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kirsche [9]: Bluedoom, BBM, Gaius, Reinfleche, Eurykins, Refa, Shin, Paperblade, Green Poet

Boron [6]: j00, BBM, Prims, Eurykins, eclipse, Green Poet

j00 [4]: Vhaltz, Reinfleche, Boron, Shin

Strawman [3]: Reinfleche, kirsche, Shin

Eurykins [2]: Bluedoom, Gaius

Mitsuki [2]: Bluedoom, BBM

Euklyd [2]: j00, kirsche

scorri [2]: Prims, Eurykins

Shin [2]: Prims, eclipse

Baldrick [1]: j00

Bluedoom [1]: Gaius

Green Poet [1]: kirsche

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kirsche [9]: Bluedoom, BBM, Gaius, Reinfleche, Eurykins, Refa, Shin, Paperblade, Green Poet

Boron [6]: j00, BBM, Prims, Eurykins, eclipse, Green Poet

j00 [4]: Vhaltz, Reinfleche, Boron, Shin

Strawman [3]: Reinfleche, kirsche, Shin

Eurykins [2]: Bluedoom, Gaius

Mitsuki [2]: Bluedoom, BBM

Euklyd [2]: j00, kirsche

scorri [2]: Prims, Eurykins

Shin [2]: Prims, eclipse

Baldrick [1]: j00

Bluedoom [1]: Gaius

Green Poet [1]: kirsche

No changes since yesterday. It's kirsche's turn.

Also, Shinori (and Elieson too btw), you still have questions to answer. Get to it.

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1. Favorite RP system

2. Favorite character you played

3. Favorite PC you didn't play

4. Favorite NPC

5. Favorite campaign

6. Thoughts on current tier lists :^)

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Oh hey.

In real life I'm Joshua Kirwan, a 3rd year maths student at the university of Bath who focuses on probability and analysis and also the chair of BUTTS, the roleplaying, board gaming, wargaming, chess and magic society, shortened to the Table Top Society. I've been chair for 2 years and hoping to rise up and be on the executive committee which has to sort out all the societies.

On SF I'm kirsche, which I'm pretty sure none of you pronounce correctly outside of Kaoz and maybe Boron. I joined 6 years ago during my stroppy teenage years because the tier lists here were more active than the ones at FE:planet (RIP in peace). I spent most of my time in the PoR tier list debating Nephenee, Lethe and Janaff and all my time in RD talking about Mia because that's all we talked about. I also visited "post a fact about the user above" for quite a long time, was one of the top 5 posters at one point. I left SF for a while and came back to find my friends from said topic banned and not much to do so I basically left again until I returned to find forum mafia.

My first mafia game was an OC game, which might affect my bias towards it somewhat, but it was a ton of fun even if I was the lylo mislynch organised by eclipse and Kaoz (damn you!). I've played ever since, taking a couple of breaks every time an NOC game made me too mad, and have overall enjoyed my time here.

I'm pretty open about talking about myself (as you can probably tell) so have at it! I'm pretty eager to try and resolve this "intimidating" impression I have on people so please know I won't bite you for asking me stuff!

1. Favorite RP system

2. Favorite character you played

3. Favorite PC you didn't play

4. Favorite NPC

5. Favorite campaign

6. Thoughts on current tier lists :^)

1. Probably iron kingdoms, it has solid combat mechanics while also giving the player tonnes of RP opportunities through the variety of classes (Here's the full list). The setting it also a particular favourite of mine.

2. and 5. tl;dr Derwent Mahler, the CEO of a bioengineering company who "upgraded" himself into a monster to fight off the threat of a sinister AI and a crazy cybernetics freak in a netrunner based game where we all had control of different corporations.

[spoiler=the long version]

There was this homebrew(he made it himself) system of one of my good friends, which he called "corporations", which had a netrunner theme. In it, everyone was the CEO of a corporation which specialized in a certain field, e.g. medicine, weapons, cybernetics, aerodynamics etc and we were given people who had close relations with us, as well as a base of operations and the like. The goal was whatever we wanted to achieve: it was very open.

I played Derwent Mahler, an originally kind and loving sceintist who ran the bioengineering corporation. The first thing I did as Derwent was to mass hire scientists, raise everyone's pay, research limb regrowth surgery and genetic links to cancer. The first thing everyone else did was fuck everything up: the farmer made a drug cartel and worked with the banker to ship it around. The weapons guy built an army and the communications guy leaked a bunch of private messages sent by the players to each other, revealing everyone's sinister plans.

On top of this, Derwent had created, before the game, two "perfect" humans named Adam and Eve. They were physically fit, attractive and intelligent and I had them working as models for my company to try and raise business. However, Eve got tired of modelling and wanted out. The thing is, I RPed so that I viewed these two as my children, so of course I let her go. This made Adam very unhappy as he had got very possessive over her, and after having a chair thrown at me I promised to get her back.

So Derwent made a "mind overwrite" virus which would alter the person's memories so that they would love my company and hate the cybernetics company, my rival at the time. Unbeknownst to me was that the cybernetics guy was researching how to overwrite people's minds with their own personality and the communications guy had built an AI who was trying to take over the world by hacking into everything (People had an inbuilt computer in their minds and so they were susceptible to the AI).

After all of New York and Tokyo was destroyed by the AI and reports of the cybernetics company were made, I comatosed Eve to keep Adam happy and tried to trick him into taking the mind overwrite virus. The trick failed however and my character was forced to confront Adam with nothing but a knife, hospitalising him and killing his best friend. At the same time, Derwent's other good friend, the CEO of the Aerodynamics company, abandoned the planet with a chosen few, using Ironman suits. Then, Africa was heavily nuked and the Weapons guy's army destroyed Hong Kong in an attempt to kill the cybernetics guy. But the cybernetics guy was away having a meeting, which Derwent would have attended if he wasn't hospitalised, with other CEOs where he took over their minds.

Derwent, after being ignored by the current prime minister, sold his mind overwrite virus hidden in bottles of water, thus brainwashing all of Britain into voting him for the next UK election. He also made a process to "upgrade" people terraformer style, and upgraded himself into a super strong, fast mutant who could spray acid and shoot electricity out of his hands liek an electric eel, looking like a huge bug person. He fortified the UK, brainwashed its remaining citizens and singlehandedly saved it from world war 3 as the cybernetics guy and the AI sought to rule the world, using the other CEOs as their mouthpieces. Oh, and he tortured Adam to death for ruining his life.

So overall, pretty fun.

3. I'm going to exclude the system from 3 because that was just too good, leaving me with a young boy named Connor played by a good friend of mine. Connor's parents were killed by one of the other PCs, causing him to awaken his mind reading/control powers and seek revenge.

To get revenge he took control of another PC named Erik the great, who was a fire mage, and proceeded to burn down the entire city to try and take out the murderer. Unfortunately for my character, I was in this town at the time and thought I was sent to hell and Erik was a surprisingly friendly devil. The rest of the campaign was us trying to resolve all of this drama while fighting monsters ala Buffy the Vampire slayer style, and Connor being one of the centre points for all of it. Funny moments include him mind controlling a guard to punch his sister when she was teasing him and his panicking at every monster fight.

4. In the system above, the murderorous demon who killed Connor's parents is seeking redemption, and so has an "angel buddy" to try and help them be a better person. This angel buddy is obsessed with doing paperwork on basically everything, and forces both the demon and Erik to take time out to fill some of it in, making things very awkward for the rest of us who have to continue dealing with the monster without them, for a time.

6. Ehh, they're alright. They're probably outdated for the standards of today but for the time and the conditions they were under, RFoF's RD and Cynthia's PoR tier lists are probably on point. I tried to get into the FE13 tier list, but I found myself too unmotivated to number crunch that hard anymore, especially with the added mechanic of reclassing. I do have HM enemy stats up to chapter 18 though.

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What is your dream job?

Thoughts on South Park?

Thoughts on Lewis Carroll?

Thoughts on Maths?

What is your biggest scumtell?

Prepare to have a taste of your own medicine. 8)

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1) when did you get good at mafia? my impression of you was that we had a really stupid argument early on in prince of tennis, then touhou OC happened, then suddenly you came back and were like a million times better (but got modkilled lmao)

oh and we were mason survivors once! i think i categorize pre-anonydraft you as a totally different person mentally and it's bizarre.

2) 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p NOC playerlist with you?

3) 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p OC playerlist with you?

4) fav roles you've received?

5) how did you feel being HATED SERIAL KILLER

6) is rikka you're waifu?

7) wich 2hu wuld u fuk

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8) what's the origin of peopel calling you kevin?

9) you're leaning in way too close to the camera in your skype picture and it's uncomfortable when i scroll past it. this isn't a question

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What is your dream job?

Thoughts on South Park?

Thoughts on Lewis Carroll?

Thoughts on Maths?

What is your biggest scumtell?

1) Hmmm.. I wouldn't say I have one. My ambition is to become a banker though.

2) One of my Favourite TV series and I really like the game, hoping to start speedrunning it once I have the time to actually route it properly. I really like the kids, their personalities and their relationships; they're a great combination of sweetly naiive and incredibly dickish. I'll save you from the wall of text that I could make this.

3) Alice in wonderland is my favourite thing ever. Both the 1951 movie adaptation and the book. Jabberwocky is pretty great too, but I have never got around to reading through the looking glass, much to my dismay.

4) Well, I'm currently doing a degree on it so much of my life revolves around it. It's pretty cool, I especially love how everything fits together so nicely later on.

I also find rebuilding basic mathematics from first principles to be really novel. This week I learnt what a triangle was in terms of a homeomorphic map.

5)I don't know?

The thing is, I think I'm fairly decent at mixing up my meta to at least partially emulate my good town play as scum. My Cyor play was from Cyoure and I tried to play like Toonami/every OC game ever in reclass with the whole "leader townie" thing.

I think I'm usually most vulnerable as scum in *ylo where I have no real idea of how not to get PoE'd because usually while I'd be doing enough to get by my total contribution by that point probably doesn't look too great. I'm also the opposite of SB in that I despise bussing and would really rather fight to defend a fellow mafioso than let them die (see reclass again where I tried really hard to stop the FFM and Randa lynches).

1) when did you get good at mafia? my impression of you was that we had a really stupid argument early on in prince of tennis, then touhou OC happened, then suddenly you came back and were like a million times better (but got modkilled lmao)

oh and we were mason survivors once! i think i categorize pre-anonydraft you as a totally different person mentally and it's bizarre.

2) 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p NOC playerlist with you?

3) 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p OC playerlist with you?

4) fav roles you've received?

5) how did you feel being HATED SERIAL KILLER

6) is rikka you're waifu?

7) wich 2hu wuld u fuk

8) what's the origin of people calling you kevin?

9) you're leaning in way too close to the camera in your skype picture and it's uncomfortable when i scroll past it. this isn't a question

1) I think I probably matured a little in the time between those games, though I definitely don't think I played great in masquerade (anon is so annoying).

2) BBM, SB, Paperblade, Refa, Prims, Weapons, Vhaltz, Green Poet, Euklyd, Elieson, Via, Strawman

3) BBM, SB, Paperblade, Refa, Strawman, Rein, Radiant Dragon, Freohr Datia, Balcerzak, eclipse, Kaoz, Haze

4) Tie between Question Asker in Toonami, any time I've rolled doctor and Mason Lightkeeper in .hack. Tbh I've forgotten most of my role in the old OC games and the old multifaction games.

5) Pretty cool, I thought I was doing pretty well before I decided to not shoot BBM for some reason. I don't role flat SK much so it was pretty novel.

6) No I just picked her because I thought it would get me an investigation role lol.

7) None I'm happily married to my one true waifu, my beloved Hitagi Senjougahara:


Yes I do have this figurine myself =3

8) So going back to my intro post, when I was still posting in "post a fact about the user above" I had a small group of friends, including bananas and Zephrion who both called me Kevin for some random reason. I wanted to change my username at the time because everyone thought it was too girly (for some reason, idk why it's girly. Even Elieson mistook me for a girl), so in a kind of tribute to them I changed it to Kevin for a while. Then I decided that was dumb and switched to Zweibel (Onion), which just didn't have the same ring to it so I switched back to kirsche. Fun fact kirsche should be capitalised but I never do as a joke to my old German teacher who always got wound up whenver people forgot to capitalise things.

9)Sorry bro I can't ever get a good picture of myself so that'll have to do.

where did the name kirsche come from anyway

I wanted a unique name for myself to be associated with. I thought taking a German word as my username would be pretty cool but I wanted something simple that was aesthetically pleasing. "kirsche" is the result.

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Ps. the Waifu thing is a joke and not to be taken seriously.


Lily > Shizune > Hanako > Emi > Kenji > Rin

Rin is just too annoying and I empathise with the whole "organising people" problems that Shizune faces. Lily is Lily.

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1. Banker more like wanker amirite?

2. I have a cousin who goes to Bath University (or at least a University in Bath).

3. What's your favourite game as scum and why is it CYOU'RE?

4. Did you vote in the Smash Ballot? If so, for who?

5. Do you trust my new face?

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1. Yeah haha selling my soul. Finance is actually pretty interesting when you get into it and I'm used to playing the villain anyway.

2. Whoa small world. There is another university in Bath, called Bath spa. It's not as prestigious as Bath though.

3. Probably PiG, though I got wayyyyy to into it and basically claimed scum to SB. I didn't get lynched for it until *ylo though somehow.

4. I voted Ice climbers because I miss them and they embody the spirit of brothers a lot. =(

5. Woah I didn't think it could get much more trustworthy than my current avatar but you nailed it.

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1. "Can I get a loan?" "claimtome first"

2. Just checked FB, he goes to Bath Spa so it's not that small~

3. Was that the game SB wanted to hand you the win to see if you'd take it? Good times. I was actually in England for that game, so it had an unusually high ratio of Brits then.

4. http://brawlinthefamily.keenspot.com/2011/08/16/355-ice-climbing/

5. Does it look so good it brings a tear to your eye?

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1. "Can I get a loan?" "claimtome first"

2. Just checked FB, he goes to Bath Spa so it's not that small~

3. Was that the game SB wanted to hand you the win to see if you'd take it? Good times. I was actually in England for that game, so it had an unusually high ratio of Brits then.

4. http://brawlinthefamily.keenspot.com/2011/08/16/355-ice-climbing/

5. Does it look so good it brings a tear to your eye?

2. I didn't say small, I said prestigious. All the cool kids go to mine B)

3. Yeah I always thought you were British but then someone said you're from Australia and I was very confused.

5. Totally. 8/8.

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1. Impressions, in and out of Mafia?

2. AFK pastimes?

3. If SF could have one feature it currently doesn't, what would you add and why?

4. What is your strongpoint?

5. What is your weakpoint?

Sorry if these are repeats.

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1. Impressions, in and out of Mafia?

2. AFK pastimes?

3. If SF could have one feature it currently doesn't, what would you add and why?

4. What is your strongpoint?

5. What is your weakpoint?

Sorry if these are repeats.

1. Is this just you or do you want the whole list done?

My impression of you in mafia is that you're a really sneaky dude super willing to backstab people, worse than me.

My impression of you outside of mafia is that you seem like a really cool and helpful dude, from stuff like making an ISO system for 2+2 and the like. I don't really talk to you much outside of a mafia setting though.

2. I play a lot of board games (not monopoly), watch a lot of anime and play a lot of video games: mostly smash, South Park:Stick of Truth and cities:skylines.

3. This is a really tough question, I might have to come back to it because I can't think of anything off the top of my head.

4. As mentioned, I think I'm fairly good at mixing up my meta as scum to try and emulate my general style of play as town (obviosuly it's not perfect lol).

5. I can become really tunnel visioned at times and tend to just cherrypick(you could say kirschepick) points to try and paint someone as scum rather than think of the evolving thought process and their motivation as scum. I blame tier list debates where I mostly debated numbers rather than mindsets.

I'm also severely timezoned challenged and my activity in a game heavily depends on when other people are active.

where is your avy from? (sorry if it has been asked.)

From Spooky's House of Jumpscares, a funny little horror game with cheery graphics that suddenly gets very dark very quick. The avatar itself is spooky, who gets more and more creepy the further through the house you get, despite her cheery appearance (to keep up with the running joke that my avatars display very trustworthy people).

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