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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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-Whatall multiplayer games are you on most?

-Got any recommendations for somebody totally new to incompetent at the RTS classique genre to acclimate?

-Any favorite Ye Olde CRPGs? (Like, Bioware-era, if not necessarily Bioware)

-[same as 2 but with games where giant robots destroy other robots]? (Mechwarrior etc)

-Homeschooling: cool IYO?

-killing floor 2 and, to a lesser extent, mechwarrior online - the latter ebbs and flows depending on my mood mostly

-the age of empires 2 HD version on steam has been patched extensively and is now a really great springboard into RTS classique IMO, with the benefit that it runs on modern systems. otherwise, i've heard starcraft 2 is basically RTS classique, 201x edition, but i haven't played it. RTS classique isn't my cup o' tea generally.

-icewind dale will always hold a special place in my heart, as will neverwinter nights (the first; 2 totally lost my interest.)

-MECHWARRIOR 3 is an amazing singleplayer game to this day if you can acquire a copy (a massive if, tbh.) mechwarrior online has a steep learning curve but i think it's a pretty amazing foray into multiplayer mech shooting if you have the hardware for it. the B-series games (heavy gear, etc) have never appealed to me quite as much.

EDIT: oh yeah! there was this not-armored-core game for the PS2 launch called GUNGRIFFON BLAZE that was really quite good as i vaguely recall

-as a homeschooled, i think it went extremely well for me. i think it takes a very particular parent-child bond, and a very particular commitment on the part of the parent (you literally need somebody home 24/7), so i don't think it's good for all situations.

Once Necktie has been interviewed, will you vote for me?

no, specta is my next one after necktie gets in, then it's rehab. you can go after, though, i don't mind.

Edited by Integrity
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i can wait

but at its current rate, maybe 50 or so people will get their chance in a whole year. what do you think about the current rate of interviews?

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25). what brand of water do you prefer, if any?

26). what kinda soda is the best

27). what is your favorite console of the 5th gen?

28). would you ever considering having more than 1 monitor, if you don't already?

29). you have one message to give to the entire universe (it will be translated to everyone) and a 3 minute time limit, what would you like to say

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i can wait

but at its current rate, maybe 50 or so people will get their chance in a whole year. what do you think about the current rate of interviews?

current throughput is great, i have no complaints about that

25). what brand of water do you prefer, if any?

26). what kinda soda is the best

27). what is your favorite console of the 5th gen?

28). would you ever considering having more than 1 monitor, if you don't already?

29). you have one message to give to the entire universe (it will be translated to everyone) and a 3 minute time limit, what would you like to say

25. tap water, straight up. the tap water in munich was sublime, and the stuff at my house is great.

26. good old coca-cola

27. playstation, no substitues. shoutout to raven because i literally forgot which generation was fifth

28. i have two! i don't always use both, though, like i use both when i'm watching a movie like i am right now but otherwise don't.

29. i will practice until i can speed rap john galt's entire speech in three minutes and then tell you i'm ready

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Oy, nominate me because I can't nominate myself. ;-;

You scratch my back, I scratch yours.

Roxas and Necktie.

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