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how can you be bad at golden sun

you could, in theory, forget to draft the eclipse summon and instead go for completely useless (but cool!) ballistic missiles

not that I would know ofc

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that one decision is gonna lose me the draft, I'm 90% sure

if I do lose, that is. I might not if I can shave turns elsewhere, since proto clearly isn't being optimal

and kay doesn't exist (and the fourth person doesn't either)

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how can you be bad at golden sun

alternatively, you could dislike isaac (like certain people who will go unnamed), who is by far the best unit in Book 1
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1) Favorite Tokyo Ghoul characters?

2) TG anime or manga?

3) Why don't you main Marth anymore in SSB4?

4) Reasons for siding Nohr? (looking at your member banner thing)

1) "lots"

1) Off the top of my head: Yoshimura, Akira, Touka, Sasaki, Juuzou, in no particular order

2) Manga

3) I don't really enjoy having to put up with the lag on all his moves, and I find myself getting frustrated about not being able to play him nearly as fluidly as in previous games. He's still fun, I just don't want to stick with him a whole lot.

On a related note, I've spent the past ~1.5 hours getting the hang of Marth in Project M he's great fun

4) "Hoshidan" sounds sillier. Also Marx and Leon. That being said Hoshido is pretty cool as well, since it as Tsubaki and all.

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Picking Hoshido makes the outline of your badge go white. It's such a trivial detail, but I can't stop noticing it now and it's bugging me.

Also, are you ever going to come visit Shin and me or otherwise meet up with us?

Edited by Sunwoo
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Picking Hoshido makes the outline of your badge go white. It's such a trivial detail, but I can't stop noticing it now and it's bugging me.

Also, are you ever going to come visit Shin and me or otherwise meet up with us?

The next time I'm in SoCal I'll let you know.
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[spoiler=anime/manga talk (can contain spoilers)]

I watched FMA and FMAB, should I still read the manga?

I was kinda planning on trying out Tokyo Ghoul Manga cause the anime was a total cliff hanger and root A made no sense

since you use kissmanga, do you use kissanime for anime as well(that is what I use, lol), or do you prefer some other place?

what is the best place to read manga from, in your opinion?

did you play SRT OG 1 and 2?

why did you enjoy anime of OG1 more than OG2?

(personally, I thought OG2 was better, cause OG seemed pretty bad at representing the game, well, actually, OG2 was bad too, but, less screw ups, IMO)

why is Gundam SEED not in your ptw list?

how are you keeping up with Bleach?? (did it get any better after 500?)

I had completely forgotten that Proto had recommended Moster too, lol (that was one I haven't started yet)

what is your favorite role to use in eimm?

as an extension, for a 3 man team, *insert team Ciraxis* what would you prefer your 3 roles to be?

what is your dream job? (forgive me if I missed it, I am kinda blind)

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1. Favourite player (other than yourself)?

2. Favourite setup and why?

3. What is your strongpoint?

4. What is your weakpoint?

5. How could I improve as a player and what am I doing right?

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[spoiler=anime/manga talk (can contain spoilers)]

1.1) I watched FMA and FMAB, should I still read the manga?

1.2) I was kinda planning on trying out Tokyo Ghoul Manga cause the anime was a total cliff hanger and root A made no sense

1.3) since you use kissmanga, do you use kissanime for anime as well(that is what I use, lol), or do you prefer some other place?

1.4) what is the best place to read manga from, in your opinion?

1.5) did you play SRT OG 1 and 2?

1.6) why did you enjoy anime of OG1 more than OG2?

(personally, I thought OG2 was better, cause OG seemed pretty bad at representing the game, well, actually, OG2 was bad too, but, less screw ups, IMO)

1.7) why is Gundam SEED not in your ptw list?

1.8) how are you keeping up with Bleach?? (did it get any better after 500?)

2) I had completely forgotten that Proto had recommended Moster too, lol (that was one I haven't started yet)

3) what is your favorite role to use in eimm?

4) as an extension, for a 3 man team, *insert team Ciraxis* what would you prefer your 3 roles to be?

5) what is your dream job? (forgive me if I missed it, I am kinda blind)

[spoiler=answers to the thing]1.1) Not as high a priority then; FMA:B follows the manga suuuper closely.

1.2) I haven't seen it but afaik √A does have a few differences with the manga; note that there is a "sequel" (really just a continuation) manga, Tokyo Ghoul:re. Not gonna spoil how Tokyo Ghoul differs from √A tho.

1.3) I only ever use kissmanga because it has an option for single-page display; I have no real allegiance to any particular anime streaming site.

1.4) Kissmanga's single-page view is nice, but I generally read from batoto when I can (or the scanlator's own site). That being said, recently I've been pretty lazy, and have been using the single-page view a lot over batoto.

1.5) Nope.

1.6) iirc it was that I felt like OG1 was more streamlined and polished, story-wise.

1.7) Didn't get around to adding it, brb.

1.8) I generally binge a few chapters here and there when I feel the need to procrastinate. At this point I just want to see how it ends; it's still aggressively mediocre.

2) Yes do that. Most definitely. I read the manga but I know that the anime follows it closely and is also super good (paging Refa).

3) uhhh... in an ideal world, Redirector. Or doctor. Saving lives is cool.

4) Infinte-shot dayvig, infinite-shot massblock, and a doctor. Alternatively, Redirector (or Doc or s/t, if Redirector is too strong), some form of Roleblock (hijack would be nice but lol), and a BPV maker.

5) Googler. Or wizard. One of the two.

1. Favourite player (other than yourself)?

2. Favourite setup and why?

3. What is your strongpoint?

4. What is your weakpoint?

5. How could I improve as a player and what am I doing right?

1) Refa. Good friend of mine etc. As far as favorite player of mafia, for mafia reasons, Refa makes games more fun / lightens things up, doesn't stir drama, and is also generally competent as a player, even if he's not The Bestâ„¢. (I place a lot of emphasis on the first of those three...)

2) EIMM, because it's fast and fun OC without the whole town/scum dynamic :V

Alternatively, I really liked CYOR1, but largely because I had the coolest role ever. As far as "good design" I'm not really the best person to ask.

Currently I don't feel I have enough OC experience to really judge the setups, even as personal "favorites."

3) uhhh... ummm... I'm not quite sure. I'd like to say my strongpoint is as scum, but my two NOC scumgames didn't put me under much pressure. I'm okay at identifying townreads I think?

4) Lack of motivation in NOC games, and then not finding it easy at all to get back up to speed once I've fallen off.

5) Disclaimer: I've never actually played a game with you, and I haven't followed any of your games the entire way through. [spoiler=That being said,]what I remember you doing right is probably getting yourself out there into the thick of things and arguing your position confidently - this is both good play (if you do it right, which to my understanding you don't always), and also likely a good way to put yourself in a situation where you'll learn from your successes, and from your mistakes.

What I would suggest improving on is very similar; as far as I could tell you're kind of a control freak, and I think you would benefit from learning to follow other people's leads as well sometimes (after critically examining them and determining that they make sense); you can't always be in control. IIRC you also had some difficulty with re-examining your own ideas when others challenged them? I don't remember a whole lot.

edit: fucking apostrophes

Edited by Euklyd
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1.8) I generally binge a few chapters here and there when I feel the need to procrastinate. At this point I just want to see how it ends; it's still aggressively mediocre.

How is it aggressively mediocre and not UTTERLY TERRIBLE?

Also how does it compare to fellow Utterly Terrible Manga, Naruto?

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1) 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p NOC playerlist with you?

2) 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p OC playerlist with you?

3) wich 2hu wuld u fuk

4) I can't believe your webcomic list has xkcd over Dinosaur Comics what the hell???

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that one decision is gonna lose me the draft, I'm 90% sure

if I do lose, that is. I might not if I can shave turns elsewhere, since proto clearly isn't being optimal

and kay doesn't exist (and the fourth person doesn't either)

Would you guys object if I took over for the fourth person, despite the fact that I can't even spell Golden Sun? :P:

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1) How is it aggressively mediocre and not UTTERLY TERRIBLE?

2) Also how does it compare to fellow Utterly Terrible Manga, Naruto?

1) it isn't completely cringeworthy, nor is it boku no pico

I think

I'm not sure about that second one

it's readable it's just boring

2) haven't read it

1) 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p NOC playerlist with you?

2) 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p OC playerlist with you?

3) wich 2hu wuld u fuk

4) I can't believe your webcomic list has xkcd over Dinosaur Comics what the hell???

1) uh - if I'm scum just fill it up with deadweights + scumbuddies. if you're not on the list you can assume the list is full of scumbuddies + deadweights

  • Refa
  • BBM
  • SB
  • eclipse
  • Prims
  • Via
  • Vhaltz
  • Boron
  • Reinfleche
  • Kirsche
  • Paperblade
  • Elie

2) see 1)

  1. Refa
  2. BBM
  3. SB
  4. Blitz
  5. Proto
  6. Elieson
  7. Vhaltz
  8. Reinfleche
  9. Makaze
  10. Poly
  11. Shinori
  12. Kirsche

3) the one with the weird hair and the funny hat

4) it's cause I have better taste than you

3) Why does Mario Party suck?

3) because it's not smash bros, the SUPERIOR party game

Would you guys object if I took over for the fourth person, despite the fact that I can't even spell Golden Sun? :P:

Absolutely not. Proto you don't get a say here.

Why is Mario Kart awesome?

it's basically GTA but fun - and arguably less violent

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it's basically GTA but fun - and arguably less violent

Yes, but are friendships/controllers ruined over blue shells in GTA? Thought not. :P:

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Absolutely not. Proto you don't get a say here.

for the record "absolutely not" is @ "would you object"

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Yes, but are friendships/controllers ruined over blue shells in GTA? Thought not. :P:

That's part of the fun!

also I'm rescinding the part where proto doesn't get a say; thanks proto

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It is so not like GTA! You get to kill innocents for fun in GTA!

Why do you dislike GTA?

Also could you please give me a DETAILED ANALYSIS of Boku no Pico?

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1) It is so not like GTA! You get to kill innocents for fun in GTA!

2) Why do you dislike GTA?

3) Also could you please give me a DETAILED ANALYSIS of Boku no Pico?

1) dude what the fuck do you do in mario kart if not kill innocents for fun

2) 'cause it's not mario kart

3) [spoiler=no]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0T6go6EOuG4

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