring questions, I just haven't really talked to you much if at all ^^;

I know you from some threads in the general section, but I am afraid we haven't talked too much. Doesn't seem like a bad person.

If I were to guess, I'd say since I was 10 years old, starting with of course, FE4.

My favorite character from my favorite anime series, Hokuto no Ken. So awesome.

I guess the really huge maps, the OST which is magnificent and the badass criticals. Shanan is a ninja

No problem at all dood, you could hit it off with the folks at the THREAD some time

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Why are those backwards Rs so fabulous?

Do you know of the situation in Venezuela at the moment? If so, do you have any insights to provide?

I'll probably be back with more.

They are just the cream of the crop, dood. Russian shit and all that

Not so much, sadly. AFAIK, you have the president, Nicolás Maduro using his power to repress manifestants that are unhappy with the current situation of the country. And, given he doesn't have 1/10 of Hugo Chaves charisma, it's hard to say the situation will be under control. One thing that should be pointed out is that the media tries to manipulate stuff shamelessly, too. They even used images of things that happened in Brazil as images of the police repression.

Favorite music artists?

favorite song?

favorite video game that's not fe4?

David Bowie is a fabulous man and his work is just as fabulous.

Shit, hard question too. Maybe Thieves Like Us or Blue Monday, from New Order.

Earthbound, Terranigma, Final Fantasy VI and King of Fighters 96 are close ones.

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1. Have you heard the band Thieves Like Us? Here's a song.

2. Do you believe in the supernatural? Why or why not? If so, what kinds?

3. What core drives define your decision making process?

4. What does your ideal lifestyle look like?

5. Impressions?

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1. First and current impressions of me?

2. Opinion on FE3?

3. Opinion on RADD?

4. Which is better/do you prefer: Empire Strikes Back or Wrath of Khan?

5. WHO IS YOUR AVATAR? this has bugged me for the longest time I must know

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1. Is this image how you feel right now?

2. What historical event would you like to witness?

3. What do you like about yourself?

4. If you could watch that happened in your life until now, would you enjoy it?

5. What do you like to do most? How often do you do it?

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1. Have you heard the band Thieves Like Us? Here's a song.

2. Do you believe in the supernatural? Why or why not? If so, what kinds?

3. What core drives define your decision making process?

4. What does your ideal lifestyle look like?

5. Impressions?

1. Dood, I haven't, but I knew their existence when searching for the New Order song. The band sounds pretty chill.

2. The only thing I'm more inclined to believe are spirits being all around us. I dunno, it's just that getting a chill in the spine when it's 30°C just doesn't look RIGHT.

3. Most of the times I wonder if the decisions I make are going to have negative impacts on others. If so, I rethink my actions. I guess I am kinda selfless

4. Doing what I like, but not having a strict time schedule. Being able to travel to wonderful places whenever I go, and having a beloved one to share those moments with me

5. Quiet, sometimes antisocial. Now I think you are weird, but in a good way, and kinda mysterious too.

1. First and current impressions of me?

2. Opinion on FE3?

3. Opinion on RADD?

4. Which is better/do you prefer: Empire Strikes Back or Wrath of Khan?

5. WHO IS YOUR AVATAR? this has bugged me for the longest time I must know

1. HHH SPY. Then I figured you weren't a mole of any sorts. Rather fun.

2. It aged like shite, I tell you that. Book 1 wasn't nice at all.

3.wuzzat exactly

4. I'm afraid I have to go with Empire Strikes Back by default. Wrath of Khan is a failure of mine, I never got to watch it :/

5. HAHAHAHAH it's one of the comedians of the brazilian TV Show Hermes e Renato. This is the source

1. Is this image how you feel right now?

2. What historical event would you like to witness?

3. What do you like about yourself?

4. If you could watch that happened in your life until now, would you enjoy it?

5. What do you like to do most? How often do you do it?


2. Napoleon's crowning, or the Conquistadores' first contact with the Aztecs.

3. I guess how much I care about people around me and their well being

4. Haha, I would think "loser" so many times...

5. I like to eat and buy new clothes. I eat every day, of course, buuuut shopping doesn't happen that often. If I don't NEED them clothes, I just keep looking at those online shopping sites


Lifting the limit on questions or no? Yes, that's a question.

Possessive girl, and a penguin lover. Now I'd say you are quite fun to have around, even tho I shouldn't mess with Ein :((

No limit, fellas. Bring it onnnnnn

Kenshiro or Raoh?

Kenshiro. As much as Raoh is a conqueror, feared but respected, Kenshiro is such a moral bastion that I can't really have him in any other regard as DA BEST beside Rei

1. Manliest tears?

2. Earliest memories of SRW?

3. Favorite band?

4. When'd you first see Fist of the North Star?

5. Favorite YYH episode?

1. Shuu's death, by far. Not even Rei got me that much.

2. I remember one of those CD-ROMs with an snes emulator and a fuckton of games, including FE4 that I also knew from that experience. There was one with this black mech with a huge gun, but it was all in moonspeak. Turns out it was SRW4, and it has been my favorite ever since.

3. Iron Maiden. It made part of my teenage years so damn much.

4. Also on that same CD-ROM, I had my first contact with Hokuto no Ken, more exactly Hokuto no Ken 6. It was a terrible, TERRIBLE fighting game with stiff controls, weird hitboxes and crappy sound effects. The OST was okay, and the character design made me curious enough to search for it.

5. I can't name one, but the Toguro Team vs Urameshi Team fights are the apex of the series and my favorites. If I had to name ONE, it would be Bui vs Hiei.

Edited by Яei Яei
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wow so many aka two people haven't seen wrath of khan

I pity you

though I agree empire is better

1. HHH SPY. Then I figured you weren't a mole of any sorts. Rather fun.

excelllent, my deception is working!

3.wuzzat exactly

The Myrm from FE1/3/11. The one with red hair. This guy. Edited by #RR. shinpichu
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wow so many aka two people haven't seen wrath of khan

I pity you

though I agree empire is better

excelllent, my deception is working!

The Myrm from FE1/3/11. The one with red hair. This guy.

It ends on such a down note. I kinda like that type of shit.

Oh, that Radd. Well, he sure honors his name, he so radical it makes me say TUBULAR

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