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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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1. What are your (greatest) fears?

2. I heard you have long hair. How long is it roughly?

3. Do you have trouble sleeping?

4. Have you met any SFers face to face yet?

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1. what is the appeal of tsunderes

2. what kind of figure is best

3. do you like feathers on your hat

4. can you play video games with no legs attached

5. how hard can you whistle

1. I don't know.

2. Figure of a woman? I can't say.

3. No.

4. I can play with my legs numbed, does that count? it hurts too

5. Very lightly

First and current impressions of HHH and it's members?

What got you into the warriors series?

would samurai Sigurd be more awesome than samurai Celice?

First: This place is talking about Hyrule Warriors, better see what's up

Current: Needs improvement, but not the worst place on the forum.

Members first: Pretty decent, seems like an amicable group of people.

Current: It's strange now, it doesn't even resemble how it used to be, for better or worse.

16th Birthday present, I saw Dynasty Warriors 4 Xtreme Legends on the back of a gaming magazine and went with it, probably the best non-rpg gaming move I've ever made.

Even though, I'm more inclined to say Samurai Warriors is better than DW, but hey, details.

Nah, Sigurd's not really the samurai type.

1. Favourite historical Japanese swordsman? Based entirely on history.

2. How about based on fiction and/or both?

3. Red Oni or Blue Oni?

4. Favourite video game composer?

5. Will you heed the teachings of our LORD and saviour YHVH? It's not too late yet...

1. Jubei Yagyu

2. Hmm, wow in hindsight, I don't notice a lot of fictional swordsmen not named Kojiro Sasaki, unless my memory is failing me.

3. RED Oni

4. Just one? O: I think I want to say Hitoshi Sakimoto, then I'm fond of Shigeki Hayashi too

5. I'm in the post SMT2 era, so that's an impossibility for me.



3.) opinion on me

1. Do what now?

2. Yes.

3. Adjective, adjective, homosexual. Very expressive.

1. What are your (greatest) fears?

2. I heard you have long hair. How long is it roughly?

3. Do you have trouble sleeping?

4. Have you met any SFers face to face yet?

1. Dying without accomplishing anything or all the people I care about dying before me, leaving me behind.

2. Shoulder length, a little more.

3. No, but this question has really funny timing, I didn't get any sleep today.

4. Not yet, but in the near future, I plan to meet Koneko.

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What's a genre of games you enjoy playing?
Do you actually enjoy games?

What's a restaurant you like going to, above most/all others?
What's something that really bothers you?
Hate to be that guy, but... first/current impressions of me?

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What's a genre of games you enjoy playing?

Do you actually enjoy games?

What's a restaurant you like going to, above most/all others?

What's something that really bothers you?

Hate to be that guy, but... first/current impressions of me?

1.TRPGs, such as Tactics Ogre, Shining Force, FE, etc. If I'm just choosing one. Platformers and traditional rpgs get an honorable mention.

2. Yes, I'm a gamer after all, so I enjoy them very much.

3. The chinese restaurant that I live in walking distance of.

4. Lack of proper hygienic upkeep, people who talk with their mouth full, people who don't listen to/refuse helpful advice.

5. Heh.. First: "I thought he was older than that"

Current: An alright kid, I have no complaints about him

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1. Pretty good, though I wouldn't have minded if Rei Rei won o:

2. I have no idea, I think it's because of all the regulars there, I'm the oldest, I'm even twice the age of about 3 members there.

3. It's pretty novice level, I know some words, but I still get hung up on their meaning.

4. Ys 4 Mask of the Sun on the Snes. Then after a long hiatus, I returned with YsF on psp.

5. real huh? They're fun to watch, but I don't actually keep up with it. Although, if it's a Neptunia ref, then Noire

i actually meant the 16-bit console war though a nep nep is fine too

6. first and current impressions of the fe4thread?

7. what languages are you proficient in, then? are you studying/do you plan to study any?

8. what about gust, ever played anything from them?

9. genesis or snes?

10: gamergate: ethics, misogyny or shitstorm?

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I want in on this interviewing! Okay, so, questions, hmmm...

How's your general mood been lately?

Which fictional character would you most likely have as a role model?

Do you sing or play any musical instruments?

Favorite musical genre(s)?

Oh, and since so many people are asking it...What's your first and current impressions of me?

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1. First and current impressions of me?

2. What's the last game you completed to 100%?

3. Have you partaken in martial arts classes? (I believe you said something about this long ago.) If so, what was the style you studied?

4. If you could travel to any place in the world right now, where would you go?

5. When's the last time you had ice cream? :>

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Favorite Ogre Game including the Ogre Battle and Tactics series?

That annoying impressions question? :P

Have you read Romance of the Three Kingdoms?

What got you into FE?


Why in particular is FE4 your favorite?

Sorry if any of these have been asked

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i actually meant the 16-bit console war though a nep nep is fine too

6. first and current impressions of the fe4thread?

7. what languages are you proficient in, then? are you studying/do you plan to study any?

8. what about gust, ever played anything from them?

9. genesis or snes?

10: gamergate: ethics, misogyny or shitstorm?

Wow, I had a feeling... but I will answer that properly with question 9.

6. First: That's a pretty large thread, what goes on in there?

Current: It's a pretty chill place, everyone's got something keeping them busy, it's nice.

7. Spanish, though I forgot most of it, so I guess none. I plan to relearn spanish and properly learn japanese.

8. Mana Khemia and Atelier Iris 2.

9. Genesis > Snes, and with the console wars back then, I didn't know of them back then, but I learned about it later... I was impressed for lack of a better term

10. Gamergate: Was ethics, now shitstorm

I want in on this interviewing! Okay, so, questions, hmmm...

How's your general mood been lately?

Which fictional character would you most likely have as a role model?

Do you sing or play any musical instruments?

Favorite musical genre(s)?

Oh, and since so many people are asking it...What's your first and current impressions of me?

Oh my, look who it is o:

1. It's been well, I didn't get much sleep today, but I'm fine otherwise.

2. FE Ike, somewhat.

3. Used to play keyboard, and I supposedly used to have an R&B voice according to some lady a few years back.

4. VGM, if not that, Classical

5. Hehe, saw it and jumped in, eh?

First: "I've seen her before, but where?"

Current: You already know my current feelings.

1. First and current impressions of me?

2. What's the last game you completed to 100%?

3. Have you partaken in martial arts classes? (I believe you said something about this long ago.) If so, what was the style you studied?

4. If you could travel to any place in the world right now, where would you go?

5. When's the last time you had ice cream? :>

1. First: Imouto from a FE4 list thing

Current: A charming young lass who I am happy to call a dear friend.

2. Mario Galaxy 2, I'm still the perfect grandmaster on skype <w< It would be tactics ogre, but I still have the story section to fill out.

3. You remember o:, yes it was Muay Thai. It was back when we first met that I talked about it.

4. Atsuta Shrine in Japan, but for a more landscape place, Niagara Falls. I can't think of any over the top places... Death Valley or New Zealand

5. Hehe, this morning, chocolate. >w>

Favorite Ogre Game including the Ogre Battle and Tactics series?

That annoying impressions question? :P

Have you read Romance of the Three Kingdoms?

What got you into FE?


Why in particular is FE4 your favorite?

Sorry if any of these have been asked

1. Tactics Ogre, I realized I play that game a lot, a lot. then after that OB on the Snes.

2. Heh.. First: A guy who also know DW

Current: A good friend of mine, who has read RoTK, which is impressive

3. I had a novel online ready to read, but my hard drive decided against it >_>

4. That's an interesting one, when I was browsing for games to play one night, I was clicking random games in zsnes and then this gold nintendo logo showed, I didn't even know I already had it downloaded at some point. so I just went from there.

5. The story, if anything, really gets my attention, and of course, the holy blood and the lore behind it.

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BRAZIL impressions:

First: I was one of few in my elementary school classes that knew "Brazilian" wasn't the name of the language spoken.

Current: A place I would not mind visiting on a cruise or something. Is it a good time to visit?

one dollar = 3 reais right now the highest in over a decade, so i guess you can buy lots of handmade stuff and enjoy a fun trip

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Ooh, fellow classical music lover. In that case...

9. Favorite composer?

10. If you learn any musical instrument overnight, what would it be?

9. Bach mainly.

10. Cello or viola

one dollar = 3 reais right now the highest in over a decade, so i guess you can buy lots of handmade stuff and enjoy a fun trip

O: That's good to know actually.

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Oh my, look who it is o:

1. It's been well, I didn't get much sleep today, but I'm fine otherwise.

2. FE Ike, somewhat.

3. Used to play keyboard, and I supposedly used to have an R&B voice according to some lady a few years back.

4. VGM, if not that, Classical

5. Hehe, saw it and jumped in, eh?

First: "I've seen her before, but where?"

Current: You already know my current feelings.

Yes, hi. .w.

Classical music is great indeed. Also, I'd love to hear you sing sometime.

Pretty much. Also.

Current: You already know my current feelings.

Aka "I'm too embarrassed to actually say it", hehe. You're so cute~. <3

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1. Tactics Ogre, I realized I play that game a lot, a lot. then after that OB on the Snes.

2. Heh.. First: A guy who also know DW

Current: A good friend of mine, who has read RoTK, which is impressive

3. I had a novel online ready to read, but my hard drive decided against it >_>

4. That's an interesting one, when I was browsing for games to play one night, I was clicking random games in zsnes and then this gold nintendo logo showed, I didn't even know I already had it downloaded at some point. so I just went from there.

5. The story, if anything, really gets my attention, and of course, the holy blood and the lore behind it.

Tactics Ogre is great, but I still prefer the 2 Ogre Battle games personally. I miss the playstyle.

It's not THAT impressive, :P.

Hard Drive revolted? All this Ogre Battle talk and a REVOLT IS AMONG US

Oh hey, it wasn't the way I got into FE, which is the stereotypical, lolsmash.

*nods* FE4 is good stuff.

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NO WAY I PLAY VIOLA!!! Seriously, that was the instrument I expected you to say the least.

And Bach is my favorite too. I used a bach suite as my audition into my youth orchestra, they're great.

Admittedly, I just stared hearing the viola not too long ago, but yeah, I liked what I was hearing.

Pretty cool, do you remember which number it was? I think I worded that right.

Yes, hi. .w.

Classical music is great indeed. Also, I'd love to hear you sing sometime.

I recall we listened to some one evening, I don't remember what they all were though, also that might not happen, I don't sing >~>

Aka "I'm too embarrassed to actually say it", hehe. You're so cute~. <3


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I recall we listened to some one evening, I don't remember what they all were though, also that might not happen, I don't sing >~>


I can't recall either, haha.


So why don't you sing?

What's your opinion on turtles?

Do you believe that your astrological sign fits you?

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Tactics Ogre is great, but I still prefer the 2 Ogre Battle games personally. I miss the playstyle.

It's not THAT impressive, :P.

Hard Drive revolted? All this Ogre Battle talk and a REVOLT IS AMONG US

Oh hey, it wasn't the way I got into FE, which is the stereotypical, lolsmash.

*nods* FE4 is good stuff.

I like the battle system of the original too, but the story of TO always gets me o:

Fight it out!

Heh, yeah, I think I'm one of the ones that started early on o:

If you could make any game you wanted, what would it be about?

Favorite solar system?

Least favorite mammal?

Opinions on Nigeria's navy?

Would you like to be immortal?


1. FE Warriors, kind of the same way Warriors Orochi 3 did its story, bonus points if it can be done without time travel.

2. Our solar system.

3. Humans.

4. It's... a navy, but google for any standout ships made me see F-90 on the side of one and I remembered the Gundam F-90.

5. No, an eternal existence is far worse than it sounds. Though watching your descendants live out their existence might be interesting.

But is this in the context of unable to be killed, unable to age, or both?

It was Bach cello suite no. 3 prelude.

Here it is, being played on a 45 million dollar viola

Used this video a ton to help me prepare.

45 million dollars? wow.

I see, that's pretty okay, glad you did well, if you did.

I can't recall either, haha.


So why don't you sing?

What's your opinion on turtles?

Do you believe that your astrological sign fits you?



1. No reason, I just don't.

2. Turtles are fun, I used to have one as a lad, but he was let out into the wilderness one day.

3. I think it does, yeah.

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Heh, yeah, I think I'm one of the ones that started early on o:

I know Shin got into the series later than most but started with FE3, its interesting to hear from people who didn't start with 7, 8 or 13 lol.

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1. No reason, I just don't.

2. Turtles are fun, I used to have one as a lad, but he was let out into the wilderness one day.

3. I think it does, yeah.



Awh, but I'd love to hear it. Won't you sing for me some time, pretty please?

...Come to think of it, what is your sign? Mine is Cancer.

its interesting to hear from people who didn't start with 7, 8 or 13 lol.

PoR was actually the first FE I experienced. Looking back on it now, it was pretty odd compared to the others I've played.

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I know Shin got into the series later than most but started with FE3, its interesting to hear from people who didn't start with 7, 8 or 13 lol.

It is pretty neat, I think if I didn't get in at 4, it would've almost likely been 3 or 5.



Awh, but I'd love to hear it. Won't you sing for me some time, pretty please?

...Come to think of it, what is your sign? Mine is Cancer.

Heh, who knows? maybe, I dunno, possibly *insert more probability terms here*

Aries. You never knew my birth month/day?

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1. Our fights and our various adventures into the wilderness.

2. I always wanted it long since I was a pup.

3. First: That kid who know Samurai Warriors.

Current: Unquestionably one of my best friends here, full stop.

4. Heh, I haven't planned much for it, but I think I'm suitably prepared for whatever comes, also get better af foreign languages.

;___; w-wow thanks friend you too

5. If you could remember, what was the weirdest dream you ever had?

6. Would you prefer the countryside or the city area and why?

7. What's your favorite type of sweet?

8. What would be your first reaction when meeting someone irl after knowing them first online? curious for some reason about this

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Heh, who knows? maybe, I dunno, possibly *insert more probability terms here*

Aries. You never knew my birth month/day?

Let me guess. That means "never". You're like Hero King. :C

No, actually, lol.

Hmmm, what should I ask now...

¿Crees en los fantasmas?

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;___; w-wow thanks friend you too

5. If you could remember, what was the weirdest dream you ever had?

6. Would you prefer the countryside or the city area and why?

7. What's your favorite type of sweet?

8. What would be your first reaction when meeting someone irl after knowing them first online? curious for some reason about this

I mean that you know?

5. Hmm, I don't have recall any actually o: watch me say that, then have a weird dream tonight

6. Despite how I like open spaces, probably the city, for the convenience of modern technology.

7. Yogurt parfait.

8. I would probably... *staaaaaaare* then talk. Alternatively, I would test with something we'd both know. some reason, eh?

Let me guess. That means "never". You're like Hero King. :C

No, actually, lol.

Hmmm, what should I ask now...

¿Crees en los fantasmas?

>~> No sad face.

Why not take a break for now, if you want? This is just the first day.


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¿Crees en los fantasmas?

wow I think I actually understood that

b-but I don't remember enough spanish to make this response or any response in spanish ;u;

1. Do you

have a favourite element?

(and if so what is it of course~)

2. And also do you

have a favourite constellation? And if so what?

3. Aaaaaaaaaaaaand do you

have a favourite shaped country/state/continent? What, if so?

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>~> No sad face.

Why not take a break for now, if you want? This is just the first day.


But I wanna hear it... :c

True, but I might never get an opportunity like this again!

[Do you believe in ghosts?]

I love seeing that reaction from you lol. It's adorable~.

wow I think I actually understood that

b-but I don't remember enough spanish to make this response or any response in spanish ;u;

¡Bien hecho!

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